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[] Patrick Klepek's Top 10 Games of 2015 Bet you'll NEVER guess his number one! phantom_leo
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[] Level-5 to Announce a Sequel to a VERY Popular Series in 2016 Dark Cloud 3? news phantom_leo
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Country: GB
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sun, 03 Jan 2016 11:44:50
bugsonglass said:

Want to finish Stealth Inc so badly but it's getting really difficult.  And this is with two and a half worlds still to go which are meant to be the most difficult.

I was tempted to get this but the trailer looked like it could get complicated. The Swindle might be better.

travo said:

Gg join us.  My son and I are taking turns and Vader is with us.

Dang it, didn't see this.

Dvader said:

Ooooommmggg that final boss!!!!!!!!! Greatest final boss of the generation? Yes!

That boss is great, imagine if the whole single player was on that level? It'd be a Treasure like revered classic by now. So what kind of single player stlye would you pefer for a sequel? Same puzzle, platformer or proper TPS shooter campaign?

Edited: Sun, 03 Jan 2016 11:45:47

Country: GB
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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 12:10:11
Blind Bulgarian Mystic Baba Vanga, Who 'Predicted' The Rise Of Isis, Says They'll Invade Europe In 2016:

A blind Bulgarian seer whose followers claim she correctly foretold major world events such as global warming, the 2004 tsunami and the rise of Isis has made some more startling predictions, according to reports.

Those who believe the mystical Baba Vanga has powers of precognition say that before her death at 85 in 1996 she prophesied the end of Europe as we know it.

It is said she foresaw "a 2016 invasion by Muslim extremists" involving chemical weapons, after which Europe would "cease to exist".

According to local legend, Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova first gained the ability to see the future when she was blinded in a terrible storm at age 12. Believers say that since then she has correctly predicted:

The Kursk nuclear submarine disaster

Global warming

9/11 - “Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing."

The 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami - "A huge wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water. Everything will melt, just like ice."

A "great Muslim war" beginning with the Arab Spring and culminating in the rise of Isis

The election of Barack Obama - She predicted that the 44th President would be an African American. She also predicted he would be the last US President.

World War II

The date on which Tsar Boris III died

The break up of Czechoslovakia

The break up of the Soviet Union

The break up of Yugoslavia

East and West Germany's


Boris Yeltsin's election

The Chernobyl disaster

The date of Stalin's death

The conflicts in Syria

The separation of Crimea

And what does Baba Vanga say our future has in store?

China will be a world power by 2018

Hunger will be eradicated at some point around between 2025 and 2028

The ice caps will be melted by 2045

The US will launch an attack on Muslim-held Europe, using a climate-based ‘instant freezing’ weapon

Between 2170 to 2256 a Mars colony will gain nuclear weapons, demand independence from Earth

We'll also apparently find something nasty in the search for alien life

We'll have time travel by 2304

The Earth will be uninhabitable by 2341

By 4674 humanity will have totally assimilated with aliens

Aaaaand in 5079 the universe will end.

But don't go packing your space bags just yet - Baba Vanga also predicted a nuclear World War from November 2010 to October 2014.

Country: CY
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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 13:55:50
gamingeek said:
bugsonglass said:

Want to finish Stealth Inc so badly but it's getting really difficult.  And this is with two and a half worlds still to go which are meant to be the most difficult.

I was tempted to get this but the trailer looked like it could get complicated. The Swindle might be better.

It was less than 2 quid.  For that price I can afford not to finish it up to the last level.  I got more than my money's worth a long time ago.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

Country: GB
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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 14:08:40
bugsonglass said:

It was less than 2 quid.  For that price I can afford not to finish it up to the last level.  I got more than my money's worth a long time ago.

I know. Buying games for the sake of buying games though... I might get it now I've finished Swapper. Never Alone is babyish junk dressed up in storybook presentation though.

Country: CY
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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 14:16:24
gamingeek said:
bugsonglass said:

It was less than 2 quid.  For that price I can afford not to finish it up to the last level.  I got more than my money's worth a long time ago.

I know. Buying games for the sake of buying games though... I might get it now I've finished Swapper. Never Alone is babyish junk dressed up in storybook presentation though.

Don't get Never Alone, it's rubbish according to reviews.  Stealth Inc. 2 is really good.  It would have been brilliant if it was a little less difficult but it's still worth playing.  You will enjoy it it won't be a buy just for the sake of buying it.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 14:25:16

I'm really loving Dying Light now.  It's really hitting its stride and I've barely scratched the surface nor acquired some of the cooler weapons and gadgets.  It's certainly hard to describe, survival horror meets Far Cry 3 meets Mirror's Edge.  My biggest concern is that I've only completed about ten percent of the story so I'm afraid it will start to drag a bit in the middle. I cannot wait to get the grappling hook!  This game has co-op.  Someone get this and we can conquer the zombie outbreak together!

Country: GB
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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 14:49:32
bugsonglass said:

Don't get Never Alone, it's rubbish according to reviews.  

Too late.

bugsonglass said:

Stealth Inc. 2 is really good.  It would have been brilliant if it was a little less difficult but it's still worth playing.  You will enjoy it it won't be a buy just for the sake of buying it.

Not on sale anymore

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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 15:05:47

Wooo! Grim Fandango is free this month for PSPlus members!  I love this service.

Edited: Sun, 03 Jan 2016 15:06:19
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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 16:43:39

Yoshi's Woolly World is such an enjoyable game to play. It's both relaxing to play in general and challenging to find everything in the levels. It also looks very nice and adorable.


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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 17:11:54
gamingeek said:

That boss is great, imagine if the whole single player was on that level? It'd be a Treasure like revered classic by now. So what kind of single player stlye would you pefer for a sequel? Same puzzle, platformer or proper TPS shooter campaign?

Puzzle platformer. The stuff they could come up with. Also it should be filled with mini challenges like time trails, endurance modes, squid races, etc. the gameplay is so deep, they could do almost anything.

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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 17:17:18
Archangel3371 said:

Yoshi's Woolly World is such an enjoyable game to play. It's both relaxing to play in general and challenging to find everything in the levels. It also looks very nice and adorable.

I loved it.  Keep thinking I want to play it again.  Kirby's Epic Yarn is also fantastic (by the same dev. team) if you have missed it by any chance.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 18:45:04

That MK8 DLC looks like a big chunk of stuff for a low price.

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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 19:53:18

The Mario Kart DLC is an amazing. 16 tracks, new racers, and new karts for $12. Tough to find any DLC bundles that offer that much for so little. I just picked it up and the new levels are quite good. Absolutely worth it.

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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 20:54:44
robio said:

The Mario Kart DLC is an amazing. 16 tracks, new racers, and new karts for $12. Tough to find any DLC bundles that offer that much for so little. I just picked it up and the new levels are quite good. Absolutely worth it.

Yes!  Awesome addition to a great game.  Like an added 50% content, and of very high quality.


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 03 Jan 2016 23:31:22
bugsonglass said:
Archangel3371 said:

Yoshi's Woolly World is such an enjoyable game to play. It's both relaxing to play in general and challenging to find everything in the levels. It also looks very nice and adorable.

I loved it.  Keep thinking I want to play it again.  Kirby's Epic Yarn is also fantastic (by the same dev. team) if you have missed it by any chance.

Yeah I'd like to pick that game up sometime as well.

robio said:

The Mario Kart DLC is an amazing. 16 tracks, new racers, and new karts for $12. Tough to find any DLC bundles that offer that much for so little. I just picked it up and the new levels are quite good. Absolutely worth it.



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