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Legend of Zelda: ALBW thread. Reviews in, MASTERPIECE.
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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 00:18:01

Zelda 2 was also epic.

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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 00:23:18
robio said:

Zelda 2 was also epic.

It was meh for Zelda, I think both PH and Zelda 2 are great games. But they round up the bottom of the all time Zelda greats.

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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 00:28:44

I still say Minish Cap is the bottom of the Zelda barrell.

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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 06:46:43

Personally the only Zelda I think I could never play (and I did try on a few occasions) is the original NES Legend of Zelda.  Probably Zelda II as well though I never even tried it.

I am sure the original is a great game if it managed to establish and blueprint a franchise like that.  I am just too old and don't have enough time to be bombing every piss of wall until I find an opening and other obtuse stuff like that.  Yeah, I know ... I need me some handholding!

As for the oft maligned Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks and Minish Cap ... I really enjoyed and loved all three of them.  

I really can't wait for Link Between Worlds to arrive.  This is such an incredible franchise, I wonder if young gamers these days know how much they owe to it.  And it all started because Miyamoto had fond memories of exploring in the countryside and spelunking when he was a child and wanted to share that childlike sense of wonder.  What an incredible man.


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Wed, 27 Nov 2013 11:48:20
bugsonglass said:

Personally the only Zelda I think I could never play (and I did try on a few occasions) is the original NES Legend of Zelda.  Probably Zelda II as well though I never even tried it.


I did try Zelda 2, wtf was that abomination?

robio said:

I still say Minish Cap is the bottom of the Zelda barrell.

That was a great game, better than the DS ones.

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Fri, 29 Nov 2013 03:40:03

Just finished Zelda; ALBW and I must say that I stand by my previous statement that this is the best Zelda since probably OoT.  Everything in this game is done so well that even the cons it has are outweighed by the positives.  As an example, while the dungeons are short, the are incredibly designed.  While none of the Zelda games have ever been really challenging(save for the NES titles) this is the most difficult one we've seen in years.  The pacing is borderline perfect, and any downtime to the pacing is done strictly by the players decision, like maiamai hunting which I actually found to be quite enjoyable.  When all is said, I truly can find next to nothing to fault this game on, and I really do see it as one of the best Zelda games ever made in it's 25+ year history.  GOTY?  A contender, at least.  Portable GOTY? For me, no question that it is.  I will be starting Hero Mode next.

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Fri, 29 Nov 2013 11:39:21

I still haven't started Fire Emblem.

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Fri, 29 Nov 2013 12:33:47

I want to play this game so badly.  My copy was supposed to arrive on or before November 27.  Yeah right, I'll be lucky if it comes in the next week.


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Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:12:55

Okay I finished the first dungeon. The first dungeon was okay, the boss battle was okay too. Some fun puzzles that used 3D in fun ways. The puzzles are clearly inspired by LttP, with finding switches on a floor to step on, killing all enemies and hitting orbs with arrows. But is is more 3D, not just the graphics, but stuff move up and down. There are various height levels in a single room, kinda makes the stereoscopic kinda 3D handy. After beating the first boss and unlocking Link's special ability! The dungeon becomes 10 times more interesting. The outside of the dungeon matters now. And it is not just a ability you can use one special occasion, like the spider ball on metal tracks in Metroid Prime. No you can use it everywhere, like the spider ball in Metroid 2 Nyaa

I also like that the game is not linear. This will greatly increase the replay value. Not sure about the renting system, yet. I rented all the items available to me and it is fun messing around with them and exploring the map, but I kinda miss finding the items in the dungeon. Surely the can do a Zelda game with non linear progression and having items in the dungeon. Cannot wait to play more.

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Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:19:37
Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay I finished the first dungeon. The first dungeon was okay, the boss battle was okay too. Some fun puzzles that used 3D in fun ways. The puzzles are clearly inspired by LttP, with finding switches on a floor to step on, killing all enemies and hitting orbs with arrows. But is is more 3D, not just the graphics, but stuff move up and down. There are various height levels in a single room, kinda makes the stereoscopic kinda 3D handy. After beating the first boss and unlocking Link's special ability! The dungeon becomes 10 times more interesting. The outside of the dungeon matters now. And it is not just a ability you can use one special occasion, like the spider ball on metal tracks in Metroid Prime. No you can use it everywhere, like the spider ball in Metroid 2 Nyaa

I also like that the game is not linear. This will greatly increase the replay value. Not sure about the renting system, yet. I rented all the items available to me and it is fun messing around with them and exploring the map, but I kinda miss finding the items in the dungeon. Surely the can do a Zelda game with non linear progression and having items in the dungeon. Cannot wait to play more.

You hadn't even thought about having a 3DS when I ordered this game and you're playing it before I do.  I hate you, that's all!


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Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:52:44
Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay I finished the first dungeon. The first dungeon was okay, the boss battle was okay too. Some fun puzzles that used 3D in fun ways. The puzzles are clearly inspired by LttP, with finding switches on a floor to step on, killing all enemies and hitting orbs with arrows. But is is more 3D, not just the graphics, but stuff move up and down. There are various height levels in a single room, kinda makes the stereoscopic kinda 3D handy. After beating the first boss and unlocking Link's special ability! The dungeon becomes 10 times more interesting. The outside of the dungeon matters now. And it is not just a ability you can use one special occasion, like the spider ball on metal tracks in Metroid Prime. No you can use it everywhere, like the spider ball in Metroid 2 Nyaa

I also like that the game is not linear. This will greatly increase the replay value. Not sure about the renting system, yet. I rented all the items available to me and it is fun messing around with them and exploring the map, but I kinda miss finding the items in the dungeon. Surely the can do a Zelda game with non linear progression and having items in the dungeon. Cannot wait to play more.

They did.  It was called The Legend of Zelda cheeky

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Fri, 29 Nov 2013 19:56:50
bugsonglass said:

You hadn't even thought about having a 3DS when I ordered this game and you're playing it before I do.  I hate you, that's all!

Let the hatred consume you. Let is consume your very soul! Mwahahahahahahahah

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Fri, 29 Nov 2013 20:46:29
bugsonglass said:

Personally the only Zelda I think I could never play (and I did try on a few occasions) is the original NES Legend of Zelda.  Probably Zelda II as well though I never even tried it.

I am sure the original is a great game if it managed to establish and blueprint a franchise like that.  I am just too old and don't have enough time to be bombing every piss of wall until I find an opening and other obtuse stuff like that.  Yeah, I know ... I need me some handholding!

I finished the original Zelda for the first time a few years ago. I was expecting it to be very hard, but it wasn't really. Harder than the new Zelda games, but not by that much. If you ever decide to try it again, be sure to use the map. The original NES cartridge came with this exact map, which has a lot of useful hints. Without it, I probably would not have finished the game. If you look closely at the map, there are question marks at certain locations. Bombs may prove to be very useful in many of these areas.

Edited: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 05:45:01

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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 05:29:19

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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 05:35:29


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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 12:28:53
Ravenprose said:

I finished the original Zelda for the first time a few years ago. I was expecting it to be very hard, but it wasn't really. Harder than the new Zelda games, but not by that much. If you ever decide to try it again, be sure to use the map. The original NES cartridge came with this exact map, which has a lot of useful hints. Without it, I probably would not have finished the game. If you look closely at the map, there are question marks at certain locations. Bombs may prove to be very useful in many of these areas.

I didn't know this.  That's so cool.  Another great innovation from this series which I was unaware of (or maybe I forgot about it).  If I overcome my allergy to NES games at some point in the future it will be one of the ones I'll be looking to play, and I'll sure as hell be making use of that map.


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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 14:03:28

Back in 1988, my friend bought Zelda one day, and showed me the shiny gold cartridge and that fold-out map. My jaw dropped. At that time, I only had my Atari 2600, so it made quite an an impression on me that I will never forget. Happy

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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 14:19:49
Ravenprose said:

Back in 1988, my friend bought Zelda one day, and showed me the shiny gold cartridge and that fold-out map. My jaw dropped. At that time, I only had my Atari 2600, so it made quite an an impression on me that I will never forget. Happy

It traumatised you so badly that you've never been able to overcome your 2600.  Now we know what caused that!


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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 14:23:46

That fold out map felt so special.  It really helped to make me feel like an adventurer.

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Sat, 30 Nov 2013 14:27:52

I'd love a game to come with a fold-out map again. I remember staring at that thing wondering why it looked like I should be able to go to the top right corner of the game screen, and yet couldn't. Then finally figuring out the trick and being rewarded with

200 mutha fucking rupees!!!!!!!!!

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