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Iga goes all out, plays 9 games at once
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Tue, 25 Jan 2011 23:12:10

As you might have heard, I have recently bought 9 games for cheap. Some even are so rare they would make Aspro and Ask (BTW where the hell is this crazy fellow?!) blush in embarrassment! This will be like my seven games at once thread, but now with nine instead of seven and less Okami bashing.

My strategy is to play the Wii during the day and the DS game before sleep, like GG. So enough of the chitter chat, time for some impressions.

Rhythm Paradise

Fuck you, who are you to judge me?! Why are you giving me the dirty look? I am doing my best! I hate this game. *Gets gold medal in robot fill game* Woohoo, best game ever. This game is perfect to play before going to sleep. Play it once, fail, shut down and go to sleep. It is frustrating, but feels so good when you finally nail it.

Gunstar Future Heroes

The sequel to the classic Gunstar Heroes. Unlike the original, the weapon system is symplified. Each of the two characters has 3 weapons. You can switch between these weapons at will. It is not like the original, where you mix and match various weapons. The levels seem to be more complex, with lots of mode 7 effects used in levels. The graphics look also better overal. So far good action.

Wii Sport Resort

How is this for the opening?! You start by immediately jumping out of an airplane. Then you move round during freefall and finally your parachute opens. Which is the title screens, how awesome?! So awesome. About the game themselves. Sword fighting is awesome, archery is awesome, flying around is awesome and I really want Pilotwings now and Table Tennis is awesome. Awesome game, really need to play multi-player with the old man.

Fragile Dreams -farewell ruins of the moon-

Just got it today, what a nice boxart

Anno -create a new world-

Also got it just today, meh on the boxart

Blast Works -build trade destroy-

You know the drill, awesome 8bit styled boxart. Let's read the back shall we!

'Build your own ships and levels'

'Trade your creations with your friends'

Vader is right, it sounds nothing like LBP

Super Scribblenauts

Not yet in, can't wait to try

Castlevania: Order of Eclesia

Not yet in

Jam with the Band

Forget I actually bought this. Not sure what to expect of this.

Edited: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 23:16:22
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Tue, 25 Jan 2011 23:53:57

I am sure Blast Works is a pain to share compared to LBP, which takes one button press. Nyaa

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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 00:16:59

Gunstar Future Heroes is probably the only good sequel from Treasure, ever. Guardian Heroes Advance was shit compared to the original so don't get that. Glad you're enjoying WSR, great game that you can go back to. I return to it and get obsessed with archery and swordfighting every so often for a while then quit again.

I mean outside the multiplayer which is always a blast.

Edited: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 00:20:33
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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 00:33:10

Castlevania is probably the best game of the bunch, play that when you get it. I think Order is one of the very best of the portable CV games.

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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 00:55:08
Iga_Bobovic said:

... Ask (BTW where the hell is this crazy fellow?!) ..

Unlike ...OTHERS... Ask actually told us before he went away that he was going to spend less time on gaming forums and gaming itself and spend more time toward his career and personal life.  He said he'd still be checking in, but not as much as he used to.

And I wish he'd check in a little more often, but kudos to him for being polite enough to let us know what was going on.  I started Fragile, did not really give it a good chance, but I'll be interested if you agree with me in any way about the FUCKED UP controls in that game.  To get it to work effectively you'd have to attach the wii to a miner's helmet.

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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 01:21:00

I've played Fragile a bit but it didn't grab me. It probably could do that if I was in the right mood though, but another depressing experience didn't interest me at the time. Control wise, the actual pointing worked just fine really, the issue for me was the way they handled turning. You had to move the cursor too close to the edges of the screen, the turning speed was too low, and it didn't even keep turning if you went a bit too far, it just stopped altogether. It's awfully clunky and a great shame as with just a few speed and behaviour tweaks here and there it would have been as smooth and awesome as Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Although it would still have issues with the combat, that was clunky also, like a dodgy Phantasy Star Online prototype or something. That was another thing that put me off the game, if it had less combat and just allowed me to explore maybe I'd play more. Perhaps you just have to discover exactly what it's trying to be, but the technical aspects like the combat style and limited inventory seemed to clash against the exploration and adventuring. Maybe it flows better after you get it.

Edited: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 01:36:42
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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 03:20:27

I hated Rhythm Paradise with a bloody passion reserved for poor cooked chicken and Uwe Boll movies. I couldn't believe how terrible I was at it. I couldn't make it past level 3. For years my wife claimed I had no rhythm and this was all the proof she needed to hammer in the last nail in the coffin.

Wii Sports Resort is excellent. Perfect model of how all sports or mini game collections should be done. You'll have hours of fun with that one.

And while the opinion is not a popular one, I didn't think that Castlevania: CoE was all that great. I didn't think there was that much going on that we hadn't seen in other Castlevania games. They got the game outside of the castle but they still found a way to make nearly every level look like it was still in the castle.  It wasn't bad by any means. Good typical Castlevania, but at the end of the day it still felt just that... typical.

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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 07:07:57
Dvader said:

I am sure Blast Works is a pain to share compared to LBP, which takes one button press. Nyaa

Well only one way to find out. The question is do I want to play it? I only bought the game because it was rare! Not opening it up could get be lots of money later.

Agnates said:

Gunstar Future Heroes is probably the only good sequel from Treasure, ever.

Sin and Punishment man, you forgot about Sin and Punishment

Dvader said:

Castlevania is probably the best game of the bunch, play that when you get it. I think Order is one of the very best of the portable CV games.

Well seeing as Super Scribblenauts has fixed all the issues of the original, I think that one could be the best. But I will play fragile first I think, it is the worst game. Lets get that out of the way.

aspro said:

I started Fragile, did not really give it a good chance, but I'll be interested if you agree with me in any way about the FUCKED UP controls in that game.  To get it to work effectively you'd have to attach the wii to a miner's helmet.

I know the game has crappy controls, by just watching the video. But it was cheap and has awesome music. So will see what happens.

robio said:

I hated Rhythm Paradise with a bloody passion reserved for poor cooked chicken and Uwe Boll movies. I couldn't believe how terrible I was at it. I couldn't make it past level 3. For years my wife claimed I had no rhythm and this was all the proof she needed to hammer in the last nail in the coffin.

I could not get past the second one. Where you have to tap the screen to shut your yap. I had to skip it, but the third with the robot I finally did finish that and even got a medal. The fourth with the monkey clap is killing me and to make things worse, the dirty look they give you when you fail.

Edited: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 07:09:21
The VG Press
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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 09:26:11

If that's all you bought Blast Works for, don't open it. Unless you're a hardcore shooter fan, maybe you'll like its uniqueness then, but other than that it seems like a textbook shooter to me. It's not like a less than ideal or different interface makes the whole concept different anyway, it's the same thing regardless, like many games before LBP, and many games after LBP. Hope you'll like Fragile for reasons other than controls.

Edited: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 09:27:35
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 11:56:32

Iga is God.

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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 12:00:32

^And the sky is blue and the grass is green.

Your point?!

Edited: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 12:00:44
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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 12:07:52
Iga_Bobovic said:

^And the sky is blue and the grass is green.

Your point?!

I live in Australia, the grass is only green in flood affected areas.

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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 12:17:59
Foolz said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

^And the sky is blue and the grass is green.

Your point?!

I live in Australia, the grass is only green in flood affected areas.

You have sinned that why there are floods in australia. And with you I mean you specifically Foolz. All the damage and death(s) are your fault. Can you live with that knowledge?

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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 20:05:50

Okay tried out the other 3 games I have


Really good tutorial and I get what I am about to do. You need to build stuff to feed your people at home. Really nice interface and controls, why the hell do we not have more of these sim type games? The Wii is a perfect fit. Also increasing taxes is encouraged, if you are a Republican please stay away.


Hmm, wait download level is on the menu hey. Clicks it, ah you can't download anything yet, you first have to have a que made at the website. Then you can download it. Tried the single player level. It is alright, with a original twist. All the enemies you kill can get stuck to your ship, eventually you ship will be a huge omni direction fiering, screen fylling mess.


Wow, this one starts depressing, with you burying the old man. A man that took care of you, but yet you never knew his name. The atmosphere in this game can be decribed by one sentence. Imagine if you wake up one day and everyone is gone. But now think of few years ahead. Plants have surrounded all building and stuff. You see all these kinds of posters, drawing that kids made, etc. There are signs of what used to be, but now you are alone. Also the music is awesome, there is even a fully voiced song 5 minutes in the game. It feels more like an anime then a game to be honest. A anime I can't wait to see how it ends.

The controls are really not that bad, but I have not yet been in any battles yet. The controls are a bit stiff, but the game is not about any fast movement. Just walking around and soak in the atmosphere. So far a very unique, sad game. Will try to finish this one first, before someone spoils the story.

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Wed, 26 Jan 2011 20:15:08

With Fragile, I'm curious.  XSEED has been putting the Japanese covers on the flip-side of the western covers lately, can you slide it out of the case and let me know if they do that in EU as well?

Another cool thing about Fragile is that the delapidated buildings they used in that game are all baed on real places in Japan that went under during the 10-year recession.

Edited: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 20:16:14

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 06:00:38
Iga_Bobovic said:

You have sinned that why there are floods in australia. And with you I mean you specifically Foolz. All the damage and death(s) are your fault. Can you live with that knowledge?

I live for it!

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 21:28:47

Okay an update is in order.


I already mentioned the awesome music. Check out the anime trailer that is in the game right after you leave the observatory.

First let me explain what this game is. It is called an action RPG, an exploration game or even an action adventure. I guess you can call it like that. The levels are all interconnected ala Metroid. In structure it is similar to Metroid Prime and Super Metroid. You first have some story and a tuturial level (like the spaceship level in Prime 1 or Ceres Space Station in Super Metroid) after you finish that you get the anime trailer and then the rest of the game is one giant interconnected world, that takes you through the subway of Tokio, an underground mall and even an amusement park. Of course everything is abandoned and in bad shape. For humankind is not there anymore.

The battle system is all in real time. You usually fight ghosts by hitting them with a stick, hammer, bamboo swords, pipe, etc. The combat is extremely simple, you just hit ghost until they die. Some weapons can be charged for a stronger attack, others have a tree hit combo, but that is it. No blocking, no lock-on, no dodging, no switching weapons in real time. Nothing. Ususally the enemies are just standing there waiting to be killed, later in the game you have enemies that require some strategy and some are even scary, but then you run in another problem.

The controls. Like Agnetes said before the controls are really stiff. You basically have tank controls. Forward on the analog stick is moving forwards, backwards, is backwards and to the side is strafing. Pointing to the very edge of the screen will make turn slowly. So if an enemy attacks, before you can move away, you will be hit. There is another way to control Seto (main character of the game). By pointing the wiimote away from the screen your analog stick stops being a tank joystick. Forward is forward, backwards is turning around to run backwards, left is turning left to run left, etc. Kinda like the stick controls in Zelda and Mario games. But then you run in the problem of the attrocious camera. You will run around, while the camera is not pointing towards an enemy. If only someone invented a button that could lock a camera onto an enemy. Wait someone did in 1998!

Moving on, combat is the weakest part of the game. Near the end, I did not bother and just avoided all the enemies by simply running past them. Fighting earns you experience points. Earn enough and you level up. There is also a merchant that makes the RE4 merchant look normal in comparison.

I mean just look at him, plus he carries around a baby pram full of trash. And he actually has a backstory and is the single most disturbing thing ever. You can use him to buy/sell weapons, healing items, etc.

There are also some NPCs around, not many because the puny humans were wiped out. But each of them has a character and some stories are truly sad. The story is as follows, you Seto live alone with an old man in a post apocalyptic world. After the old man dies, you go looking for other survivers. Everything is devoid of all human life, humans have all but disapeared. But then you find a silver haired girl, and you follow here. From there on you meat other people and hopefully you will find other survivors and maybe you will even find out what happened to humanity.

I have actually finsihed the game and I have to say that the story is handled wonderfully. Usually this type of mystery stories fall apart once the mystery is revealed, but not so here. It all makes perfect sense. Plus you find some short stories of some peoples last day on earth, really well writen and voice acted.

The game is not perfect, the battles are weak, the controls are stiff and the level design kinda falls apart near the end. But the atmosphere of lonelyness is perfect, the exploration is nice, the art style is great and the character and stories are sublime. Oh the music is awesome too. So if you have the game try to finish it, it is definitely worth it. If you can find it for cheap for all means, it is not perfect not even close, but still worth playing.

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Wed, 02 Feb 2011 22:10:00

Super Scribblenauts

When seeing the list Vader mentioned that probably Castlevania Order of Ecclesia was the best game of the bunch. As usual he is utterly wrong. Super Scribblenauts is just freaking awesome. Well we all know the premise of the original Scribblenauts. You write down an object and it appears. The original had infuriating control problems. For instance if you clicked on a item, sometimes Maxwell (the main character) actually grabs the object or sometimes he walked over there and probably got himself killed. Well this problem is solved, you can control Maxwell with the d-pad to move and the  buttons to jump. No more annoying deaths. Also you can use adjetctives now, like ice dragon or fast giant fire dragon.

The objective of the game is simple, collect starites. Kinda like the stars in Super Mario Galaxy. The more starites you collect the more worlds and levels are unlocked. The world selections works like in a Mario game. First only one world is open and in that world only one level is open, you finish that and level 2 and 3 are unlocked. Finishing level 2 will unlock level 4 and 5 and so it goes on. And eventually new worlds will open up. There more you play the more levels will be unlocked. So if you are stuck, no big deal, just pick another stage.

The levels can be getting to the end to grab a starite, dress yourself up to impress four judges (for example: a cowboy, pirate, cheetah and a rockstar), or do various missions to get a starite. All these missions are really short and are perfect for just-one-more-starite mentality. You will find yourself finishing four levels then turn the DS off, then 10 minutes later you will pick it up again and try some other missions or try missions you did before with a different tactic, or you just summon the dark lord Cthulu for the heck of it. This game is made for a handheld. Turning on a console to play for 10 minutes then turn it off and on again after 15 minutes is just not suited for consoles.

One example, the very first mission has a starite in a tree. You can grab it by giving Maxwell a saw and cuttting the tree down, or you can give yourself a ladder, or perhaps even a jetpack. Or you can summon a beaver and he will cut the tree down for you. It is all up to you.

Also you can have various different avatars instead of Maxwell. My avatar is God, and frankly he fits way better in the game. Because you are summoning objects from thin air. That is something God would do, right?! Also there is an achievement system in the game and even a level editor. You can even design and build your own missionst.

All in all if you have any interest in puzzle games, this one is a must have. If you truly hate puzzle games, no matter buy it anyways. If you are a evil bastard, buy it for Lord Cthulu is in it. Let me end this with a invaluble piece in advice: when in doubth summon Cthulu.

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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 00:07:19

You have not tried Castlevania, therefore I cannot be wrong yet.

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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 06:38:46
Dvader said:

You have not tried Castlevania, therefore I cannot be wrong yet.

Wrong again, I see a pattern here.

I did play Order of Ecclesia, quite alot. I deceided to do the write up today, because the previous two took long enough and it was getting late. Stay tuned.

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