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Prototype of canceled Castlevania: Resurrection for Dreamcast found Featured Sonia Belmont and a new character news robio
[] Pac-Man 99 Announcement Trailer The latest battle royal game for Switch owners media news robio
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[] Sony turns down Days Gone Sequel Why? Because they're bitches news robio
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Country: UN
Comments: 48764
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Thu, 08 Apr 2021 13:27:03
Whoa wtf? Thimbleweed Park looks so much better on the switch screen. On the big TV the pixels are like 1cm big 🤔.

Country: CA
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Thu, 08 Apr 2021 15:03:09
travo said:

This is what ‘shrooms will do to ya kids. Just say “No”.


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Thu, 08 Apr 2021 15:05:52
robio said:
I went ahead and played a couple rounds of Pac-Man 99 this morning. It's okay, but it definitely hasn't grabbed me like Tetris 99 or Mario 35. That makes me a little sad too. My opinion may change more as I play, as I learned the nuances, but I don't think the way all the players tie into one another really works. I don't feel that whenever I lose it's due to me playing poorly, but more so that there's just too much on the screen and very difficult to keep track of. You have to watch Pac-Man and the ghost monsters obviously, but then there's the shadow ghosts and Shadow Pac-Men that pop up in hordes and clog the screen until it's really hard to figure out what's going on.

Yeah I tried out a few games of it myself last night. Pretty much felt the same. Will try a few more again but don’t see myself playing this nearly as much as I was SMB35.


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Thu, 08 Apr 2021 17:26:49
Pacman 99 should have used the superior Atari 2600 version as its basis. Nyaa

The VG Press

Country: UN
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Thu, 08 Apr 2021 18:15:20
The whole verb system in Thimbleweed Park is getting old. Any way to just have contextual controls?

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Thu, 08 Apr 2021 21:27:11

Pac-Man 99 just isn't as good as the others. I don't feel there is enough depth with Pac-Man. I made it to second place in one match and I still don't know how any of it works.

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Fri, 09 Apr 2021 03:08:19
Yeah, I agree. It's not a great game. I've pretty much got the tricks to it down and got a first place victory. Just not that fun though. I'd rather stick with Pac-Man DX or original. Even Pac-Man 256 was better.
Country: BE
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Fri, 09 Apr 2021 13:06:21

I played some Pacman99 yesterday.  It's charming, although the presentation is a bit crude as they opted for an overly pixelated style for the UI as well.

I think the main difference between this and Tetris99 comes down to the inherent differences between the 2 games they're based on: Tetris is a puzzle game where failure is your fault and your fault only.  Pacman is an arcade game where it's perfectly possible to end up in a situation that will lead to certain death where you just had some bad luck with the randomized pattern of the ghosts.  Therefor when you win it doesn't feel like you outsmarted those 98 others as it does in Tetris99, but more like you just had the longest stroke of non-bad luck.

Country: AU
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Fri, 09 Apr 2021 13:37:33
My legs are numb.

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Fri, 09 Apr 2021 18:19:07
And fuck Sony.
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Fri, 09 Apr 2021 23:27:34

I stopped by to say, Fuck You, Sony!

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Sat, 10 Apr 2021 00:59:22
What did Sony do?

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Sat, 10 Apr 2021 01:05:40

"Sony turns down Days Gone Sequel"

Country: UN
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Sat, 10 Apr 2021 15:19:45
Picked a couple more adventure games in the switch sale. Jenny Lecue and Yesterday Origins. Now have around 20 graphic adventure/point and click/narrative driven games on Switch.

Country: UN
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Sat, 10 Apr 2021 17:12:00
Loving Thimbleweed Park, it's the real thing. However, during what I assume to be the last quarter of the game it's started to get real annoying. It has things and events that you can't do, spend ages trying to do. And the game will only let you do them after a certain point. For example talked to this lady in the elevator a million times to try and get to the penthouse. Which is one of your marked objectives. Had to search online that you can't get her to help you until later on in the game. Having gotten no help from her a million times, why would randomly ask her again later in the game. Here is a hint system that seems to work pretty well, then it falls apart and becomes useless later in the game. Not giving you anything like the info you need to do your objectives. More annoying is that the game hangs up the phone hint system after ir spews out a useless hint. So you have to redial it, using a cursor to dial individual numbers no less - to try for another.... useless hint.

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Sun, 11 Apr 2021 15:25:09
Finished Thimbleweed Park. At around the 15 hr mark. Great game overall but the final third of the game is a tough slog. It has all those graphic adventure idiosyncratic elements that can frustrate you. It seemed like just when you passed an obstacle, BAM another obstacle, then another, then another. To the point where I was pushing through a series of gates. It was a bit exhausting and I just wanted to finish it and move onto a new game. The ending was a little too 4th wall. Would have preferred a happy ending. With all the complaints out of the way, it's honestly exactly what I was looking for. A game that looks, sounds and feels exactly like an old school Lucasarts adventure game. Really great, wish they would do more.

Country: UN
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Sun, 11 Apr 2021 18:57:26
Started Silence. Whoa, one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen. Even the 3D models look handpainted. Can't even screenshot this. Only in game when you have moving elements and particles in the air does it come alive. Controls are a touch in precise, sometimes you have to turn your character a tiny bit in one direction to get a hot-spot to be click able. Thankfully it's  a slow paced graphic adventure like game. Really impressed how the 3d character models basically perfectly match the gorgeous 2d backgrounds. I'm not even sure how they made these environments. They look 2d and super detailed and then the camera moves in a way that makes it look 3d. Wish they allowed some limited camera movement so you could look at the environments in more details like in the way the camera pans.
Just bought Edna and Harvey The Breakout in the sale. It was Daedalics first game (Silence/Deponia)
Edited: Sun, 11 Apr 2021 21:04:54

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