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Best Games of the Decade
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Fri, 11 Dec 2009 08:51:07

Best Games of the Decade

Alright here we go, I made a top 100 list, dont get worked up because one game was placed higher than the one next to it. There is no science to this. So this will be my 100 favorite games of the decade, that means there will be no games that I have not played. I have no 360 so that means there will be almost no 360 games. I have no doubt that the Gears games, Halo 3, Fable 2, GTA Stories, Mass Effect, etc would have made my list.

100 - 81

100. Katamari Damacy

Katamari Damacy Boxshot

Talk about original, Namco created one of the most addictive puzzle games of recent memory. There was really nothing like it before. It exectuted such a simple concept to perfection, grow a ball. The music is legendary as well, I may never get that theme song out of my head.

99. Geometry Wars

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved Boxshot

Take clasic high scoring arcade mechanics from back in the early 80s and mix in today's graphics and precision controls and you get one of the best launch games for the 360. Its a testment to how addicting the simple gameplay mechanic of flying a spaceship and shooting things is.

98. Jak 2

Jak II Boxshot

The original Jak was a quality standard platformer, so what do you do for a sequel... add guns! It also helps that it gives you a GTA ****world to play around in. Great action, good story, high production values and a lenghty quest all makes this one of the better games on the PS2.

97. Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 Boxshot

At the start of the decade the Tony Hawk series was a huge deal and with good reason, there wasn't anything like it. It wasn't really a skating sim, it was more of an action game that so happened to involve skateboards. Extremely addicting with it's potentials for crazy high scores and fun game modes. Tony Hawk 3 was easily the best in the series, sadly since then it has been down hill.

96. Wipeout HD

Wipeout HD Boxshot

A simple downloadable game, $20. I wasn't expecting much, I should have. There is so much content and excellent online modes. It helps that I have not played a Wipeout game since the first game so all critique about it having old tracks didn't phase me. The Wipeout formula is still as fun as it was when it came out and it has never looked so good.

95. Boom Blox

Boom Blox Boxshot

If there is one game that you had to choose to show off the capabilities of the Wii this is the game. Boom Blox is a game that cannot exist on any other console. It uses the wiimote to perfection, crafting a puzzle game that controls like no other. Its a massive game with over 300 puzzles to solve, incredible multiplayer and even user creation. The best puzzle game on the wii.

94. Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Boxshot

It's Zelda. Not Zelda at the top of its game, this is one of the lesser ones but it's still ****c Zelda.

93. Yakuza

Yakuza Boxshot

The most hated awesome game of all time. razz.gif Sega created what I consider to be the best modern brawler. They didn't just make it a standard action game instead they crafted a huge adventure around it. An adventure that takes ideas from GTA and Shenmue and rolls it up in a great mob story.

92. Sonic Rush Adventure

Sonic Rush Adventure Boxshot

While it isn't really clasic 2D Sonic, the Rush series is the best Sonic incarnation of the last few years. It takes the more score based, non stop speed approach of the 3D Sonic games and turns it to 2D and unsurprisingly it feels better. This sequel was flat out better than the first adding new mini games and modes to play with.

91. Silent Hill 3

Silent Hill 3 Boxshot

The second best SH game. After the strange what I consider to be the borefest that was SH2, SH3 takes more inspirational from the original. It has more of an emphasis on combat which was actually decent in this title. There are the usual fantastic puzzles. What I loved most were the memorable creepy locations and events. Oh and what a revelation in the story, one of the best surprises in a game this decade.

90. Shenmue

Shenmue Boxshot

There is nothing like it. Never before did a play a game that immersed me in a world quite like this. Sadly the gameplay was a weird mix of QTE and loads of asking questions, oh and forklifting. But it didn't really matter cause it is easily one of the most memorable games ever.

89. Chronicles of Riddick

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay Boxshot

Hahaha a movie game based on a Vin Diseal franchise, no chance this will be good... oops. What you got here is one of the best movie tie in games ever made. It was one of the first games to be a first person brawler, it didn't rely on guns all the time. It was a great change of pace from the normal first person titles.

88. Final Fantasy 10

Final Fantasy X Boxshot

I know some love this game, I think this was a disappointment as a FF game. It was way too linear removing the overworld completely. But it is still FF so you got a massive game with a great story and fun combat.

87. PixelJunk Eden

PixelJunk Eden Boxshot

I got so addicted to this quirky weird title. I don't know what to call it, a platformer maybe. Whatever it is, it is awesome. Oh and I was ranked like 3rd in the world at one point. smile.gif

86. Prince of Persia The Two Thrones

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Boxshot

What I consider to be the best of the PoP games. TTT mixes action with excellent platforming nearly flawlessly. The action isn't as good as the best action games but it is vastly improved over the other PoP. And unlike SoT this game is actually long.

85. Burnout 3

Burnout 3: Takedown Boxshot

This is how you do arcade ****racing. Is there a more awesome mode than crash mode where you crash in slow motion as to try to steer into more cars to create a spectacular pileup. Pure fun.

84. Ratchet and Clank

Ratchet & Clank Boxshot

The first game in this excellent new franchise. Other games tried to mix guns with platforming but none of them did it as well as Ratchet. The reason being the widly creative weapons and great characters. This game was just getting started, it is the most simple of the Ratchet games but the most important.

83. Metroid Zero Mission

Metroid: Zero Mission Boxshot

2D Metroid goodness in the ****of Super Metroid. This is how you do a remake. Not only does it recreate the outdated original and make it Super Metroidish, it adds a huge section to the end of the title that is unlike anything in Metroid. Its freaking 2D Metroid.

82. The Beatles Rock Band

The Beatles: Rock Band Boxshot

Music games have been huge this decade. Guitar Hero changed everything and Rock Band took it the next step. All those games are great so I decided to pick my favorite one, The Beatles. Take the best band of all time and mix it with the best music franchise and you get greatness.

81. Castlevania Aria of Sorrow

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Boxshot

Follow the path of the previous GBA CV titles, Aria follows the SOTN formula. What this game did differently was create the excellent soul sucking mechanic which allows your character to have all sorts of magical powers taken from your enemies. A fantastic Castlevania title.

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Fri, 11 Dec 2009 09:00:35
Did you make a top 25? If not this list is irelevant. Nyaa

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Fri, 11 Dec 2009 11:07:14

94. Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Boxshot

It's Zelda. Not Zelda at the top of its game, this is one of the lesser ones but it's still ****c Zelda.

WTF is this LOL

Gamespot still censoring class? LOL

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Fri, 11 Dec 2009 11:10:03
Interesting about Silent Hill 2, I hear that fans love the first 3.

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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 07:39:49

80. Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2

Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II Boxshot

This is how you do fast paced space combat, it also helps that it has the best license in all of sci-fi. One of the best Star Wars games ever made, no SW game captured the space combat from the movies quite like RS2. Oh and it looked AMAZING, still does.

79. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Boxshot

A court room adventure game made by Capcom, what the hell? The memorable characters, funny court cases and fantastic music make this one of the most surprisingly great new series of this decade.

78. New Super Mario Bros. Wii

New Super Mario Bros. Wii Boxshot

A console 2D Mario game in 2009, hell yeah. NSMB might not be as original as its predessesors but it is definetly better than the safe NSMB DS. 80 levels of pure 2D platforming goodness.

77. Super Smash Bros. Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee Boxshot

There were two huge party games for me during last gen, Halo and Smash. With its amazing cast of Nintendo legends and its zany power ups, Melee was non-stop fun. It had loads of content for a solid single player component as well.

76. Eternal Darkness

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Boxshot

A briliant take on the horror genre, ED decided to play mind games on the player as they played a time hopping action game. ED tells a compelling story, I finished it three times to see the true ending.

75. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars Boxshot

A mix of old school top down GTA with the epic scope and story of the modern GTAs, it works. It also takes full advantage of the DS capabilities which it uses during many missions. What I love about it is that it isnt just a recreation of the 3D GTA games, it has its own identity. One of the best DS games.

74. Street Fighter 4

Street Fighter IV Boxshot

I haven't played much of this game but I dont have to cause it is Street Fighter and it is awesome. They took the SF2 gameplay and added a few new additions to flesh it out but made sure to never lose that spirit that made us love this series.

73. Portal

Portal Boxshot

If Valve takes this gameplay and makes a full length game out of it I bet it would be in the top 10. For the few hours it lasts it is as innovative, as fun and as funny a title I have ever played. It is flat out brilliant. I just wish that for most of the game it felt like a giant tutorial.

72. Bionic Commando Rearmed

One of the few NES clasics I missed out on, thankfully it has been recreated masterfully. And what a game it is, a sidescrolling shooter that isn't linear, that doesn't play like any other title cause of its arm mechanic. I was blown away by it.

71. God of War

God of War Boxshot

This came out when DMC and NG were going at it for best action game. The combat isn't as deep as those two aformented titles but what sets GoW apart is its sense scale and incredible set pieces. This was an excellent action adventure game but it was totally overshadowed by the sequel.

70. Infamous

inFamous Boxshot

Best superhero sandbox game ever, yep. Infamous mixes elements from games like Assassin's Creed, combat like Uncharted and a splash of platforming. It all comes together to make one of the best superhero games around.

69. Kingdom Hearts 2

Kingdom Hearts II Boxshot

I still have no clue what is going on with the story in this franchise but who cares, you get to play through clasic Disney movies. I am a huge Disney fan so play with Simba or Aladdin and seeing a Yoda like Mickey is as cool as it gets. The game is great as well, in square fashion it is gigantic in scale and quality from start to finish.

68. Mega Man 9

I still think this is the greatest idea of this gen, to make a long lost NES game. Mega Man is one of the all time great franchise but it is one that worked best in 8-bit, Capcom embraced that concept and made a sequel that I feel is the next best MM game outside of the legendary MM2.

67. Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction Boxshot

Another quality entry into the Ratchet franchise but it felt to safe. It looked amazing, it did everything right it just didnt do much of anything new. Still no other franchise mixes gunplay and platforming better than this one.

66. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Boxshot

The other stealth franchise. Nyaa This series is a bit more trail and error based, I always felt it was bit too restrictive because of that but CT was a nice improvement over its predessesors. There is no denying that this game was an amazing experience from start to finish.

65. Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Boxshot

One of the best handheld RPGs I have ever played. It spin on the Paper Mario formula offering a two character mechanic which was used to perfection. This title is hilarious as well, it has excellent writing that literally made me laugh out loud many times. A joy to play.

64. Uncharted

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Boxshot

The introduction to the best new character of this gen, Nathan Drake. Uncharted is a summer blockbuster style game that mixes pop and shoot gameplay with platforming and it works. It isnt the most original game nor does it need to be, the quality of the game shines in all aspects.

63. Shenmue 2

Shenmue II Boxshot

It keeps that immersive quality that the first game had but refined the gameplay and elminated most of the weird crap. Shenmue 2 is a gaming experience you will never forget. The story is powerful, the action is intense and I still dare you to find me a game world with more detail. It is so sad that we will never see the end of this tale.

62. Assassin's Creed 2

Assassin's Creed II Boxshot

I actually loved the first title cause of sense of freedom in movement given to the player. Navigating the game world was so compelling that it didn't matter that there wasn't much content. Luckily AC2 gives us the quality content missing from most of the first title. The storyline is one of the more compelling ones in recent memory as well.

61.  Paper Mario

Paper Mario Boxshot

Super Mario RPG showed that Mario can make for a quality RPG, Paper Mario took that idea and made ot fit the Mario universe even more. The Paper concept was used in all aspects to create puzzles and interesting game mechanics. Combat is more active timed button presses oriented, which fits better than standard turn based combat. Great characters, moments, and story make this a classic.

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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 07:49:40
Dvader said:

77. Super Smash Bros. Melee

76. Eternal Darkness

 Oh you bastard.

Edited: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 07:50:00


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 08:21:38
LOL What?
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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 08:26:57
Dvader said:
LOL What?

You manage to place the best game on the GameCube directly behind that broken, overrated mess.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 18:51:55

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:
LOL What?

You manage to place the best game on the GameCube directly behind that broken, overrated mess.

Smash is the best game on the GC, LOL LOL LOL LOL

Sorry Nyaa

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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:00:48
Dvader said:

Smash is the best game on the GC, LOLLOLLOLLOL

 Ok, Twilight Princess, but that doesn't really count.  Otherwise, yes, it is.  Any issue with that, refer to post #6.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:47:10

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Smash is the best game on the GC, LOLLOLLOLLOL

 Ok, Twilight Princess, but that doesn't really count.  Otherwise, yes, it is.  Any issue with that, refer to post #6.

What about Animal Crossing Yoda? Vader, I'm digging the thread.

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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:53:06

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Smash is the best game on the GC, LOLLOLLOLLOL

Ok, Twilight Princess, but that doesn't really count.  Otherwise, yes, it is.  Any issue with that, refer to post #6.

Still no, just no. Oh and Brawl is better.

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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:55:31

I like Eternal Darkness, but I dont think I would put it above the games below it.

Still enjoying reading this, keep it going.

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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 20:27:17

Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Smash is the best game on the GC, LOLLOLLOLLOL

Ok, Twilight Princess, but that doesn't really count.  Otherwise, yes, it is.  Any issue with that, refer to post #6.

Still no, just no. Oh and Brawl is better.

 Brawl+ is better than both

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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 22:53:58
Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Smash is the best game on the GC, LOLLOLLOLLOL

Ok, Twilight Princess, but that doesn't really count.  Otherwise, yes, it is.  Any issue with that, refer to post #6.

Still no, just no. Oh and Brawl is better.

Brawl is broken, and it's a Wii game.  Direct yourself here

aspro said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Smash is the best game on the GC, LOLLOLLOLLOL

 Ok, Twilight Princess, but that doesn't really count.  Otherwise, yes, it is.  Any issue with that, refer to post #6.

What about Animal Crossing Yoda?

I said game

Edited: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 22:55:26


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 23:48:04

Yodariquo said:

I said game

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Sun, 13 Dec 2009 07:08:59

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Smash is the best game on the GC, LOLLOLLOLLOL

Ok, Twilight Princess, but that doesn't really count.  Otherwise, yes, it is.  Any issue with that, refer to post #6.

Still no, just no. Oh and Brawl is better.

Brawl is broken, and it's a Wii game.  Direct yourself here

aspro said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Smash is the best game on the GC, LOLLOLLOLLOL

 Ok, Twilight Princess, but that doesn't really count.  Otherwise, yes, it is.  Any issue with that, refer to post #6.

What about Animal Crossing Yoda?

I said game


GG!  GG! Come QUICK!

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Sun, 13 Dec 2009 10:08:37
i really like this thread.  it's like a really good checklist for me


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 14 Dec 2009 11:40:50

aspro said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Smash is the best game on the GC, LOLLOLLOLLOL

Ok, Twilight Princess, but that doesn't really count.  Otherwise, yes, it is.  Any issue with that, refer to post #6.

Still no, just no. Oh and Brawl is better.

Brawl is broken, and it's a Wii game.  Direct yourself here

aspro said:

Yodariquo said:
Dvader said:

Smash is the best game on the GC, LOLLOLLOLLOL

Ok, Twilight Princess, but that doesn't really count.  Otherwise, yes, it is.  Any issue with that, refer to post #6.

What about Animal Crossing Yoda?

I said game

GG!  GG! Come QUICK!

*throws monkey poop in Yo's face*

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Mon, 14 Dec 2009 19:51:33


60. Sonic Adventure 2

Sonic Adventure 2 Boxshot

I can hear your growns, quiet. SA2 createda newsuper fast, high score based gameplay system that all Sonic games have copied since. Gone were most of the adventure elements of SA1 replaced with straight action levels. Sure some of the side character levelswere a bit crappy but the Sonic/Shadow stuff was brilliant. It is a massive game, I easily put 70+ hours into it to ace all levels. Plus it has one of the best unlockables in video game history. To this day it is still the best 3D Sonic, maybe that isn't saying much but whatever.

59. Dragon Quest VIII

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King Boxshot

I shouldn't like really old school JRPGs. The annoying random battles, the simplistic battle systems but for some reason it all worked for DQ8. It is such a charming beautiful game to play, with a decent story but one hell of a world to explore. Combat was simple yet addicting. It really is one of the better RPGs I have played.

58. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia Boxshot

The latest in the Metroidvania series, this game tries something new by giving you many locations outside of the Castle to explore. What you get is a journey that sort of feels like Simon's Quest only a million times better. The battle system is unique, it isnt the standard equip a weapon in each hand type thing. The boss fights were top notch, the quest was a perfect length. One of the finest CV games.

57. Virtua Fighter 5

Virtua Fighter 5 Boxshot

The successor to what I consider to be the best fighter ever (hint for future pick), this sequel kind of played it safe. It offered the same stellar fighting system which is unmatched and all the same the battle modes including the incredible quest mode. It did not do much new but it's still about as good as fighting games get.

56. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Boxshot

My first CoD experience, it was thrilled by the whole non-stop rollercoaster stylle action of it all. Yeah the core gameplay is about as basic a FPS gets, which generally I don't like but CoD4 actually had variety, well designed set pieces, it constantly threw something new at you. The campaign was short but memorable, the real meat was the multiplayer which was simply revolutionary. Practically all online games since have borrowed elements of the CoD4 online modes.

55. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Boxshot

The closest CV has come to recreating the magic of SOTN. DoS builds on AoS by offering a larger quest, with better graphics and new DS mechanics. It has the same addicting soul system as Aria with a better overall game.

54. Halo 2

Halo 2 Boxshot

One of the most hyped games I have ever witnessed, it sort of lived up to it and it sort of did not. I personally don't think the campaign was as good as the first, it became far too linear. The online though was groundbreaking, offers tons and tons of play modes and a great matchmaking system that nearly all console games copy now.

53. Metroid Prime 2

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Boxshot

This is one of those weird sequels that tries to be darker than the original but just ends up being weirder and not as good. This game introduces a light and dark aspect which was more annoying that fun. Still the Metroid template was there and it works providing another excellent adventure. There were some standout locations and some of the best boss fights in the entire series.

52. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Boxshot

The best in the Paper Mario series in my opinion. This title is so charming, funny, memorable, I have a smile on my face just thinking about it. I remember the awesome side scrolling Bowser levels. The battle system was so well done, it kept you active even though its turned based. All around great game.

51. Half-Life 2:Episode 2

Half-Life 2: Episode Two Boxshot

For an episodic gameentryto make it to this list it needs to be incredible, and that is what Episode 2 was. Episode 1 was a flat out let down, thankfully Episode 2 is like HL2 on steroids. Its short, about 4-5 hours but its some of the best 4-5 hours of FPS gameplay I have ever experienced. It didn't reuse any of the setpieces from HL2, it felt totally original something many expansions don't capture. This game actually makes me hate episodic content even more cause I can only image how much better this game would be if it were treated as HL3, this feels like one course in a three course meal.

50. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Boxshot

The campaign of MW1 was exciting, this is like a Michael Bay movie on speed. It still has the same issues that all CoD games have but IW knows how to make exciting gameplay. That is what you get for all 5 hours the campaign lasts, I was floored at the stuff I was watching. The Spec Ops mode clearly puts this game over MW1, when you break down the gameplay into mission based objectives it's actually not bad at all, maybe the campaign should incorporate some of these missions. The online multiplayer is still as good as it gets. A lot of flash but a lot of substance too.

49. Halo

Halo: Combat Evolved Boxshot

This game was unlike any FPS I had played. It had full use of vehicles like cars, tanks, spaceships. Epic huge battlefields, where I felt like a space Rambo in the middle of a star war. It set the standard for console FPSs using the two weapons at a time system and regenerating health. The campaign was great but the multiplayer was even better. This was before online so it was all LAN parties and my god what a time those were. My buddies and I would set up epic matches, one team in one room, the other team in the other, such a blast.

48. Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal Boxshot

This title keeps the same awesome Ratchet gameplaybut leans more toward the action side of things. It didn't feel as balanced an action platformer as the second title but it still offers a great single player campaign, featuring the best villain in the series. It also has online multuplayer which wasn't bad.

47. ESPN NFL 2k5

ESPN NFL 2K5 Boxshot

I love football games and they never got better than this one. It has the same great 2k gameplay and added full integration with ESPN providing a gaming experience that felt like a TV broadcast. No Madden game has replicated the presentation of 2k5, it had Chris Berman doing highlights, it had sportscenter, it had the EPSN NFL draft, it felt like I was participating in a real NFL season. It had an incredible franchise mode, the first football game to have online leagues (something Madden just added this year). It is a game Madden is still trying to catch up too.

46. Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando Boxshot

The perfect sequel, you know those sequels where they take everything the first did and flat out make it better. That is GC, it took everything I loved about the original and made it better. It added new gameplay elements like Clank missions. Overall it is the best Ratchet experience.

45. Resident Evil

Resident Evil Boxshot

In many ways this is the perfect RE game. It takes the best of years of RE games andapplied it to the most icionic location of the series. The only real problem is that by the time this game came out I felt the formula was dying. This was it's last hoorah before RE0 threw up all over itself.

44. The Longest Journey

The Longest Journey Boxshot

I genrally don't care for adventure games but man did this one grab me, it did not let me go for the full epic quest. This is a testament to storytelling in gaming, it can be done well, with great writing, great voice acting and it can be the focus of a game. Of course the puzzles and the journey was excellent as well. Overall it gave me that feeling that I was on a quest with characters I grew to love, almost like a LOTR movie or something.

43. Dead Space

Dead Space Boxshot

This is the game many were hoping RE4 to be. This keeps the horror atmosphere and tension while delivering RE4 ****action. The action isnt as well done as RE4, obviously it is going to be slower paced but it is still a very well crafted action adventure game. In terms of actual horror this is as good as it got this decade.

42. Batman: Arkham Asylum

Batman: Arkham Asylum Boxshot

Best superhero game ever. Finally a game that completely embraces the license but never betrays it. The gameplay is completely designed around Batman, its not Batman fitting into some game template. The mix of stealth and hand to hand combat is pulled off superbly. Best of all it has a long quest that has Metroid like elements to it. If that wasn't enough it includes one of the best side modes ever with its mission modes.

41. Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel

Metal Gear Solid Boxshot

If you have played it you know why it belongs. MGS on the GB has everything we love about Metal Gear in tiny handheld ancient graphics form. It has fantastic bosses, the same excellent stealth action gameplay of MGS, and the crazy story with all the twists and turns. You can say that this title offers far more gameplay than MGS1 cause it does. It doesn't stop at the story mode, it has an extensive mission based mode where you need to complete certain objectives in the games many levels, usually under a certain amount of time or being unseen. It also has a full VR mode. This game is packed. It is one of the best handheld games ever made and a worthy entry into the MG franchise.

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