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[] Switch Mini Rumours Escalate As Spanish Arm  Of GAME Lists Accessories gamingeek
[] Report: The rumored second next-gen Xbox model​ likely won't see the light of day gamingeek
[] PlayStation Japan releases video celebrating ​ Ape Escape's 20th Anniversary gamingeek
[] ​Trine 4 - more gameplay gamingeek
[] Memory manufacturer Macronix sees larger-than-usual ​ orders from Nintendo, leading to more Switch redesign speculation gamingeek
[] Luigi's Mansion 3 brings Nintendo's ghost hunting back ​ to the big screen - and it feels right at home there gamingeek
[] Japanese Genesis Mini Collector's Edition  Comes With 22 Tiny Cartridges gamingeek
[] Astral Chain Is The Switch Game  Everyone Should Be Talking About gamingeek
[] Respawn addresses underwhelming Star Wars ​ Jedi: Fallen Order gameplay gamingeek
[] EA releases extended version of Star Wars ​ Jedi: Fallen Order E3 gameplay gamingeek
[] GameStop offering full refund for Super Mario Maker 2 ​ players that return the game within 48 hours gamingeek
[] Super Mario Maker 2 reviews Roundup Mostly 9s impressions gamingeek
[] Astral Chain, Trilogy Planned if Sales Are Good Buy it at a HIGH price! news edgecrusher
[] Sega’s New Game SolSeraph is Like an ActRaiser Successor Apparently, Sega wants to have my children. edgecrusher
[] Game Under Podcast Episode 110 A proper show, finally! editorial impressions media news aspro
[] Xbox Game Pass is fantastic but don’t forget that you don’t own these games gamingeek
[] Oddworld: Soulstorm Developer Sees Switch As ​ "An Important Platform"; Announcements Coming Soon news gamingeek
Mighty Switch Force! Collection announced ​ for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC news gamingeek
[] Nintendo Acknowledges Switch Mini Rumours Says It Is "Always" Developing New Hardware gamingeek
[] Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga ​ feels like a new hope for Lego video games gamingeek
[] Switch's next Tegra X1 looks set ​ to deliver more performance and longer battery life gamingeek
[] Astral Chain is intended to be the first part of a trilogy I look forward to the Astral Chain 3 Kickstarter gamingeek
Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony publish joint statement ​ against President Trump's proposed tariffs on consoles manufactured in China gamingeek
[] Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night dev team shares ​ specifics on what Switch aspects are being worked on first, localizations being tweaked as well gamingeek
[] Nintendo AGM Q&A info summary  (Switch momentum, eSports, third parties, & more) gamingeek
[] ​Splatoon 2 Splatocalypse gear now available gamingeek
[] Up close with the Snake, Pichu, Isabelle, Pokemon Trainer and "Link's Awakening" Link amiibo gamingeek
[] Final Fantasy TV series announced. There will be Chocobos. news travo
[] PS Plus July Games travo
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Country: FR
Comments: 8362
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Joined: 2013-06-11
Sat, 29 Jun 2019 16:25:48
They're all great, you can't go wrong.

TP is basically HD OoT, but I disliked it for how formulaic it was.
BotW is superb, but the gameplay can get repetitive.
WW I loved, but many disliked the sea overworld.
SS has the best moment to moment combat, but it lacks an overworld.

Of all those,I'd like to replay WW the most myself.
Country: US
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Sat, 29 Jun 2019 16:36:01

I need to replay WW soon too. I loved it on GC. I have it on Wii U too.

The VG Press

Country: CA
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Sat, 29 Jun 2019 18:44:57

I’d recommend playing Breath of the Wild. Exploring the world of Hyrule never felt so good. I love Twilight Princess but the beginning part of that game can be a real slog.


Country: UN
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Sat, 29 Jun 2019 23:17:29

Finish Breath of the Wild given you're already 20 hours in.

Otherwise play through Wind Waker so we can find out if you're a heathen or not.

Or Skyward Sword so we can tell if you're a luddite or not.

In other words, I've very helpfully suggested you play 3/4 of your options.

Country: CA
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Joined: 2008-07-01
Sun, 30 Jun 2019 02:13:39
Foolz said:

Finish Breath of the Wild given you're already 20 hours in.

Otherwise play through Wind Waker so we can find out if you're a heathen or not.

Or Skyward Sword so we can tell if you're a luddite or not.

In other words, I've very helpfully suggested you play 3/4 of your options.


Country: US
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sun, 30 Jun 2019 15:00:27

I finally got the entire map opened up in Breath of the Wild. Some of those towers are a pain in the ass. Really cool map though, once it's all visible.

I feel like I should be earning trophies on the PS4 while I play Zelda. I'd take that over cross play. Cross Trophy.


Country: US
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Joined: 2009-02-25
Sun, 30 Jun 2019 19:52:43
Well thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. I've chosen to play nothing at all. Yesterday my hot water heater sprang a leak and looks to be pretty much a disaster at this point. So I'll be using my video game money, alongside an extra $800 or so for a new hot water heater and installation.

Maybe I'll play the Minish Cap instead...
Country: GB
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Sun, 30 Jun 2019 20:21:49
robio said:
Well thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. I've chosen to play nothing at all. Yesterday my hot water heater sprang a leak and looks to be pretty much a disaster at this point. So I'll be using my video game money, alongside an extra $800 or so for a new hot water heater and installation.

Maybe I'll play the Minish Cap instead...

FFS. That sucks. Sorry man.

Country: US
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sun, 30 Jun 2019 20:42:27
robio said:
Well thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. I've chosen to play nothing at all. Yesterday my hot water heater sprang a leak and looks to be pretty much a disaster at this point. So I'll be using my video game money, alongside an extra $800 or so for a new hot water heater and installation.

Maybe I'll play the Minish Cap instead...

Happened to me a few years ago. Always a good time.


Country: UN
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Sun, 30 Jun 2019 22:10:30

How old is the heater, Robio?

Country: UN
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sun, 30 Jun 2019 22:23:41

Sorry to hear that, Robio.

On the bright side, The Minish Cap is great.

Country: US
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Joined: 2009-02-25
Sun, 30 Jun 2019 23:12:00
travo said:

How old is the heater, Robio?

Oh it's old. Like 20 years.
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