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Legend of Zelda: ALBW thread. Reviews in, MASTERPIECE.
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Fri, 20 Dec 2013 23:45:38

Thank you guys. Iga, I did not so much hate the previous Zelda's, but I'd get to a timed part in a temple and just get bored with the repetition. In OoT, I just got bored after a while. So no hate. This one seems more accesible, and seems to also have enough essense of a true Zelda game that I think it would be helpful to give it a try from an educational point of view.

Or would I be better off playing Spirit Tracks or actually going about beating OoT?

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Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:04:29
I still haven't played Spirit Tracks because of how bad Phantom Hourglass was.  I don't know if you played PH though.

If you want to play one that stands the test of time and is just damned good, go Link to the Past.  If you want one a little shorter and easier, try Minish Cap.  If you want one with good pacing and isn't too hard (but may take some time) go Twilight Princess.  One I can't categorize but is also excellent in every way and stands up is Link's Awakening.

I would avoid for your purposes
- Legend of Zelda (NES) - it's directionless and difficult, a bit dated though unique
- Link's Awakening (NES) - very hard, and not really Zelda anyway
- Oracle of Ages/Seasons - you'll get lost, there's no avoiding it. Progression is a massive pain.
- Ocarina of Time - doesn't age all that well, so controls and camera may be frustrating
- Majora's Mask - the entire game is based around time limits
- Wind Waker - You could handle this, but the boating gets tediou
- Skyward Sword - Everyone seems pretty meh on this one. Marathoned like 20 hours the first night then never touched it again, myself.
- Phantom Hourglass - it's terrible
- Spirit Tracks - same style as Phantom Hourglass


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Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:10:59

I played aboutt 30 hours into Phantom Hourglass (which informed my opinion on Zelda more than anything). It seemed like a tug-of-war like experience where for every good pull I got, I was tugged back the other way. (yes, yes joke away peanut gallery).

I have LTTP on the SNES, which is a litle intimidating. I have not tried TP. But sounds like that might be a way to go, if not just to cap my good experiences with the Wii.

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Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:11:49

I still find it hard to fathom that there are tons of gamers out there who don't enjoy the puzzles of a Zelda game.

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Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:13:18

Yoda's summary of the Zelda games is spot on.  I might add that Adventures of Link is probably one you should avoid at all costs.

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Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:16:05

Zelda II: The Adventures of Link is a real man's game, and should only be attempted by real men, with manly balls of manliness. . . . fuck the world I love that game.

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Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:18:51
robio said:

Zelda II: The Adventures of Link is a real man's game, and should only be attempted by real men, with manly balls of manliness. . . . fuck the world I love that game.


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Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:20:31
travo said:

I still find it hard to fathom that there are tons of gamers out there who don't enjoy the puzzles of a Zelda game.

There are indeed some of us that just don;t like graphic puzzles.  Give me a crossword, or something like that, then I am set.  I just don't get the maze+shape matching puzzle.  To me, it's just a time filler.

It's going to be a personality-type thing.

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Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:23:33

I find the puzzles in most Zelda games really annoy me, but I enjoyed the puzzles in 999, Tomb Raider (which should have had more) and Portal.

Edited: Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:24:12

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Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:30:26
aspro said:


That's my alt name at GS.

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Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:40:59
There are puzzles in Zelda?


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Sun, 22 Dec 2013 05:51:39
Iga_Bobovic said:

And all Zelda games have gamesfaq available if you are stuck. Aspro, do not buy it. It is still Zelda. Sure you can do the dungeons in any order you want and items are handled differently, but there are still dungeons and puzzles. If you hated the previous Zelda's move on.

Yes, reverse psychology works best.

IGA you are one evil MOFO


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Sun, 22 Dec 2013 06:06:11

I know I'm in the minority but I loved both DS Zelda games.  Phantom Hourglass was a great game.  The central dungeon which you went to several times was quite cleverly designed and it was actually nowhere near as repetitive as some people would have you think.  You went further every time and had to do very different things.  Spirit Tracks was even better.  Some of the dungeons were incredible.  I understand some people hating the train travel and lack of freedom to explore every inch of the overworld.  I looked at that as a sort of mini-game and didn't let it bother me or distract me from the rest of the game.

Link to the Past is great even though there are some obscure things you have to do close to the end of the game (to get the super bombs and super bow) ... or maybe I just wasn't playing attention.  I played the GBA re-issue but I think that was exactly the same game as on the SNES right?

There's 4 Zelda games on my 3DS right now which I want to play: Link between Worlds and Link's Adventure DX, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons which I downloaded from the eshop


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Sun, 22 Dec 2013 06:21:41
aspro said:
travo said:

I still find it hard to fathom that there are tons of gamers out there who don't enjoy the puzzles of a Zelda game.

There are indeed some of us that just don;t like graphic puzzles.  Give me a crossword, or something like that, then I am set.  I just don't get the maze+shape matching puzzle.  To me, it's just a time filler.

It's going to be a personality-type thing.

And Zelda games are build around this type of puzzles. Stop with trying to put a square keg in a round hole. Move on and play something you actually like. Who cares if this game is GoTY or even game of the century?! You like what you like. Play that instead and stop wasting your own time!
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Sun, 22 Dec 2013 16:10:21
Okay. I have chosen the worst possible Lorule dungeon to start in Hero's mode. The ice dungeon. I do not have an upgraded sword. Not a lot of hearts. And no armour upgrade. A single hit from an most enemies will kill you in one shot. So me with 3 fearies in bottles, means I have 3 hits before game over.

So brutal and so much fun. The boss was a bitch too. But I did it.

The order the dungeons are not fully arbritary. You need to do the dungeon in the thieves town before you do the desert dungeon. You need the sandrod. And you need to free that sage dude to get it.

I want a new shield. So turtle rock is next.
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Sun, 22 Dec 2013 17:16:11
And another dungeon falls before the mighty Iga. Turtle Rock is done. What??! Enemies that kill you in 3 hits? So easy. Only the boss gave me some trouble. Next up! I do not know yet. Will decide tomorrow!
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Mon, 23 Dec 2013 06:46:15
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Mon, 23 Dec 2013 15:51:00
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Thu, 26 Dec 2013 14:39:35
travo said:

The dude you see before you enter the first dungeon. He claims no harm will be done to him because he has the Sandrod. The thing is, that the rod only works when there is sand present. There is no sand in the first dungeon, so the thing is useless there. And he is supposed to be a sage. Dumbasses all of them!
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Thu, 26 Dec 2013 14:40:40
Finished the game 100 % in Hero's mode. Will give my final thought about this game later.
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