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The Book Thread
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Mon, 07 May 2012 04:06:57

I just finished season 1, so well done. I have never seen a more authentic adaptation of a book, every character is there, all major moments are represented. No changed locations, no changed characters, no losing of events, in fact it added more scenes and characters than took away. But that maybe its biggest problem. I felt like it was missing a certain kind of cinematic quality to it, shows and movies usually make events bigger than they are or focus a little more on action. It seems like the aspect they cut down the most from the book was the action when it is usually the opposite. The result is a lot of standing around talking which is what most of the book is but I felt it was missing a bit of an adventurous spirit. For instance the zombie attack on the wall was way better in the book, the hand that Jon cuts off starts crawling on the floor and climbs Jon to choke him and there were two of them with Ghost going at it with one of them. Another scene is Tyrion does go to war and they have a pretty big battle, he does get knocked out but not before being in the fight. I know its HBO so the budget isn't exactly giant and they do amazing with what they got.

Best part of the show is the cast by far. The casting director needs an award, everyone is perfect, just PERFECT. Daenerys actress needed an emmy, she did so amazing, those EYES, wow. Tyrion I think he did win an emmy, he deserves it. He delivers all the lines perfectly, exactly as how I imagined it. What they did with all the children is nothing short of amazing, I wondered how the children will handle such dark material, well they did it. Yeah some of the older ones look much older than they should be but that is usually how it is done. Also all the sets and locations are so authentic, again amazing what they did on a TV show.


I wonder what did you guys thought when Ned Starks head got chopped off? I think it is far more shocking in a show than in a book cause you always associate the main actor as being "safe". He is on the logo, he is the star so they would never kill him. Well so much for that, lol.

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Tue, 08 May 2012 14:11:09

Something only indirectly related...  I've been considering getting a kindle for a little while now.  In fact I think I may get a kindle touch the next time I get to the UK.  Do any of you guys have any experience with any kindles or any other e-readers?  Do you recommend it?


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Tue, 08 May 2012 15:43:06

I have no Kindle. I kind of want one, though.

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Thu, 10 May 2012 01:33:08
bugsonglass said:

Something only indirectly related...  I've been considering getting a kindle for a little while now.  In fact I think I may get a kindle touch the next time I get to the UK.  Do any of you guys have any experience with any kindles or any other e-readers?  Do you recommend it?

I bought a Kindle last fall, and I absolutely love it. I read far more with it now than I ever did with paper books.

Edited: Thu, 10 May 2012 01:34:12

The VG Press

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Thu, 10 May 2012 18:56:17

Wow this book is getting awesome!! Now things are moving at such a fast pace.

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Thu, 10 May 2012 18:59:46

Yeah the final parts of book 2 are epic shit. And then book 3 comes and shoves its wang all over the previous two book's faces.

About 1/3 of the way through the fourth book. It's a much more mellow affair. Much more focused in politics and courtroom shenanigans.

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Thu, 10 May 2012 21:44:06
SteelAttack said:

Yeah the final parts of book 2 are epic shit. And then book 3 comes and shoves its wang all over the previous two book's faces.

About 1/3 of the way through the fourth book. It's a much more mellow affair. Much more focused in politics and courtroom shenanigans.

I have heard that is the worst one. Sound like the start of book 2. Sad

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Thu, 10 May 2012 22:02:42
Yeah, book 3 is crazy so far and I'm just slightly past 1/3 of it.   Sooo many holy shit moments.  Maybe the books should be subtitled:  "Oh shit, that did not just happen!"

Thaphires!! LOL

You know nothing, Jon Snow!
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Sat, 12 May 2012 04:08:09
WTF just happened?!?!?!?! I don't believe it.
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Sat, 12 May 2012 04:11:03


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Sat, 12 May 2012 05:48:14
Dvader said:.


I wonder what did you guys thought when Ned Starks head got chopped off? I think it is far more shocking in a show than in a book cause you always associate the main actor as being "safe". He is on the logo, he is the star so they would never kill him. Well so much for that, lol.

He's frickin Sean Bean.  He ALWAYS dies.  Impressive he even made it that long.


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Sat, 12 May 2012 06:42:49


Spoiler failure. WinkWink

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Sat, 12 May 2012 07:13:14
SteelAttack said:


I am still in shock. I want death horrible death to... Him.
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Sat, 12 May 2012 08:25:42
Dvader said:

I am still in shock. I want death horrible death to... Him.

It wasn't so long ago that you couldn't stop going on about Elohim!

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Sat, 12 May 2012 18:01:05

Just a note to you guys reading the books and watching the show, from what I've been told they're about to pull a "Walking Dead" with the series and start to take it in a different direction than in the book as of the most recent episode. Partially to make it better for episodic television, and partially to keep people interested and possibly get people who were only interested in to become interested in the other..

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Sat, 12 May 2012 18:57:01
More likely it's to condense the book to fit ten episodes.   I've read the episode summaries to some of the scenes and they combined two crucial scenes into one.   They also omitted two crucial characters who are supposed to be in Winterfell.
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Sat, 12 May 2012 19:07:16

That's probably part of it, but this model has become the "best practice" for a lot of the recent TV shows that have originated from books. Walking Dead went down that path as did (the god awful) True Blood before that. Everything starts the same and then as time progresses it gets increasingly different.

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Sat, 12 May 2012 21:32:53

I heard they are going to split A Storm of Swords into two seasons so at least they are going to get breathing room for that one. yeah they do some stuff differently. I just read a conversation toward  the end of the second book that took place at the end of season 1 in Game of Thrones.

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Sat, 12 May 2012 23:46:56

OMG!!!! WAR!!! So epic, I cant stop reading. They are going to need a bigger budget for the show.

SPOILER toward the end of book 2.

The description of the boat battle was so well done, what a great picture of the battle he painted. I am in the middle of the battle, Tyrion is leading a charge and the queen just told Sansa she is ready to kill herself. WTF. Who do I even root for here??? I just hope Tyrion and Sansa live, the rest can die horribly. I am still soooooo pissed that Bran is dead.

Edited: Sat, 12 May 2012 23:50:37
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Sun, 13 May 2012 00:43:09

Halfman! Halfman!  



Edited: Sun, 13 May 2012 01:08:27
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