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Official Bloodborne thread, time to die again.
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Fri, 27 Mar 2015 21:09:26
My girlfriend looks at me like I'm insane because every fight I get in I keep screaming at the Tv "DUDE....BE COOL!"

Is this appropriate?


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Sat, 28 Mar 2015 18:31:20

Snakes, why did it have to be snakes.

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Sat, 28 Mar 2015 21:35:31

This is a must watch 7 minute PvP brawl, I invaded some poor guy and what resulted was EPIC! This is like a Peter griffin against the chicken battle on family guy, it goes through the level, it’s exhausting.

Edited: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 21:37:10
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Sun, 29 Mar 2015 00:42:01
Dvader said:

This is a must watch 7 minute PvP brawl, I invaded some poor guy and what resulted was EPIC! This is like a Peter griffin against the chicken battle on family guy, it goes through the level, it’s exhausting.

Took long enough. Nyaa

I gave your video a like, a post, and a subscription. The money should start rolling in now.

You're welcome.


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Tue, 31 Mar 2015 15:01:29

Real impressions time. I guess I am half way in and I think it is safe for me to say this is not as good as Dark Souls. The world is not as impressive, it is not as interconnected. It is missing the magic of discovering some amazing places and moments. Think of that first area of DS, you have the option to go right to a much later part of the game or can figure out what to do with an elevator and hop off and carefully navigate a branch to a giant nest where a huge bird takes you away. That’s amazing and Bloodborne is lacking in moments like that. Nothing like the dragon guarding a bridge, or a hydra in a giant lake.

The lack of covenants at this point of the game is really hurting the online play. This feels like Demons souls basic online, I am rarely invaded, there doesn’t seem to be multiplayer focused areas. All the strides DS2 made in the online department was thrown out the window.

The combat is the best in the series but it’s not different enough to really make it feel totally fresh. I played as Dex classes before so this is not that different to handle.

The game is still fantastic but I can tell DS1 is still the king of the series. As of now it’s a battle between Bloodborne and DS2 for last place, I have to play the rest of it to decide.

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Wed, 01 Apr 2015 07:28:41

I just discovered this morning that my credit card was charged for a Dark Souls II (complete with expansions edition) I pre-ordered at a time I cannot remember.  If it manages to un-retire me from gaming (though strictly speaking I still play games albeit only the fitness variety) I may consider a PS4 with Bloodborne.  Oh who am I kidding, it will probably just stay shrink-wrapped on the shelf.  In fact I'd have probably have cancelled buying DSII a second time at this stage if I had remembered about it (I never managed to get into it in the first instance and back then I was hot off the trot after going platinum with Dark Souls)


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Wed, 01 Apr 2015 07:32:01
edgecrusher said:
My girlfriend looks at me like I'm insane because every fight I get in I keep screaming at the Tv "DUDE....BE COOL!"

Is this appropriate?

Girlfriends just can't stay impartial to the Souls games.  One of my best friends' ex just loathed to watch him play Dark Souls.  She even used it as part of her package of excuses for wanting to break up Grinning

His current GF can't get enough of watching him and has been trying to talk him into buying a PS4 and Bloodborne


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Wed, 01 Apr 2015 08:05:33
^ Ring worthy.


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Wed, 01 Apr 2015 09:57:29
edgecrusher said:
^ Ring worthy.

Only if she gets him the PS4 and Bloodborne herself.

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Sat, 04 Apr 2015 02:39:37

I've beaten the Cleric Beast. First try and in under five minutes. Not sure if that's impressive or not, but I now have a good idea of what I'm getting into.

By Miu Watanabe.

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Tue, 07 Apr 2015 03:02:42
Beat the game.   Best of the generation so far,  by a long shot.  Better than Dark Souls AND Demon Souls.
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Tue, 07 Apr 2015 17:46:54
DrCockAndBalls said:
Beat the game.   Best of the generation so far,  by a long shot.  Better than Dark Souls AND Demon Souls.

Disagree. Not as good as either of those. By far the shortest, most simple souls game. Full review coming later. Better than DS2.

BTW please make that image your Avatar

Edited: Tue, 07 Apr 2015 17:47:43
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Sun, 19 Apr 2015 02:49:43

Hurray for progress! Killed the Blood Starved Beast today, but somehow found myself in the Unseen Village where I am currently getting my ass KICKED!

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Sun, 19 Apr 2015 02:53:35

I have to stop jumping down from ledges. Now I'm trapped in a prison; one exit leads to a street with a huge, angry pig, another leads to sack carrying ghouls that have powerful arcane spells and another leads to a scary Beast Boss covered in electrcity...  GASP

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Wed, 22 Apr 2015 16:55:52

Didn't make it through the Unseen Village yet, but made it through my first Chalice Dungeon! Got through the Cathedral Ward and into Hemwick Charnel Lane... I have no idea how far in I am, but this is probably the longest I've stuck with a Souls-type game since the original, I think!

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Wed, 22 Apr 2015 22:49:57

A good friend of mine came over for dinner tonight and he told me he just beat the game.  He has played all previous Souls games (I think he got fed up with DSII before finishing it.)  He reckons Bloodborne is much shorter and much easier than any of the previous 3.  He played it for his first playthrough without using the wiki or any forums or anything.  He beat the final boss without realising it was the final boss.

That's a little disappointing for me but maybe it's just like that if one is a real veteran.  Oh well, still can't wait to get to play this at some point.


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Sat, 25 Apr 2015 05:29:59

I have picked this back up tonight after like a month away from it.

I'm kind of lost....I feel like I've explored most of this huge city but its like i'm going in circles. I have no idea where any bosses are or where i'm going. I just opened up a door that leads back to the main area and got a music box from a girl in a window. I guess I will go back down the ladder and through the sewer area.


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Sat, 25 Apr 2015 07:43:55

Ok I just killed the giant piggy. Came up in front of it and the fucker charged me....I said fuck this shit and ran up the ladder, the asshole still took a chunk out of me. Found a hidden area behind him with another ladder...snuck up behind and stuck my blade right up his ass. He didn't like that. Turned around and ran after me...I hid inside the alley with the ladder and he couldn't do shit but try to lunge his face into the doorway. Stabbed him a few times and he died.

Then I came across the graveyard keeper...fuckin' a what a piece of shit. He cornered me and sliced me down the first time so I had to trek all the way back there. This time I just kept dodging his attacks and hiding behind trees....waiting to strike. All was going well until he transformed...OOOOOH FUCK! I had 20 health vials and he took me to my last one before I was able to put him down. Now I finally have a new start point and was able to level up from 10 to 19. Got all my experience points back from when he killed me.

My understanding is this is the 2nd boss? I don't remember fighting any other bosses yet...can you get to them in any order?


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Sat, 25 Apr 2015 10:45:54

Some bosses are considered 'Optional' but the stuff you get for killing them is worth it. The optional one in the area you just explored is the 'Cleric Beast'. You can't do the bosses in 'any' order cause some areas just don't open up until you beat the boss of the previous area, like Father Gascoigne. Now that you've beaten him, proceed to Odeon Chapel and explore THAT area.

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Sat, 25 Apr 2015 13:16:40

Sounds good!


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