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Best Games of the Decade
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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 13:49:39

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

"Bioshock is one of those games that is paced so well that it is never boring for the 12+ hours it takes to play."

It is true. It is a fetch quest, but nicely paced. Facepalm yourself for not liking it, bitch.


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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 21:24:33

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:
So only 20 to go, I think you guys can start filling in the top 20. Guess.


1. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
2. Resident Evil 4
3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
4. Metal Gear Solid 4
5. Metal Gear Solid 3
6. Metroid Prime
7. LittleBigPlanet
8. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
9. Super Mario Galaxy
10. Phantasy Star Online
11. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
12. Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic
13. Resident Evil Code Veronica
14. Half-Life 2
15. Metal Gear Solid 2
16. Okami
17. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
18. Uncharted 2
19. Metroid Prime 3
20. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Holy crap... do you want to finish up the list for me. The order is slightly off and Soul Reaver was 99, so not on the list. You are missing one.

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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:44:43
Dvader said:  

Holy crap... do you want to finish up the list for me. The order is slightly off and Soul Reaver was 99, so not on the list. You are missing one.

Bah, nobody cares about the PS1 version.  Hmmmmmm.  I have one game left for the 20th man:

Dvader said:  

So fallout 3 is freaking awesome!!!!!!!! The game keeps getting better, each area feels new, not copy pasted.

That's 8 exclamation marks good.  Oh, and fine.  Wind Waker is probably below Metroid Prime 3 and Uncharted 2, with Metroid and Uncharted flipped.
Edited: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:45:22


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:48:44

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:  

Holy crap... do you want to finish up the list for me. The order is slightly off and Soul Reaver was 99, so not on the list. You are missing one.

Bah, nobody cares about the PS1 version.  Hmmmmmm.  I have one game left for the 20th man:

Dvader said:  

So fallout 3 is freaking awesome!!!!!!!! The game keeps getting better, each area feels new, not copy pasted.

That's 8 exclamation marks good.  Oh, and fine.  Wind Waker is probably below Metroid Prime 3 and Uncharted 2, with Metroid and Uncharted flipped.

Damn you!!!!

You still have the order wrong but damn you got the whole list.

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Thu, 17 Dec 2009 01:42:05

Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:  

Holy crap... do you want to finish up the list for me. The order is slightly off and Soul Reaver was 99, so not on the list. You are missing one.

Bah, nobody cares about the PS1 version.  Hmmmmmm.  I have one game left for the 20th man:

Dvader said:  

So fallout 3 is freaking awesome!!!!!!!! The game keeps getting better, each area feels new, not copy pasted.

That's 8 exclamation marks good.  Oh, and fine.  Wind Waker is probably below Metroid Prime 3 and Uncharted 2, with Metroid and Uncharted flipped.

Damn you!!!!

You still have the order wrong but damn you got the whole list.

LOL Yoda freaks me out.

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Thu, 17 Dec 2009 02:05:33

SteelAttack said:

Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:  

Holy crap... do you want to finish up the list for me. The order is slightly off and Soul Reaver was 99, so not on the list. You are missing one.

Bah, nobody cares about the PS1 version.  Hmmmmmm.  I have one game left for the 20th man:

Dvader said:  

So fallout 3 is freaking awesome!!!!!!!! The game keeps getting better, each area feels new, not copy pasted.

That's 8 exclamation marks good.  Oh, and fine.  Wind Waker is probably below Metroid Prime 3 and Uncharted 2, with Metroid and Uncharted flipped.

Damn you!!!!

You still have the order wrong but damn you got the whole list.

LOL Yoda freaks me out.

He probably did some internal vgpress search for how many times I mentioned a certain game, pulled up all the stats, compiled it into a spreadsheet, came up with some formula and then deduced my list.

Or he just went by my best games ever list and reviews. Nyaa

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Thu, 17 Dec 2009 11:01:43

Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:

Damn you!!!!

You still have the order wrong but damn you got the whole list.

Yoda says you talk in your sleep.

Also that your nude hairy body gave him a full body rash.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 00:40:46

Here is the finale, these are the best of the best. They inlcudemy GOTY award winners and many are my favorite games of all time.


20. Metal Gear Solid 2

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Boxshot

This game has the unfortunate tag of disappointment. To many MGS2 did not live up to the hype nor did it exceed the first MGS game. Because of that I think this title gets a very bad rap when it does not deserve too as it is still one of the best games of this decade. The gameplay additions were huge, aiming in first person took the combat to another level. It might not have had as good collection of bosses or gameplay situations as the first game but it still crafts an excellent action experience.

19. Uncharted 2

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Boxshot

As you know by now this is my GOTY, it is one of those sequels that improves on every aspect and leaves me wondering how will they ever top this. The single player campaign is a breathtaking non-stop adrenaline rush thrill ride, sounds like a summer movie review, well that is cause this game captures the feel of a summer movie. The train ride in particular is one of the standout setpieces of the decade. It does not stop there cause U2 offers an online mode that has as much depth as some of the best FPSs.

18. Okami

Okami Boxshot

I have said many times that no other developers even attempt to make a Zelda like game, finally Kamiya and his group at Capcom took the challenge. The result is one of the best games to come out on the PS2. It may not have the dungeon/level design of a Zelda game, nor the heavy focus on puzzles but it nails the large engrossing world that you slowly explore. The combat is fast and fluid, in ****c Capcom fashion the bosses are gigantic and memorable. It is a massive game rivaling the size of a Zelda game, with nearly the same amount of secrets to uncover. Best Zelda like game to ever come out that is not Zelda.

17. Resident Evil: Code Veronica

Resident Evil Code: Veronica Boxshot

The true sequel to RE2, RE3 was a disappointing game in the series but CV quickly put it back on track. Quite possibly the longest of the old school RE games CV takes you through an unforgettable journey through some of the freakiest locations in RE history. This game was fully in 3D which gave it a unique look, one I still enjoy to this day. This is the old RE formula at the top of it's game. Oh and it brings back Wesker.

16. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Boxshot

Well this title was divisive to the Zelda community. Some swear by this game, they love the art ****and the unique nature of thewater world. Others, like myself, see it as the one 3D Zelda that kind of stands apart cause it was too easy, the dungeons weren't as interesting and the sailing stuff is not as fun as riding a horse. But it's Zelda, it still provides an epic game experience. It is easily one of the best games of this decade, just not as good as some other Zelda games.

15. Fallout 3

Fallout 3 Boxshot

Take the Oblivion formula, add guns and a more focused quest and you get Fallout 3. As much as I loved Oblivion I felt at times like it was just cutting and pasting the same locations over and over, once you entered one cave you kind of have seen them all. Fallout 3 feels like every area in the world is unique. The main story is far more focused which I feel provides a better experience. It may not have that same wealth of options and freedom of Oblivion but I feel this is a better crafted game.One of the very best RPGs ever.

14. Metroid Prime 3

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Boxshot

The triumphant part 3, when the sequel isa bit of a let down but then the following sequel brings everything you loved about the origianl back and then some. That is MP3. Now I don't think it is as good as MP1, this one is a tad more linear and action focused but it is right up there with the best of this decade.It has a great mix of locations to visit, like the beautiful sky planet. It also has some of the most bad ass moments in the series like an epic battle with Ridley.

13. Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2 Boxshot

The greatest first person shooter of all time. To me this is like the RE4 of FPS, yes I know HL2 came out a few months before but I played RE4 first. What I mean by that is theconstant changing of set pieces from one location to the next. You are never doing the same thing twice, every new areas brings about a new situation whether it be escaping a zombie town with a gravity gun or air boat chase sequence or traversing a bug nest, this game is constantly providing excitement. A masterpiece, when someone claims this as their game of the decade I have no issue with it, totally deserving.

12. Phantasy Star Online

Phantasy Star Online Boxshot

The most addicting game I have ever played, I lost my soul to this game. Every single night after school I would hop on and play past the am. It is a simple concept, an online dungeon crawler where you try to find the rarest of items and build your character to be the ultimate badass. It was executed perfectly, it hada certain balance to the difficulty and how often a rare item would show up that made you want to continue to play even after you have played the four levels tons of times. Sadly no PS game since has matched that balance.

11. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Boxshot

What a game, what an improvement over GTA3. It added so many new gameplay tweaks and opened up the world to owning parts of the city. The setting is the best in the series, what beats 1980's Miami, nothing. The soundtrack is legendary I could just ride around for hours listening to the radio. Excellent storyline and voice acting which stars Ray Liotta nuff said.

Edited: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 00:44:16
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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 00:43:52

10. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Boxshot

THE Star Wars game. This was my first real foray into the WRPG, I had never played a Bioware game before. The combat was this semi real time system that made for such great battles. The interaction with characters was beyond anything I had played before, your choices impacted the storyline in drastic ways allowing for second playthrough that is very different from the first. Above all it made you feel like a Jedi, games like Jedi Knight or Unleashed only showcase the "I am a badass with super powers" angle but this game covers the whole moral code of the Jedi Knight as well.It also so happens to have one of the best storylines in the Star Wars universe.

9. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Boxshot

The features list of this title seemed like some GTA fans insane fantasy, somehow it became true. The developers went totally nuts and said lets put everything into this game. I can only imagine what the development meetings were like: "Hey I say we put in character building, you know like make them fat if they eat to much or big if they lift weights. Oh and lets add stealth elements which can be used in robbery missions.A full fledged casino would be great. This game needs bikes, and giant mountains which you can ride your bike off, hmm but that would kill you UNLESS you had a parachute! Why stop there lets add a freaking jetpack! And fighter planes! And lets not make one city lets make an entire state that is three times the size of Vice City!!!" And the devs actually said "lets do it".

8. Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy Boxshot

Something was missing from the 3D Mario's, they felt more like mission based collecting games than a presicion based platformer like it's 2D brethren. In comes Galaxywhich manages to capture that magic that the 2D Mario's had and puts into 3D like no game has ever done. The playing it safe Nintendo that we had been getting used to was no where to be found, this game screamed of wild imagination this is the Nintendo I grew up with. Galaxy is the finest 3D platformer of all time and it really isn't close.

7. LittleBigPlanet

LittleBigPlanet Boxshot

Mario is the best platformer, LBP is not just a platformer, just want to clear that up before there is any confusion. One of the best ideas of this decade and one I hope that spreads to other genres (yes I know this is happening on PC). This isn't simply a game that so happens to have a level editor in it too. It is not a game that so happens to have a mod community supporting it. It is a game where every single aspect is built around the concept that you will be creating levels, that you will be sharing them and playing them with others. The single player is built around this, the menus is built around it, the purpose of the game is to provide us with the platform in which to play and share each others creations. The LBP community is unlike anything out there, they have gone far bast the simple platformers and have created SHUMPS, Contra clones, puzzle games,sports games, music levels, it has it all. It is the game that keeps on giving, one year later and hundreds of thousands of levels later the game keeps evolving, the new water pack is coming soon. It is hard to place this game cause the developers just need to create the foundation and let us do the rest of the work. I think the concept is the best of this decade.

6. Metroid Prime

Metroid Prime Boxshot

Metroid Prime was the first game of last gen that made me go "holy crap, this gen has arrived". I was not a big Metroid fan, not that I didn't like the games, I just never played them. I only played the original and that was ancient compared to Super Metroid. So MP was my first real dip into the Metroid formula and what an experience it was. This is like the action version of a Zelda game. There is no overworld , no towns to explore, the entire game is like one big dungeon and inside are tons of items and powerups that slowly open this dungeon up. Few games have ever blown me away quite like this one.

5. Metal Gear Solid 3

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Boxshot

Interchange this game with MGS4, I really dont care, both are masterpieces. MGS3 took the gameplay elements they added in MGS2 and opened up the world. Gone were the confined hallways, the almost pac-man like gameplay where you tried to avoid the eye sight cone of enemies. Now you have a jungle to explore, you can use camo to hide in plain sight. The stealth elements and gunplay were taken to a whole new level. I could spend hours on one screen just finding new ways to take out all the guards. MGS3 has the best collection of bosses in the series and maybe of any game, none better than The End, an actual sniper battle. It has all the little things that make Kojima games stand out, so many inside joke, hidden easter eggs to find, hell there is a whole optional dream sequence that is like an action game tucked away. The storyline is as exciting as it gets it puts most action movies to shame. It all culminates in the greatest final few hours in gaming history.

4. Metal Gear Solid 4

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Boxshot

Kojima's magnum opus. MGS4 combines all the good and even some of the bad (bloated storyline) that Kojima brings to his games. At it's core MGS4 does what the previous MGS games did and that is build on the foundation with new gameplay changing ideas. MGS4 takes the camo based large area stealth gameplay, makes it function better through the use of octocamo and removes the clunky gunplay that lingered, replacing it with gunplay that can rival most action games. This game is the MGS formula perfected, finally all aspects, whether it be stealth, gunplay are all at the highest quality. It simply has the best gameplay of the series. It does not stop there, the first half of the game plays like the sequel we all expected, the second half is where the madness and I feel genius kicks in. All the elements from the past MGS games get thrown together, mixed up in a giant blender and spit out throughout the final half of this game. It is a wild collection of gameplay situations and boss fights. There are brand new situations unlike anything seen in a MGS game like the whole Europe level. It has all those awesome setpieces we expectto have in a MGS title only bigger and better than before. The boss fights are all new versions of the very best boss fights from the entire series. The Shadow Moses level brings back the ****c MGS feel that was lost as it went to more open environments. It is an homage to the entire series, andto the hero Solid Snake. This is how you close out a series. And I didn't even get into the secrets, the extras, the replay valueand the tons of easter eggs that put thise series over the top. It is all here, this is the ultimate Metal Gear title and Kojima's finest work.

3. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Boxshot

In many ways this is the best Zelda game, and for me that would probably make it my favorite game ever. If you remove the concept of time, if all Zelda games came out all at once without anyone having played any of them I have no doubts that the grand majority would say this is the best. But we don't live in a world like that, this is the fourth of the 3D Zelda's it plays it rather safe with the formula. Twilight Princess takes the very best aspects of all 3 of the 3D Zelda's; the epic quest of OoT, the character morphing of MM, and the faster paced combat of Wind Waker. The main quest is the best in the series but at the expense at side quests which were clearly incorporated into the main quest. The dugeons again, the best in the series. Each dungeon had it's very own theme, all different from the rest like a snow covered mansion to a dungeon in the sky. It has the largest collection of items to use some being totally unlike anything before like the awesome spinning top item. The overall combat is improved from the previous three and the boss battles are up there with the very best. It has unforgettable moments like a horse carriage chase orflying a giant bird thing through a waterfall filled canyon. It is so perfectly designed and for such a long lengthy game, you don't see that in games. It is one of the finest gaming experiences of my life, the issue is that I have experienced something very similar to it before.

2. Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4 Boxshot

I hate that this isn't number one, I wish the game above had come out a few months earlier so that I can proclaim this as my game of the decade cause it deserves it. RE was a franchise in turmoil, it was going nowhere, it was slowly becoming irrelevant in gaming. The old RE formula refused to change and Capcom ran it to the ground. In comes Mikami, the series creator to save his baby and what he did was create a game that has as much impact as the original Resident Evil did. It didn't stop there, it didn't just change third person shooters, RE4 is not only the originator of this type of game it is far and away the best of it's kind, I don't even know if it can be topped. I have never played a game where every single new area provides a scenario ora new twist to the gameplay. Every five to ten minutes in this game leads you to a new situation that you had not encountered before. This game isn't just throwing waves of enemies at you, each section is specifically designed to surprise you, to keep things fresh. The amazing thing is that it goes on and on and on for about 15 hours of the most action packed well designed gameplay I have ever played. I knew this game was going to be something special as I read the previews, I was hyped, this game shattered my expectations in every way. It is the game I judge every action game by now, it is almost unfair. RE5 is it as good as RE4, no. Dead Space is it as good as RE4 no. Uncharted is it as good as RE4, no. I love this game, it was my game of the generation for the PS2 era. It absolutly deserves to be in the general discussion for best game of the decade.

1. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Boxshot

You must be tired of reading best this and best that, there is none of that here. This isn't the best Zelda game. This is actually one of the titles that splits the community in two. This choice is simply for me, this is my game. When I finally got around to playing OoT, which was a few years after it hit, it quickly became my favorite game. It took everything I loved about Zelda back as a kid and successfully translated it into 3D and made it bigger than I could imagine. Of course I was dying to play the sequel, I had borrowed someones old N64 and I found that my blockbuster had the game for rent, at the time I had a monthly pass thingy so late fees were not an issue, thank god. So I start the game and it's different, it got the whole groundhog day thing going and itwas alittle slow to get going. I see a major difference right away and that is in how lively the world of Termina was, the NPCs all stood out. The game got into the clasic Zelda groove and I was loving it. I felt the masks added a new dimension to the gameplay, it just wasn't Link with a few items now Link himself can change into different forms which opened up all new gameplay situations. There were only four dungeons but they were excellent and to get to them almost felt like it's own dunegon.

Then there was the stamp system and how the groundhog day time effected the game world. This is where Majora's Mask stands apart from all other Zelda games. The people of Termina felt like they really had lives, they went about their daily activities, each had a story to tell, some major event in their lives which happens within those final days of the world. These characters became the side quests and not in a traditional RPG sense where they basically give you some objective to complete, no this was done the Zelda way. They were like puzzles, what item do I use here, where and when do I use it, how can I help this person. You combine that with the usual action, puzzle exploration formula of Zelda and you got a game world that is unlike any other.

At some point I just lost myself to this game. It was in the middle of a summer so I had no school to worry about I just kind of played this game for about two weeks straight. I think it was around the part where you reach Termina Bay and you look out into the ocean which you can jump into and find abeautiful zora city beneath the waves, that is when I thought to myself "this is the best game I have ever played". To this day no game has made me feel whatever I felt that day. This is why I play games. No movie, no book, no music can make you feel part of an adventure orcan completely suck you into a world that you can interact with.

Woops sorry I wrote so much, but I love talking about my favorite games. Thanks for reading.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 00:52:55
Great impressions on MM.

Talk about artsy pretension, though. Nyaa

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 01:20:16
Nice list sir.  I agreed with only about 20% of it, but the sheer work you did on it was damn impressive.  Nicely done.  And hell, it's tough to argue too much with any list that puts RE4 and Majora's Mask in the 1 and 2 slots.
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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 03:27:04
I claim absolute victory.  Your ordering is inconsistent and self-contradictory.
Edited: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 03:27:14


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 05:28:28

"Some swear by this game, they love the art ****

Hmmm.... so we get the left-overs eh?

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 07:36:45

aspro said:

"Some swear by this game, they love the art ****"

Hmmm.... so we get the left-overs eh?


great list vader.  spirit tracks has left me hungry for more zelda, and your list makes me even more so


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 07:43:13

aspro said:

"Some swear by this game, they love the art ****"

Hmmm.... so we get the left-overs eh?

I actually posted it here first, I just liking creating the post their so that I dont get any wierd html errors or whatever.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 07:56:19

Dvader said:

aspro said:

"Some swear by this game, they love the art ****"

Hmmm.... so we get the left-overs eh?

I actually posted it here first, I just liking creating the post their so that I dont get any wierd html errors or whatever.

 I've read through your list, it's a lot of work to be seen just by us dudes. Surprised MM made #1 and not RE4. I've had a bad day of gaming, so I'm actually playing the original Zelda right now (on the collectors GC disc) I'm going to give this franchise a go.  

I already started Phantom Hourglass after hearing you goon about it on the podcast.

LBP and Kotor were other surprises.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 08:54:20

aspro said:

Dvader said:

aspro said:

"Some swear by this game, they love the art ****"

Hmmm.... so we get the left-overs eh?

I actually posted it here first, I just liking creating the post their so that I dont get any wierd html errors or whatever.

I've read through your list, it's a lot of work to be seen just by us dudes. Surprised MM made #1 and not RE4. I've had a bad day of gaming, so I'm actually playing the original Zelda right now (on the collectors GC disc) I'm going to give this franchise a go.  

I already started Phantom Hourglass after hearing you goon about it on the podcast.

LBP and Kotor were other surprises.

Were you not around last year as I went on and on about LBP. Nyaa

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 08:58:21

^yeah but I figured it would have come into perspective by now.  Like whenever I finish a game I'm hyped about it for several months, and then you know, the gild comes off the lily.  

But you put it where you put it, so I'll ask. I've heard criticism of the platforming -- like floaty jumping. Is that just nit-picking or is it a real issue?

Also, I respect your putting GTASA above VC.  Most don't. I put GTASA above VC, but VCStories for the PSP (later ported to PS2) is above them all -- it was the last game of the GTA3 period, and they nailed it.

Edited: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 09:00:40

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 09:01:50

Foolz said:

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

I love how Vader drops Sonic Adventure 2 in there and nonchalently walks away as if nothing has happened. Nyaa




 Yeah, that's awesome.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 09:07:42

Yodariquo said:
aspro said:
I'm lurking this thread because I have not got anything to say other than I'm enjoying it (and for christsake get a 360 already -- I'm not a big fan of it, but it is an essential part of any healthy gaming diet).

Both as an idealist and a pragmatist I can't agree with that reasoning.  From an idealist perspective, there's simply no way I can support a product so bereft of quality control.  To justify that would be a blight on gamers to suggest we'll sit here and take it.

In relation to pragmatism, the console, statistically is going to break.  It's almost an assurance.  So while short-term it may be a tolerable evil, looking post-360 era, looking at the off-chance you system fails to break in a 3-year span, you are out of luck.

The only suggestion I would take seriously would be one of a pragmatist stance that as a service -- primarily looking at Xbox Live -- it is a worthwhile endeavour, if only temporary.  That you can enjoy the online community now, and it won't matter when your system breaks because people will have moved on.  So then your enjoyment hinges on the online and community, and that will depend on the person, but it still has an issue with my original, idealist point.

 I hate MS for their efforts on the 360 (I'm on my third), so I see were you are coming from, but if you buy a 360 and then spend another $50 on a third party warranty from a retailer, then you are able to play the exclusives for the console and not have to deal with the garbage hardware. A healthy game diet includes the exclusives for the 360.

And remember, MS loses money on each 360 sold, so if you keep your attach rate low (or rent/ buy used) you are actually hurting them by buying one.

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