Sony Doesn't Rule Out PlayStation VR Improvements
But Those Won't Come At Higher Prices
Nintendo Switch reviews start appearing on Amazon
despite the game console being unreleased impressions
An oral history of FFVII. Amazing article on the making.
Insight to one of the biggest games of all time. Must read. editorial media
Youtuber got to play RE7 and is in love. Not an amnesia clone.
More proof that this is the RE so many wanted. news
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Personally I don't find it appealing at all but it's cool that others are enjoying it.
Everyone, including me thought Splatoon should have been a cheap download game when first shown. The people who have played Arms at the event are saying it's great. I personally don't want a one on one brawler, but I'd like to try a demo.
How close after Christmas are you talking about? The week before and after Christmas are pretty much the busiest time of the year. Really tough to find any deals at all that time of year too. If you are willing to stay off property though, I know you can probably stay at a decent place if you're willing to do one of those timeshare sales pitches. PM me any details you might have so far, and I will see what I can do to help you out. If nothing else I can tell you what to do once you get inside the park.
My sister has the details. I'll give them to you when I learn them.
Ah the time share pitch, went to many of those growing up. You get like an apartment for cheap.
I think it's a day or two right after Christmas.
My wife had some family come down last week and they did this. They got a pretty nice hotel room for 5 nights, got a big discount on their Disney tickets, and like $50 in cash for sitting through a 2 hour presentation.
I just want to re-emphasize that it's insanely busy at that time. Best tip I can offer is just accept beforehand that you won't be able to do everything or even everything you want to do. But if you can deal with the crowds you can still have fun, and there really is nothing more awesome than seeing your kids at Disney for their very first time.
Plus you'll be able to see Donald Trump in the Hall of Presidents.
My wife and I have agreed that we only want to go to the magic kingdom. We will spend two days there more likely.
Ive watched the first seventeen minutes of Zelda from Gamestop. Good stuff. It certainly has me curious about the story. That voice good
That's what the people who have played it - say is great about it. There's a ton of depth to it and the matches play out like tense chess matches. However they likened it to Splatoon in the sense that anybody could jump in and have a blast.
I could see ARMS having more depth than what was shown. BTW did they mention if there was online fighting for it? That's the one danger Nintendo has run into with just giving 45 days between presentation and launch. Their new games are going to have questions, and there's just enough out there that wading through all the information at this time is pretty damned difficult.
Thinking back on things, I really think going forward for any new consoles they should treat it like Smash Brothers. Announce a good bit up front, and then once a week or so announce one big new thing. Keeps the flow of information steady, and provides something for everyone to regularly look forward to.
Yes Arms has online.
So: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will not feature any new race tracks
Fuck that shit then. MK9 For E3 then. I reckon there was an internal debate on whether the new tracks should be extras in mk8 or just put them into new mk9.
I think the main selling point of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is battle mode has been fixed.
That is the main selling point for a lot of people.
My friends would never do any racing after we unlocked all the tracks we always played battle mode so it is great that they finally fixed it.
That's what I realise. The leakers who were pretty reliable got some things wrong so their hype backfired.