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The official The World is Ends with YOU thread
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Wed, 10 Aug 2011 21:46:37

Playing the game right now and to my amazement there is no thread of this game that many describe as on of the best RPGs ever. So I made one. I will write some impressions what I have of the game so far:

TWEWY is an interesting game. The visual are very unique in both the setting (it takes place in Shibuya instead of generic grassy field) and character design (I am definitely getting a streetware vibe). The battle system is unique, you fight on two screens at the same time. Enemies appear at both screen, but they share one health bar. You appear on the bottom screen and your partner in the top screen and you also share a health bar. Your partner is controlled by the D-pad or buttons and you solely by the touchscreen. Coordinating your attacks will kill enemies much faster.

There is also lots of customization, everything can be changed from levels to difficulty. This game has it all so far. Unique graphics and setting, unique battle system and unique customization. It uses the DS unique control system and dual screens. So far so good and no random battles as of yet.

The music is great too, should have mentioned that before.

Played some more killed enemies a lots of time and been killed a few times. I am actually fighting at both screen at once, sure the game tells you to focus on the bottom one and let the computer deal with the top one, but I figured that I could handle both. So I did just that. I am still learning, but I am getting there. Also the explanation are a bit lengthy, but they are clear. It is not like Order of Ecclesia where none of the stats are explained. Still getting to terms with which pins are the best against what enemies. Can you change your pin deck in a middle of a battle?

I am now at the dog statue part. Will play again tomorrow.

So any tips?

Edited: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 21:48:39
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Wed, 10 Aug 2011 22:06:45

I say (and Vader will disagree) don't become obsessed with collecting the pins. Find a few that work for you and stick with them.

ALSO, Avoid spoilers and FAQs. The best part of the game is some of the events that happen along the way.

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Wed, 10 Aug 2011 22:19:25

Too late for that I read the story from wikipedia ages ago, but no worries, did not make a lot of sense.

Also Neku Sakuraba (the main character) is a rude and arrogant person with a cynical asshole syndrome. It is no surprise that I actually find him awesome.

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Wed, 10 Aug 2011 22:47:00

Well hopefully you forgot some of it.

If Iga has piqued your interest, those of you in the US, TWEWY is on sale at amazon today:

The World Ends With You (DS) – $14.99, down from $19.99

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Thu, 11 Aug 2011 13:36:24

Yeah excellent game. Not only is it one of the best games on the DS but I consider it one of the best games of the generation on any console. Great music, original idea, fun characters, and amazing use of the touchpad. If there's any justice they could put that game on a tablet.

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Thu, 11 Aug 2011 13:57:22

^It would not work because the game also uses the D-pad for fighting with the topscreen. Also some stuff use the microphone. And it would be a shame to sell this game for $1 through $10. This game belongs on the DS and if their is justice we will get a 3DS sequel. Ad motion controls and perhaps the camera to the gameplay. I agree that the game could be the best game this gen. People that say that jRPG have not changed or are all the same are full of it.

Played some more. I finished day 2 and can now do team attack. I am getting the hang of using both screens now. Also I maxed out all my pins in my first deck. Now I am trying to max out my icicle pin. Battles are fun, I still suck at them. Usually I get an E rank, but I got a A rank once. Also the shops are interesting, you do not just buy stuff, you also increase your relationship with the shop owner. Some armour for instance have hidden properties, but if you buy stuff and increase your relationship with the store owner, he/she will explain what the hidden properties are. Also each armour has a brand and each part of Shibuya has different rank of brands. So in one section a certain brand will increase your attacks twofold, but in other sections you need to use another brand.

Food is also pretty deep. Food is used to increase certain stats, but it needs to be digested first. And you digest stuff by fighting. And like armour you can level up your relationship with the food seller by buying stuff. This will open up new type of foods and there are some quests here. Do not yet know how this works.

I kept playing until my DS batery ran out, could not find my recharger. Oh wait just found it. What a relieve.

I really love that are so much stat tinkering, but yet it remains quite clear what it does. It is never unclear what a certain armour will do, what a certain food will increase and so on.

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Thu, 11 Aug 2011 15:34:51

It would work fine on a tablet. Most have microphones. The only ones that don't are the low end e-readers that try to fool people into thinking they're tablets. As far as the top screen fighting:

A. You can do almost as well just letting that go on auto-fight.

B. From what I've seen so far the touchscreen D pad controls really aren't awful. They'd never work for anything for any games that require finesse. Fighting games are completely out of the question. But for RPGs or strategy games where accurate controls aren't terribly important it would do just fine. TWEWY doesn't require a lot of complex combos or anything that would keep a touchscreen controller from being good enough.

As far as pricing who said it had to sell at $1 - $10? There's slowly but surely some price increasing on tablet games, and many that now go at the $15 to $20 range, which is pretty much in line with what TWEWY sells for these days new. SE is one of the developers who are starting to realize that (FFT sells for $16). Why not put them on the tablet at that range rather than not sell them to that market at all and make nothing?

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Thu, 11 Aug 2011 15:48:12

But if you want to hit a combo on the topscreen to get a certain symbol, you need to do it fast. Touch screen would not work well. And while you are doing it you need to control Neku on the bottom screen. It would work for games like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy, but not his game. Not as well.

And about the pricing that scenario works, but you need to sell it on other platforms first. That is what you mean right? You sell it on the DS first and wait until the sales have died out and then put it on IOS and all other platforms like Steam and XBLA.

Edited: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 15:48:32
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Thu, 11 Aug 2011 15:57:19
Iga_Bobovic said:

And about the pricing that scenario works, but you need to sell it on other platforms first. That is what you mean right? You sell it on the DS first and wait until the sales have died out and then put it on IOS and all other platforms like Steam and XBLA.

That's exactly what I mean. I don't really tablets as a primary gaming source for anyone, and I think it'd be silly to develop high end games exclusive to them.  I am starting to see what benefits they offer though, and ignoring them would be missing out on an audience. Make it a secondary market. Do some minor adjustments to the games to optimize it for a tablet or touch screen and put it out there for $10 to $20.

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Thu, 11 Aug 2011 21:30:17

Wow, clever game.

You even get pin points while not playing the game and I need to wait 24 hours in real time before I can eat again. Is this the same Square that is re-releasing the same games over and over again? This game is bursting with creativity.

I read the manual and learned that you do not have to follow the fashion trends, you can keep wearing your favourite brands and if you keep winning fights, you will set the trend. How clever. Become a trendsetter instead of a trend follower.

Imprinting is also clever. You can learn words and imprint them in people Inception style. That is necessary because you cannot interact with other people. You are like in another dimension. I finished day 3. Will do day 4 tomorrow.

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Thu, 11 Aug 2011 21:36:38

Yeah, I think they did that to emphasize how important time is as a concept in the game.


Square sells games on iOS all the time, usually for way too much.

I don't know why it wouldn't work on a tablet size device (smart phone would be too small). Don't those touch devices have better sensitivity than the type that Nintendo uses in the DS? Capacitive versus whatever?  I remember people grousing about the U not having the iOS style of touch interface.


Another thing to remember, is that the music was composed specifically for the game.  it was so good when I first heard it I assumed it was licensed music from Japan that was already popular. Nope.

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Thu, 11 Aug 2011 22:00:12

Actually resistive touchscreens are more acurate, but their is usually no multi-touch and capacive screens are more responsive. And resistive screens are cheaper and more robust.

Here is what I found on the net.

Capacitive touch screen:


Multi touch support available

Visibility good even in sunlight

Highly sensitive to finger touch leading to ease of use

Not prone to dust particles

Glossy look and feel


Need to have atleast 5% humidity to achieve capacitive effect

More expensive than Resistive touch screen

Doesn't work with inanimate objects/fingernails/gloved fingers

Latest technology, may need to evolve a bit more!

Resistive touch screen:


Relatively cheaper

Can operate with any pointing devices like stylus, pen, nail etc

Can operate at any level of humidity

Ease of use, as it could be used even with your winter gloves on!

Very useful for people using handwriting recongition system, due to ease of use with a stylus!

More accurate than capacitive touch screen!

Old technology and hence more reliable!


Multi touch support not available. Though technology did evolve after some modifications with the existing resistive touch screen circuitry, its still not 100% developed yet!

Highly sensitive. As it can operate with almost any sort of pointing devices, can be more vulnerable with dust particles!

Poor visibility in sunlight, mostly due to multiple layers reflecting light!

Screen, being sensitive at the upper layer, can be more vulnerable to scratches!

Edited: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 22:02:00
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Fri, 12 Aug 2011 16:26:35

Still playing and still awesome. Got new ability to link battles, I had one epic four round battle. Getting better battle scores too. I bought new badges to try out, looked nice but need to level it up a bit more. Also I can fight now at both screens. I attack with the bottom screen then I put my attention to the upper screen while still tapping the bottom screen and attacking the enemy at both screens at the same time. Fear me bitches. Steel get this game you must.

Also got to a boss fight, but the new pins I used were not fashionable there, so they were half strength. Needless to say I died like a bitch, but no worries I saved just before the boss fight.

Neku is slowly opening up and becoming less of an asshole. I do not like this character development. Hanekoma is just a slick character

Look at him

A hobo with a suit, how slick.

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Sat, 13 Aug 2011 09:57:34
Iga_Bobovic said:

Still playing and still awesome. Got new ability to link battles, I had one epic four round battle. Getting better battle scores too. I bought new badges to try out, looked nice but need to level it up a bit more. Also I can fight now at both screens. I attack with the bottom screen then I put my attention to the upper screen while still tapping the bottom screen and attacking the enemy at both screens at the same time. Fear me bitches. Steel get this game you must.

Also got to a boss fight, but the new pins I used were not fashionable there, so they were half strength. Needless to say I died like a bitch, but no worries I saved just before the boss fight.

Neku is slowly opening up and becoming less of an asshole. I do not like this character development. Hanekoma is just a slick character

Look at him

A hobo with a suit, how slick.

There's an even more awesome character coming up, if I'm reading your progress right.

Such a great game - need to replay it one of these days. Or I need to get the soundtrack. One of them.

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Sat, 13 Aug 2011 18:22:26

I am now at day 6. I am so awsome at batling now, jugling fools like there is no tomorrow.

I have a question though. Why do some pins evolve and some do not. The ice pillar attack has evolved in something freacking awesome, while other two pins got a star and a mastered tag. Is this random or do I need to do other stuff to make it evolve?

And the pins can evolve, I know for some it is impossible.

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Sat, 13 Aug 2011 20:50:52

A lot of the pins evolve in different ways. Besides battle, you know already there are pins that evolve by time spent AWAY from the game; there are pins that evolve by wireless searching... I don't remember exactly how they refer to it, but these pins gain experience by searching for and locating foreign wireless signals. I'm pretty sure you get experience for some by wirelessly hooking up to another TWEWY game. There's also pins that evolve by using them in that slammer side game too. I'm sure there are many other ways I am forgetting about too!

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Sat, 13 Aug 2011 20:52:50

Ah! Here it is:


Here's a rundown of the three types of PP you can earn:

*Battle PP* (BPP) - [BLUE in progress bar]

   - Fight and defeat the Noise in battles to earn Battle PP.

*Mingle PP* (MPP) - [RED in progress bar]

   - Connect to other TWEWY players and wireless Nintendo DS games and apps.
   You receive Mingle PP for every connection you make.
   - Play your friends in Tin Pin Slammer to receive Mingle PP, too.

*Shutdown PP* (SDPP) - [GREEN in progress bar]

   - Power down your DS and leave the game turned off. You'll earn Shutdown PP
   based on how long you haven't played.

It's not quite as straightforward as you may expect. There's one big snag you
need to be aware of, and it's important to know. Here it is:


*** The game actually magnifies the values for Mingle PP and Shutdown PP in
  the progress bar. Every point of MPP or SDPP counts for 9 times as much when
  the game determines the dominant PP type. ***


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Sat, 13 Aug 2011 21:02:25

Haha Iga is collecting PP. Nyaa

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Sun, 14 Aug 2011 19:54:34

if you're not doing it already, keep manually lowering your level as much as you can get away with at all times (which should be a lot because it's very hard to die) so you get more loot and rarer pins etc.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 14 Aug 2011 23:12:56

Thanks Leo, I understand all of it. For some pins to evolve I need to make either the Mingle or Shutdown PP dominant. But is there anyway to tell me what kind of PP I need to make a specific pin evolve? Without checking a FAQ ot course?

bugsonglass said:

if you're not doing it already, keep manually lowering your level as much as you can get away with at all times (which should be a lot because it's very hard to die) so you get more loot and rarer pins etc.

Have not done it yet, most enemies I encountered only drop money pins.

Also the shopping system leaves me a bit overwhelmed. I have four shopping locations open to me right now. And some locations have multiple stores. It is very difficult to compare the various stats of various cloths with each other. Also there is the brands to take into account and the hidden skills that are not known for all the cloths. Also if you were certain type of clothes you get an extra bonus from the shopkeeper. A part of me just wants to buy everything I see and sort it out later what each thing does. So confusing

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