phantom_leo said:Cooper mentioned he didn't like the characters. I disagree!
I'd like to clearify by saying it was the story I wasn't concerned about. I don't think I could create a proper summary of the plot; I just wanted to see War tear people apart. The characters I did enjoy, as far as their designs and personalities go; I just didn't care about their roles within the plot. The final boss was epic, though. It felt like a delicious combination of Solidus Snake (MGS2), and Sephiroth (FF7).
Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom
Coopersville said:phantom_leo said:Cooper mentioned he didn't like the characters. I disagree!It felt like a delicious combination of Solidus Snake (MGS2), and Sephiroth (FF7).
Spoiler: Really? I kinda thought he resembled Ganondorf more than anything else!
Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom
The first 10 minutes I was enjoying the action but I felt like the rest was going to disappoint. But as I got deeper into the dungeon and once I found the new item, this game's boomerang (which is a like a giant ninja star), then it took off. You had plenty of locked paths where you had to enter giant rooms with large intricate switches and platforming and minor puzzles to solve just to find a key. The dungeons had hidden treasures, it had a map that you can find and an item that lets you locate these treasures just like a Zelda game. There were these little sticky bomb things which you can grab and throw, clearly the bomb plants of the game, but I like grabbing and throwing them like a man rather than holding them over your head and throwing them like a sissy girl like Link does. Lots of the puzzles revolved around lighting the sticky bombs with fire using the boomerang, which is something Zelda has done in the past. So yeah I was very impressed with the dungeon design, and it did take me a good hour and a half to get through it. I was shocked, they did it, it felt like Zelda. So few games are Zelda like that I ignore people when they say a game is cause the majority of the time it doesn't feel like it, this game does.
And while you are doing this dungeon exploration you got lots of good combat. You know the wimpy bats in Zelda, well in this game they are giant flaming bats the size of your character that spit out giant fire balls. You can kill them the same way, by throwing the boomerang at them but one is a viscous creature and the other is a nuisance. The boss fight was a pattern fight much like Zelda but with the dangers of an action games boss fight. I actually died once which is more than the entire game of Wind Waker.
On the bad side, it doesn't seemed as polished as a Zelda or GoW, it's a bit on the ugly side but who cares. The combat is not as good as a GoW, the dungeon design and puzzles are not as good as a Zelda. It may not be the masterpiece those two games are but that is not the point, this combination has not been done before until now and it works. There is still a lot I have to see, the overworld and how the game progresses. Also how does it hold up for the full length, and how long is it? But I want it, I don't know when I will get it cause of my money situation but I will get it.
Thanks to everyone that told me about this game, if this demo never came out I was still going to end up buying/renting it cause of you guys, if not for that I could have missed out.
Dvader said:Why does gaf hate the demo. I am confused.
Collectively speaking, GAF can be kinda dumb. I think a lot of people decided to hate it for being derivative without stopping to ask themselves whether or not it was still fun.

Dvader said:I hope this game puts a fire under Zelda's ass to do something different. The combat is way better than Zelda, Zelda has been doing the same thing for over 10 years now so this new one needs to wow us. I expect something as weird as Metroid Other M, not saying for it to be like it but to be as big a departure as Metroid is to it's Prime games.
Motionplus, fool.
gamingeek said:Dvader said:I hope this game puts a fire under Zelda's ass to do something different. The combat is way better than Zelda, Zelda has been doing the same thing for over 10 years now so this new one needs to wow us. I expect something as weird as Metroid Other M, not saying for it to be like it but to be as big a departure as Metroid is to it's Prime games.Motionplus, fool.
I know that, I want more changes than "now you can move your sword 1 to 1". The actual structure of the game needs a change, it still needs an overworld and dungeons but enough of the handholding and linear paths.
Dvader said:gamingeek said:Dvader said:I hope this game puts a fire under Zelda's ass to do something different. The combat is way better than Zelda, Zelda has been doing the same thing for over 10 years now so this new one needs to wow us. I expect something as weird as Metroid Other M, not saying for it to be like it but to be as big a departure as Metroid is to it's Prime games.Motionplus, fool.
I know that, I want more changes than "now you can move your sword 1 to 1". The actual structure of the game needs a change, it still needs an overworld and dungeons but enough of the handholding and linear paths.
I kinda like Zelda the way it is, I wouldn't mind a slight change in structure but I dont think a wholesale overhaul is neccesary.
I have a feeling that whatever nintendo do with zelda and motionplus this year will be copied by other games for years to come. People are still using Z-lock and C-cameras.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThat doesn't look right when I think about it.

Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Darksiders feels like it was made by a group of guys who just love playing games. Mad! and his team did say that all they wanted to do was make a game that they would play and for the fans of their favorite action/adventure games.
Does Nintendo feel the same way when they're making Zelda? Are they making a game that they'd think it'd be fun, for the casuals, or like what Darksiders team did, for the fans?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Yodariquo said:It's notable that if there is infact a 1:1 component to the swordplay, then that fundamentally changes the gameplay. You really couldn't do that and keep the same combat--it wouldn't make any sense.
The combat will be different, I don't think the combat is the only thing that should be changed.
And Ask, I hate the idea of 1st person fighting, but you never know, it could work. I would rather it not happen though.
ASK_Story said:Also, back to Darksiders having better combat than Zelda, I agree.
Darksiders feels like it was made by a group of guys who just love playing games. Mad! and his team did say that all they wanted to do was make a game that they would play and for the fans of their favorite action/adventure games.
Does Nintendo feel the same way when they're making Zelda? Are they making a game that they'd think it'd be fun, for the casuals, or like what Darksiders team did, for the fans?
Nintendo is making the best game possible that appeals to everyone, that is why Zelda is not that hard anymore, that is why it kind of plays it safe. But lately Nintendo has been coming out of its shell, Galaxy 2 looks more wild and harder than the first. Metroid is co-developed by Team Ninja and they don't make easy games. Maybe just maybe we may get a Zelda game that is challenging.
One life, one heart, no continues, one strike kills you. If you lose, the game fries itself inside your Wii, rendering both game and system unusable, then it expels deadly spores through the disc slot that kill the sperm inside your balls, turning you sterile, so your flawed offspring won't pollute the surface of the earth playing wimpy games.
That's hardcore.
SteelAttack said:One life, one heart, no continues, one strike kills you. If you lose, the game fries itself inside your Wii, rendering both game and system unusable, then it expels deadly spores through the disc slot that kill the sperm inside your balls, turning you sterile, so your flawed offspring won't pollute the surface of the earth playing wimpy games.
That's hardcore.
I'm dying here.
SteelAttack said:One life, one heart, no continues, one strike kills you. If you lose, the game fries itself inside your Wii, rendering both game and system unusable, then it expels deadly spores through the disc slot that kill the sperm inside your balls, turning you sterile, so your flawed offspring won't pollute the surface of the earth playing wimpy games.
That's hardcore.
Steel needs to be bored more often.