*sound of Kinosen running off*
"Wait! Come back! Don't leave! We promise we'll be genital with you!"
"I meant GENTLE! G--E--N--T--L--E ! ! ! NOOOO ! ! !"
phantom_leo said:*pitter, patter, pitter, patter*
*sound of Kinosen running off*
"Wait! Come back! Don't leave! We promise we'll be genital with you!"
"I meant GENTLE! G--E--N--T--L--E ! ! ! NOOOO ! ! !"
bugsonglass said:monkey's gone AWOLhow many days till the lost kitten disappears?
Oops - I'm still around. I'm just a bit of a crazy loner. Crossed with a hermit. Carrying an axe. STANDING RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!!
But anyway, I'll log on wednesday. I'll post if I don't see you. I sold off my computer and its replacement hasn't shown up yet. Plus I keep getting read errors with my crossing disk. Getting annoying.
Kinosen said:Hey everyone, I'm really new to AC:CF(and Animal Crossing in general), and I'd like to add some people to my friends list. Here's my info: Kino / Yanville / 2364-3584-8730 with Wii Speak. Thanks, and please PM me if you add me so I know to add you back.
Here's mine - it's not on the list. code 3437-9858-4865, town: eekanema, name: sil. central time ie GMT - 6
Aaand mark. 2 posts before he got a response about genitals.
Yeah, but how could steel not mention genitals with that avatar.
phantom_leo said:*pitter, patter, pitter, patter*
*sound of Kinosen running off*
"Wait! Come back! Don't leave! We promise we'll be genital with you!"
"I meant GENTLE! G--E--N--T--L--E ! ! ! NOOOO ! ! !"
Foolz said:phantom_leo said:*pitter, patter, pitter, patter*
*sound of Kinosen running off*
"Wait! Come back! Don't leave! We promise we'll be genital with you!"
"I meant GENTLE! G--E--N--T--L--E ! ! ! NOOOO ! ! !"
Too funny! Need to finish it up with "Oh balls!"-
kinosen it's not true what they say about me and fruit ... i swear i don't do anything indecent with the fruit

of course i kid you, we're all nice family people here

phantom_leo said:*pitter, patter, pitter, patter*
*sound of Kinosen running off*
"Wait! Come back! Don't leave! We promise we'll be genital with you!"
"I meant GENTLE! G--E--N--T--L--E ! ! ! NOOOO ! ! !"
Have no fear, Iga is here.
*Jumps out of a tree ninja style to cut the escape route and calm down the new member.
Say, why is crying?!
Mental Trauma HOOOOOO!
bugsonglass said:aspro73 said:okay, I think I can connect my wii to the internet with my new router, so I'l try hooking up animal crossing tonight. Will you guys have sent me some friend codes or whatever?awesome, you need to give us your friend code. if you can also give us your wii friend code. it's also very helpful to know your timezone (in a way we understand ie how many hours ahead of GMT?)
i think i gathered up the codes of all of us here who play the game:
you will find codes and timezones for gaminggeek, steelattack, dvader, bugsonglass, travo and ravenprose in the following spreadshit which gg made (but hasn't updated in ages
dvader is going through a temporary hiatus, and raven gave up on the game completely. the rest on there play the game and you are likely to find open gates relatively often.
you also need to add anrymonkey: code 3437-9858-4865, town: eekanema, name: sil. i think monkey is on central time ie GMT - 6 (correct me if i'm wrong monkey)
steel's wife: code: 2106-5763-8161, town: Chestnut, name: pinky, timezone GMT - 6
rragnaar: code: 0302-6434-3527. town: Smeurgen, rag is in idaho but i'm unsure whether that is mountain time or pacific time.rragnaar plays the game but none of the others have had a chance of a visit with him but hopefully soon.
so you have quite a few people to add. hopefully see you online soon
Kinosen said:Hey everyone, right now I don't have any foreign fruits(mine are cherry) so I was wondering if anyone would like to trade or let me have different fruits. Thanks.
Crap I forgot to add you, will do it now.
gamingeek said:Check your turnips folks.
Is that british slang for "check your balls"?
I'm going to kick you in the fucking turnips, mate.
SteelAttack said:gamingeek said:Check your turnips folks.Is that british slang for "check your balls"?
I'm going to kick you in the fucking turnips, mate.
Slang for balls is Chestnuts.
So you named your town balls, apparently.
gamingeek said:SteelAttack said:gamingeek said:Check your turnips folks.Is that british slang for "check your balls"?
I'm going to kick you in the fucking turnips, mate.
Slang for balls is Chestnuts.
So you named your town balls, apparently.
No wonder you keep coming back to it.
SteelAttack said:gamingeek said:SteelAttack said:gamingeek said:Check your turnips folks.Is that british slang for "check your balls"?
I'm going to kick you in the fucking turnips, mate.
Slang for balls is Chestnuts.
So you named your town balls, apparently.
No wonder you keep coming back to it.
Actually I can never get in. It's usually Chestnutians coming all over Fortress.
As we are a fortress, we have defences against such penetration though.
gamingeek said:Slang for balls is Chestnuts.
So you named your town balls, apparently.
Good catch! Steel, this is a time for quiet reflection. What else have you given names to? Children, pets, pet names for your wife - these are all now suspect. I am expecting you to have a "Chazz Palmintieri inspecting the office in usual suspects" type moment. Let us know.
and bugs - I will be on in half an hour
angrymonkey said:gamingeek said:Slang for balls is Chestnuts.
So you named your town balls, apparently.
Good catch! Steel, this is a time for quiet reflection. What else have you given names to? Children, pets, pet names for your wife - these are all now suspect. I am expecting you to have a "Chazz Palmintieri inspecting the office in usual suspects" type moment. Let us know.
Hmm. Lemme see...my girls are named Jessica and Sophia, but those were chosen by my wife. I have an angelfish named Bruce Willis (he won't die, mo matter what). I think that's about it. No hidden balls, except mine inside your asscrack, dirty monkey.
angrymonkey said:gamingeek said:Slang for balls is Chestnuts.
So you named your town balls, apparently.
Good catch! Steel, this is a time for quiet reflection. What else have you given names to? Children, pets, pet names for your wife - these are all now suspect. I am expecting you to have a "Chazz Palmintieri inspecting the office in usual suspects" type moment. Let us know.
and bugs - I will be on in half an hour
He called his first daughter Testicala.
Then he found out, in a birds and the bees moment, what that means.
Hey I waited! I didn't want to scare him with wangs and balls in his first post. =P