Star Fox Zero devs – origins, co-op, amiibo, not a remake
GamePad importance, and more
Cancel Metroid Prime: Federation Force immediately!!!!
Disney Infinity devs say nothing's off the table
including Howard the Duck, Monkey Island & more
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival amiibo included in set
Isabelle and Digby
Miiverse to undergo extensive changes later this summer
Screenshot Album will hold all of your screenshots, up to 100 media
Tom Towers Reviews Witcher III
"The dogs are already salivating." editorial impressions
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I have been playing FO: New Vegas. It's less...boring than FO3.
This is me in a sandstorm. I couldn't see shit.
Then the sandstorm ended, but it started to rain. Game doesn't want me to enjoy clear skies.
MGS: Fallout Edition
I've been playing Batman Arkham Knight, but I'm on vacation so I won't return to it until sometime on Tuesday.
I'm 80 hours into Puzzle and Dragons! Only reason I'm not playing right now is I drained my batteries playing in bed all day!
So. Very. Tired!
Been doing way too much these last few weeks!
...way too many?
Eh. Same thing!
Maybe I could play some more Batman Arkham Kni...
Seems like most unused Nintendo IP's have become significantly less valuable over the years. A lot of them no longer offer unique experiences, or experiences that are the best in the genre, or experiences that anyone under the age of 25 gives a shit about. The people that want a new Metroid Prime (us), or even the Wii U to be powerful, aren't representative of the majority of gamers. If the Wii U focused on people like us, would it have been more successful? Absolutely. Would it have been significantly more successful and got the third party support it supposedly required to be very successful? I think that's debatable.
I'm just glad you've been able to stay Hidden.
You taking a break from Wild Hunt Steel?
Kind of, I still have it installed. But I was watching the FO4 E3 trailer, and I remembered I never actually gave NV a shot, after not liking FO3 at all. That lead to me installing it, and then a mod followed another mod.
False. Nintendo always realizes that handheld are a different beast. That is why the handeld get different games than the consoles. You almost never get console ports on the handhelds.
People moved on? Where do you base this on?
Edge maybe you should look at how muck NSMBWii and Mario Kart has sold on the Wii? If you make claims, give we some facts, numbers, anything. This will make your argument stronger!
I base it on Wii U selling 9 million units and Nintendo developing mobile games.
Who cares what they sold? Does their sales disprove the fact that the Wii was a fad? If so, why haven't those franchises done the same numbers on the Wii U? And why hasn't the Wii U itself at least come close to matching Wii's sales? Or even Gamecube's?
It should have been Al Lowe's magnum opus.
Latest Game Under Podcast is up. This Show:
0:00:17 A continuation...
Trademark Banter
0:01:24 Australian Culture Minute
0:03:35 Gaban Welcomed to
E3 Wrap
0:04:26 Yazuza 5 Dated for West
0:06:49 Tom's Reaction to Guerilla Games' Action RPG, Horizon: Zero Dawn
0:11:18 Arkham Knight's PC Port Problems (and WB Reputation)
0:15:41 IGN GOTE3 to Battlefront
0:16:39 Uncharted 4, Tom and Phil's impressions
0:18:59 Tom's Tomb Raider Impressions
0:20:01 Schill for Endless Backlog and Our Impressions of E3 in General
0:20:50 Cuphead
0:24:30 Xbox One Backward Compatibility
0:28:45 The Last Guardian
0:31:10 Tom's Impressions of PSN+
0:34:01 Final Fantasy 7 - Tom Towers Gets Real. REAL!
Tom Towers on Witcher 3 (minor *gameplay* spoilers which are audibly sign-posted)
0:39:00 Final Pre-Review Witcher 3 Comments (Seriously I have not heard this stuff anywhere else)
0:44:20 Tom Towers, "Witcher 3 is Baroquen"
Phil Fogg's Splatoon Update
0:53:32 Episodic Gaming Disguised as AAA?
0:59:20 Single Player Explained
E3 Wrap-Up Continued
1:01:47 Tom's Perversion: Devil's Third
Digression: "So Bad it's Good"
1:03:00 Fogg's Problem with the Term
Back to E3 and Devil's Third
1:05:40 Itagaki, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden and Soul Calibur (DOA Extreme)
1:10:38 Metrolling
1:14:02 Super Mario Maker Vs. Little Big Planet
1:16:41 Apology to Stephen Frye
1:19:10 Nomansky
1:22:09 Need for Speed
1:27:32 VR
Digression II
1:38:04 Tom Provides an Example of "So Bad it's Good"
Where have the years gone...
Good to see that at least some things remain the same.
I'm not so sure if their games would sell better on the competitions hardware. Face it, Nintendo sells to 2 kinds of people. Long time fans and kids. Most long time fans will buy their consoles regardless, and kids will get their grubby little hands on them as well because they're kids and get spoiled by their parents. Do you really think that the people playing COD will buy the next Zelda game, or even a Mario platformer?
Also, having their own console also gives extra importance to each game they release. They're the top dog in their own ecosystem. Throw them out in the jungle of Sony and MS's consoles, and they're just some other developer vying for your money and attention. Their games won't have the same impact. They better also sell a lot more, because development will be much more costly on more expensive hardware.
Money they earned not only with Mario and Pokémon, but by making profit of off every piece of hardware sold and from other publishers paying them a royalty for every game sold on their system.
That's about the only good thing that could come from them going 3rd party. They could become a large publisher. But upturning the table on everything Nintendo does today, in hopes for being able to become a leading 3rd party publisher? Doesn't sound like a good business plan to me.
That's not a typo in Stephen Fry's name there is it Aspro? Bastard, you're just piling on the insults
Just knowing I have so many games that can be burned through quickly makes me feel better.
Game Under Podcast Ep. 67 Foolz and Aspro redefine podcasting excellence. E3, Witcher 3 and a stolen mp3 to end it all.
I've been listening to Ep.67, and so far I am not, I repeat, NOT liking it. I'm 4 minutes in and not only did nobody bring up the worldwide superiority of Belgian Chocolat (very intently so with a capital C) while on the topic, but I have also discovered a huge bias towards certain new forumites. I myself, as part of the rather new generation forumite union, feel that this discrimination, in which certain new forum members are explicitly welcomed into a certain cummunity on certain podcasts, whilst others are not, is in itself a disgrace. It is a blemmish on the sincerity and credibility of podcasts. Not only this certain podcast that I speak of now, but podcasts worldwide. This is podcastgate material right here!
I shall now go back to older recordings of a certain podcast from 2 years ago to verify this vile behaviour, as to make sure I'm not making an utter and pompeous ass out of myself, ranting on without having double checked my facts.
I hold little hope for the remaining 94 minutes.