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Are you a Mainstream Whore or a Niche Nerd? Time to line up for the TEST
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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 11:32:31

10: The Mainstream Whore

You think Halo and GTA are the greatest games ever, you refuse to touch anything that doesn't explode things in a big way or feature high definition graphics or have online modes. You only buy the biggest releases with the most hype. You frequently play shooting games online, yelling "Fuck yeah" when you bazooka some guy in the ass. You loathe handhelds, ewwwwwwwwwwww.

9: The three quaters dressed whore

8: The half nekkid whore

You buy the biggest games with the most hype and spend the rest of your time scouring bargain bins for other mainstream games you are too poor to buy at launch. Occasionally when they have hobo prices and as a last resort, you pick up a niche game and find it suprisingly enjoyble.

7: The regretful whore

You buy mainstream games for the most part, but dabble in the arcane arts of niche. You would like to be more niche but dont like the odds or gamble. You know what you like and you stick to it.

6: The almost perfect gamer

5: The perfect gamer

You play both niche and mainstream games, regardless of genre or graphics. You enjoy the good games and buy by review. You are a good person and should be commended. Your mother always said you were a nice boy.

4: The niche, cool guy

You buy 70% niche, 30% mainstream. For you, you like mainstream games but they're starting to feel too similar and you've started branching out into the more innovative, cooler experiences. To you it doesn't matter if you're popular you plough your own field.

3: The handheld aficianado

You buy the niche games with the best reviews and spend the rest of your time scouring bargain bins for other niche games you are too poor to buy at launch. Occasionally when they have hobo prices and as a last resort, you pick up a mainstream game and find it suprisingly enjoyble.

2: The less snobby nerd

1: The Niche Nerd

You refuse to buy anything mainstream, you would spit on Mario and Sonic, pee on Gears of War. To you, the mainstream whore guys are philistines living in a byegone era. You hate repetion and constantly seek out new experiences. You are a snob, you think you're cultured but you're not. You import Japanese games even when you can't understand the language. You are, a niche nerd.

Edited: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 11:42:28

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 11:48:19
i'm between 3 and 4 i think.  i'm not a good person


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 11:58:50
I'm somewhere between 6 and 4. Nyaa

I can enjoy both Madworld and GTA....well unless GTA sucks like IV did.

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 12:00:47
If you dont pick a single number you are ZERO - Asshole of the forever.

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 12:49:37
SAHA! ...About six.

By Miu Watanabe.

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 13:35:12
I'm a regretful whore. LOL
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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 13:38:35
I'll tell you I was never more miserable then when I was in my Niche Nerd Mode a couple years back.  I avoided nearly everything that was a sequel or well known.  These days I'm pretty much between 3 and 4 and steadily working my way back into the mainstream, though WiiWare keeps supplying me with a steady stream of weird crap that couldn't get a mainstream release to save it's life.
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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 14:49:04

I'm number 7 - a regretful whore although I'm neither regretful nor do I have a desire to be more niche. I know what I like and can pretty much tell if I'll like something before playing it whether it's mainstream or niche.


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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:19:10

I'm 4.

Once we have all the people decided, lets move on to part 2, how we rate each other. That will be fun!

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:31:14

I am

0) You have no money, so you can just look at the games. Niche or Mainstream it does not matter for you, because you won't play either of them, pussy Sad

Steel is

-10) You buy all sorts of games, but you never finish any of them. You useless twat!

Fedora is

over 9000) Mainstream, niche, pony luv, it does not matter, she will beat all that is put in front of her. She will not change her facial expression before, during and after she beats a game.

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 16:06:56

I'm 7 mostly mainstream but I stick to what I like. And yeah I sure love that bargin bin. Happy

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 18:03:58

I love how no one wants to be a 10 or 1. Except Robio who admitted to his nerdness.

Praise be lonely man.

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 18:21:19
I'm a  6 or 7. I've played and enjoyed many niche titles like Ouendan 1&2, Endless Ocean, World of Goo, Lost Winds, Pikmin 1&2, Animal Crossing, Pilotwings, Chibi Robo and many others, but I probably lean more toward mainstream. I've very picky about what games I will buy. My time and money are very limited, so I refuse to buy a game just because others (including reviewers) like it; it must appeal to me first. I've played videogames for over 30 years now, and I can tell with a great deal of accuracy which games I will like and which ones I won't. 
Edited: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 18:24:25

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 18:29:02

gamingeek said:

I love how no one wants to be a 10 or 1. Except Robio who admitted to his nerdness.

Praise be lonely man.


Well I could lie and say I'm a 10 or a 1 if that'll make you feel any better. Nyaa


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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 18:34:20

Well in theoretical case where I have money and time, than I am a 5. I do not care if a game is mainstream or not. I do not believe "I know what I like BS", if you don't try you can never be sure. Heck I brought games from genres I never liked, because the reviews and recommendations were good. I brought World of Goo, without really knowing what it was about. I think the terms mainstream and niche are hollow terms in my opinion. What used to be mainstream once (platformers) can be niche next.

I do shy way from games like Pokemon, Animal Crossing and MMO's, but that is because I do not have the time to play them. If I had I would have brought them.

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 18:45:48

Iga_Bobovic said:

I do not believe "I know what I like BS", if you don't try you can never be sure. Heck I brought games from genres I never liked, because the reviews and recommendations were good. I brought World of Goo, without really knowing what it was about.

 Well, I've bought a lot of games over the years that did not appeal to me, but others have said they were "teh awesome!!!" or they got fantastic reviews; so I bought them, and hated them. You can believe what you want, but I do know what I like. I've been doing this for a very long time. I won't buy a mainstream or a niche game based solely upon other peoples opinions; it must appeal to me first.

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 18:49:41

LOL How hard is it to choose just one number damnit! You want 0.5 increments?

Ravenprose said:
I'm a  6 or 7. I've played and enjoyed many niche titles like Ouendan 1&2, Endless Ocean, World of Goo, Lost Winds, Pikmin 1&2, Animal Crossing, Pilotwings, Chibi Robo and many others, but I probably lean more toward mainstream. I've very picky about what games I will buy. My time and money are very limited, so I refuse to buy a game just because others (including reviewers) like it; it must appeal to me first. I've played videogames for over 30 years now, and I can tell with a great deal of accuracy which games I will like and which ones I won't.

How old are you. Are you my father?


Archangel3371 said:

Well I could lie and say I'm a 10 or a 1 if that'll make you feel any better. Nyaa

It's not a lie if you tell me its a lie in advance. Then it's messing with my mind.  

Iga_Bobovic said:

I do not believe "I know what I like BS", if you don't try you can never be sure. Heck I brought games from genres I never liked, because the reviews and recommendations were good. I brought World of Goo, without really knowing what it was about.  

That's an important point, I have bought games, in fact I do buy games based on reviews and reccomendations. I gamble all the time, I gambled on an insect game recentely. I like being suprised. If I'm disappointed I use ebay and recoup my losses.
Archangel3371 said:

I'm number 7 - a regretful whore although I'm neither regretful nor do I have a desire to be more niche. I know what I like and can pretty much tell if I'll like something before playing it whether it's mainstream or niche.

A Regretful Whore without the regret......... is just a whore? So aren't you an 8? You half nekkid sexay man thing.

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 18:57:01

gamingeek said:

LOL How hard is it to choose just one number damnit! You want 0.5 increments?

Yes. I'm a 6.5 then. Happy

gamingeek said:
Ravenprose said:
I'm a  6 or 7. I've played and enjoyed many niche titles like Ouendan 1&2, Endless Ocean, World of Goo, Lost Winds, Pikmin 1&2, Animal Crossing, Pilotwings, Chibi Robo and many others, but I probably lean more toward mainstream. I've very picky about what games I will buy. My time and money are very limited, so I refuse to buy a game just because others (including reviewers) like it; it must appeal to me first. I've played videogames for over 30 years now, and I can tell with a great deal of accuracy which games I will like and which ones I won't.

How old are you. Are you my father?


 I'm 35. I played my first video game in 1979.

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 19:01:12

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

LOL How hard is it to choose just one number damnit! You want 0.5 increments?

Yes. I'm a 6.5 then. Happy

How old are you. Are you my father?


I'm 35. I played my first video game in 1979.

So you played your first game at 5? I can't even remember how old I was when I started gaming. I think my first game was Duck Hunt. What year was that?

Anyhow, another example of game gambling is the World Ends with you. I have no idea if I will like it, I barely have any concept of what kind of game it is. I hear its some sort of unconventional RPG. But its got rave reviews and great consumer feedback, so I have to try it. I don't know why anyone wouldn't have to, at some point. (assuming they own the platform)

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 19:07:53
I'm 33, and younger than Raven who probably has gray hair on his nether regions. LOL

Do we even have a type 1 Niche Nerd?

Edit: VGPress eating my posts.
Edited: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 19:11:38
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