Owlboy creator creates a trailer for his own idea
for a Chrono Trigger sequel
youtu.be media
Nagoshi teases “something truly different”
Yakuza Kindergarden - baby mobsters
gematsu.com news
Retail version of Starlink: Battle for Atlas
requires 4GB download on switch
Pokemon is the biggest media franchise in the entire world
It beats Star Wars, as does Hello Kitty (not) joking
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Just watched Digital Foundry's Devil May Cry 5 video, which I don't feel like posting but damn, that looks fucking AWESOME! It's so good to see the fact that Capcom are back on top of their game....it really is. Remember a few years back when it seemed like they were fading away and possibly going down the same route as Konami? They completely turned it around which I'm assuming has to do with some solid leadership over there, as that's what it takes to keep a ship going the right direction. That's what happened to Konami; TERRIBLE leadership. But yeah, so good to see Capcom back to being one of the most important companies in gaming.
It was probably Apsro and he's just being humble.
Like I said, a rock star.
So in this scenario I assume Aspro was the woman blowing the rock star?
OKay so I'm playing Breath of the Wild and I have to admit I'm not getting it. I've always thought Zelda games take a while to pick up speed and get good, but once they hit that point they're impossible to put down, so I'm not quitting yet by any means. As it is, I'm only about 4 or 5 hours in I think. I've got 8 shrines under my belt and just left Kariko village. It's certainly is a triumph of what can be done in a game and a lovely art style (something Zelda games never seem to get enough credit for), but.... it's boring.
Proof positive that casuals flock to whatever is popular.
That's why I've picked it up and put it down numerous times. Does not have the pace of the classic games at all, and if you're unsure of where to go next to really advance things it can be tedious. When it's good, it's really good though. I need to get back it it again..haven't touched it in days.
If anyone is an anime fan and wants to try something rather different, look into Forgotten Anne. It's a game publised by the Square Enix Collective and it quite literally looks like a playable Studio Ghibli movie.
It's billed as a platformer, but I like to think of it more as a light adventure, story-centric game. It's about 7 hours long, but the story makes it very compelling and captivating.
She looks like a wholesome woman.
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That seems pretty accurate. The good moments that I've experienced are pretty incredible. And then... I'm climbing a wall.
I will continue to stick with it for a while, but once Dragon Quest 11 comes out, this is going to get shelved. I will probably come back to it sometime later in the year though.
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FINALLY! Someone who can nail a Pantera cover perfectly. Godly.