GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Game Under Podcast Ep. 67 Foolz and Aspro redefine podcasting excellence. E3, Witcher 3 and a stolen mp3 to end it all. editorial impressions news aspro
[] Splatoon to get extra mode on Thursday There. Now everybody can stop whining news SupremeAC
[] NX hardware to be developed in the U.S by N.T.D Lead Graphics Architect hired to set future graphics direction for Nintendo gamingeek
Star Fox Zero devs – origins, co-op, amiibo, not a remake GamePad importance, and more gamingeek
[] Approval ratings of Nintendo Directors rise at recent shareholder’s meeting gamingeek
[] Microsoft in talks to buy AMD – report PS4 royalties going to MS? gamingeek
[] Miyamoto: 'Star Fox Zero is not so far from a VR experience' Shigeru Miyamoto has hinted that one of the firm's upcoming titles would work well with the technology. gamingeek
[] Miyamoto 'not actively participating' in NX development "I’ve pulled myself back out of some of the hardware section" gamingeek
[] Gamer destroys PS3 controller, blames German football star who replaces it for him, Das Ist gut? gamingeek
[] Fallout 4's real life Pip-Boy doesn't work with iPhone 6+ Or larger screen phones gamingeek
[] Naughty Dog scrapped 8 months' work on Uncharted 4 after Amy Hennig left, says Nolan North gamingeek
[] Sony offers free gift to loyal PlayStation Plus fans as service celebrates 5th anniversary gamingeek
[] Arkham Knight guide - how to master the combat system "Button mash, dodge, repeat" gamingeek
[] Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Targeting 60FPS Single-Player Might Be Lower gamingeek
[] Iwata wants to maintain value of products New membership service will give you more gamingeek
[] Miyamoto: A Single Good game is not enough anymore German interview gamingeek
[] 2 x The Division Artworks gamingeek
[] Visceral Games Star Wars game is like Uncharted Amy Henig involved gamingeek
[] Euro downloads - July 2 Ocarina of Time FE: Shadow Dragon and more gamingeek
[] Splatoon - devs on map rotation, upcoming updates and how the development continues gamingeek
[] Earthbound Beginnings - review "It shows its age, with an antiquated script and relentless grinding, but the wit and humor that other Earthbound/Mother games possess shines through" impressions gamingeek
[] Those NX/Diddy Kong Racing 2 rumors you've been hearing Yes, we are well aware of the chatter about NX costing $150 and Diddy Kong Racing 2 being in development gamingeek
[] Universal Studios Japan getting new RE attraction Videos here media gamingeek
Cancel Metroid Prime: Federation Force immediately!!!! VIDEO - MASKED MAN THREATENS gamingeek
[] Reggie teases colors/variants for New 3DS XL NX development, amiibo sales, mobile approach gamingeek
[] Microsoft claims to have developed superior Oculus Rift lenses Get your Royalty Check hand ready Mr. Rift. news aspro
New DQ8 Footage Battles will also run 1.5 times faster. media news aspro
Steins;Gate Finally Dated Classic game finally coming west. news aspro
[] Arkham PC Fixes "will take some time" And are "significant" news aspro
[] Vetran PSN Members Getting Awesome Gift A personalized print of their gaming experience from Sony. news aspro
[] HoloLens is Blowing Up! No, really. A bunch of them blew up in space. news aspro
[] Mojang is Shutting Down Scrolls Will defer to their Elders. news aspro
[] Australia bans 220 video games in 4 months USA FTW. news aspro
[] NOLAN NORTH MAY HAVE OUTED THE LAST OF US 2 It's OK TLoU2, at least you can marry whomever you want now! news phantom_leo
[] Sony 'probably would have' cancelled The Last Guardian if fans hadn't kept asking gamingeek
Ryo voice actor returns for Shenmue III "Where can I find some sailors?" gamingeek
[] "VR is going to yield this staggering orgasm of the new" Unity CEO John Riccitiello on the company's role in building a market for VR software, and why he's no fan of the "sour grapes" offered by the cynics gamingeek
[] First item sold on Amazon Mexico was Fire Emblem Ike Amiibo Steel was this you? gamingeek
[] 'Reserve judgement' on Kiefer Sutherland as Snake until you play MGS5, says Troy Baker gamingeek
[] Uncharted PS4 being made by Koei Tecmo Waters Online: Gran Atlas gamingeek
[] Spector gives thoughts on Nintendo, Epic Mickey "Let's say there are 2500 games being shown. 2400 of them all look exactly alike. You can't even tell which one you're looking at, you know? And it drives me crazy" gamingeek
[] GoNintendo goes Ad-free with sponsorship from Nicalis Inc. For the next year, they'll be sponsored by your friends at Nicalis to go ad-free. No flashing banners, no creepy AdWords with your recent Google searches. Just games and gaming talk, pure and simple. gamingeek
[] Nintendo open to bringing other IPs into Animal Crossing "“Obviously we don’t know what the next Animal Crossing is going to look like, but if the addition of other IPs in the next Animal Crossing is going to really excite both fans..." gamingeek
[] Metroid Prime: Federation Force - more than just an FPS "When [other Nintendo employees] see the games I create, they might be unique, and people may not agree with them. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to make games that focus on Tingle.” gamingeek
[] Reggie says transforming IP is important Asks fans to trust Nintendo with Metroid Prime: Federation Force gamingeek
[] Shovel Knight exclusive content coming to Wii U/3DS Plague of Shadows/battle mode update gamingeek
Disney Infinity devs say nothing's off the table including Howard the Duck, Monkey Island & more gamingeek
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival amiibo included in set Isabelle and Digby gamingeek
[] David Wise working on unannounced Nintendo project RUMOR - Diddy Kong Racing 2? news gamingeek
Miiverse to undergo extensive changes later this summer Screenshot Album will hold all of your screenshots, up to 100 media gamingeek
[] Iwata's full comments on the Nintendo NX translated Must read - for riddle solvers gamingeek
[] Nintendo Aims to Avoid 'Notorious' Smart Device Business Models With Its Releases gamingeek
[] These are the sorts of questions Nintendo gets asked by shareholders "Why can't we get a Princess Peach hentai?" gamingeek
[] Peter Moore recounts $1.15bn Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death saga "The console had a red ring and I had one too from a recent trip to India" gamingeek
[] What does it take to run Arkham Knight smoothly on PC? An act of God gamingeek
[] Molyneux wants fellow developers to test his next game Fellow developers don't want to gamingeek
[] Nintendo to offer NX "through a Nintendo-like solution" "With regard to the launch of Nintendo 3DS and Wii U not necessarily having progressed well and not acquiring sufficient support from software publishers, we intend..." gamingeek
[] Kitchen highlights the strengths and weaknesses of VR Capcom horror gamingeek
[] Iwata aiming to satisfy Wii U owners "To the maximum extent possible" gamingeek
[] Nintendo Cross (NX) hardware concept reveal   Fun but fake? gamingeek
[] Blast Ball is only the Tutorial in Metroid Federation Force With an Intriguing Story Promised gamingeek
[] News: The Smart Boy Is Real Will Let You Play Original Game Boy Carts On Your Smartphone gamingeek
[] Star Wars Battlefront alpha leaked, mined for information Leak: Darth Vader is Luke Skywalkers dad!!!!! gamingeek
[] Warner Bros aware of Arkham Knight PC problems months ago, report claims gamingeek
[] Buy Fallout 4 from the Xbox Store for £59.99 and get Fallout 3 'free' gamingeek
[] Supply chain players gear up for new Nintendo NX "Mass production will start in May or June 2016, while the console's official launch may take place..." gamingeek
[] Uncharted 4 details gamingeek
[] Metroid Prime: Federation Force will expand the Metroid universe Timeline details discussed gamingeek
Yooka-Laylee - Grant Kirkhope, Andy Robinson video interview editorial gamingeek
[] Splatoon - Tower Control footage gamingeek
[] E3: Nintendo received many proposals for joint initiatives Iwata on third-party collaborations gamingeek
[] E3: Miyamoto Defends Near-Term Focus Rather Than Dream-Like Demonstrations gamingeek
[] A Nintendo NX Release in Summer 2016? The Pros, Cons and Questionable Likelihood of gamingeek
[] Bungie hired Arrested Development guy to make Destiny funny gamingeek
[] MGSV: Special Edition/Limited Pack gamingeek
[] New Development Center lets Nintendo make products that astonish & entertain the world gamingeek
[] Nintendo on their approach to E3 this year Recognizing that fans were let down gamingeek
[] Nintendo won't devalue their IPs by flooding the market with licensed merchandise gamingeek
[] Iwata on the challenges of Virtual Console releases working with 3rd party content gamingeek
New Ace Attorney 3DS themes available alongside franchise sale gamingeek
[] Fire Emblem Fates' Gay issue causes controversy Woman given a drug that makes her see men as women, thus allowing her to become attracted to someone that's not actually a woman. gamingeek
[] N64 controller hacked to work on Xbox One Who needs the Elite controller? gamingeek
Tom Towers Reviews Witcher III "The dogs are already salivating." editorial impressions aspro
[] Unseen64: NX is not aiming to compete on a power level "Absolutely sure of that now" gamingeek
[] Slain! trailer and details Need a new Castlevania game? media gamingeek
[] Project H.A.M.M.E.R. Exposé Reveals Torrid State Of Affairs At Nintendo Software Technology gamingeek
[] DQ11 will be on consoles gamingeek
[] Miyamoto's Japan Expo included a video from Michel Ancel - he made a stage for Miyamoto called Pac-Mario gamingeek
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Country: CO
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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 00:33:46

I have been playing FO: New Vegas. It's less...boring than FO3.

This is me in a sandstorm. I couldn't see shit.

Then the sandstorm ended, but it started to rain. Game doesn't want me to enjoy clear skies.

MGS: Fallout Edition

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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 00:39:30

I've been playing Batman Arkham Knight, but I'm on vacation so I won't return to it until sometime on Tuesday.

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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 00:43:33

I'm 80 hours into Puzzle and Dragons! Only reason I'm not playing right now is I drained my batteries playing in bed all day!  GASP

So. Very. Tired!  GASP

Been doing way too much these last few weeks!  GASP

...way too many?  Uneasy

Eh. Same thing!  GASP

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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 00:46:31

Maybe I could play some more Batman Arkham Kni...  


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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 02:36:36

The VG Press

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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 02:51:51
Playing Earthbound Beginnings... and I'm so close to the end. So close. I can taste it.
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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 03:41:01

Seems like most unused Nintendo IP's have become significantly less valuable over the years. A lot of them no longer offer unique experiences, or experiences that are the best in the genre, or experiences that anyone under the age of 25 gives a shit about. The people that want a new Metroid Prime (us), or even the Wii U to be powerful, aren't representative of the majority of gamers. If the Wii U focused on people like us, would it have been more successful? Absolutely. Would it have been significantly more successful and got the third party support it supposedly required to be very successful? I think that's debatable.

Edited: Mon, 29 Jun 2015 03:46:43

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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 04:09:04
SteelAttack said:

I have been playing FO: New Vegas. It's less...boring than FO3.

I'm just glad you've been able to stay Hidden.


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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 04:21:28
edgecrusher said:

I'm just glad you've been able to stay Hidden.

LOL It didn't matter anyway. Machete girl is always ready in case things come down to fisticuffs.

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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 04:34:31

You taking a break from Wild Hunt Steel?


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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 04:56:32
edgecrusher said:

You taking a break from Wild Hunt Steel?

Kind of, I still have it installed. But I was watching the FO4 E3 trailer, and I remembered I never actually gave NV a shot, after not liking FO3 at all. That lead to me installing it, and then a mod followed another mod.

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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 05:04:13
edgecrusher said:

  1. I'm not ignoring the Wii at all...and I'm not talking about handhelds. Handhelds are a different market, that's what Nintendo fails to realize sometimes.

False. Nintendo always realizes that handheld are a different beast. That is why the handeld get different games than the consoles. You almost never get console ports on the handhelds.

edgecrusher said:

  1. I In regards to consoles, yes the Wii sold a ton but AS I SAID, it sold a ton to people who don't really care about Nintendo or consoles in general and HAVE MOVED ON. That fad is over.

People moved on? Where do you base this on?

edgecrusher said:

  1. It didn't sell because it was the best console or because the majority of game fanatics liked it. It sold because old people and trendy casuals thought it was neat to play Wii Sports and swing your arms around. It didn't sell because of Nintendo's IP's....if that was the case, the Gamecube and Wii U would have sold roughly as well as the Wii. So again, does Nintendo have to rely on some gimmick becoming a fad to sell a good amount of consoles these days?

Edge maybe you should look at how muck NSMBWii and Mario Kart has sold on the Wii? If you make claims, give we some facts, numbers, anything. This will make your argument stronger!

The VG Press
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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 05:49:58

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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 07:51:35
Iga_Bobovic said:
edgecrusher said:

  1. I'm not ignoring the Wii at all...and I'm not talking about handhelds. Handhelds are a different market, that's what Nintendo fails to realize sometimes.

False. Nintendo always realizes that handheld are a different beast. That is why the handeld get different games than the consoles. You almost never get console ports on the handhelds.

edgecrusher said:

  1. I In regards to consoles, yes the Wii sold a ton but AS I SAID, it sold a ton to people who don't really care about Nintendo or consoles in general and HAVE MOVED ON. That fad is over.

People moved on? Where do you base this on?

I base it on Wii U selling 9 million units and Nintendo developing mobile games.

Iga_Bobovic said:
edgecrusher said:

  1. It didn't sell because it was the best console or because the majority of game fanatics liked it. It sold because old people and trendy casuals thought it was neat to play Wii Sports and swing your arms around. It didn't sell because of Nintendo's IP's....if that was the case, the Gamecube and Wii U would have sold roughly as well as the Wii. So again, does Nintendo have to rely on some gimmick becoming a fad to sell a good amount of consoles these days?

Edge maybe you should look at how muck NSMBWii and Mario Kart has sold on the Wii? If you make claims, give we some facts, numbers, anything. This will make your argument stronger!

Who cares what they sold? Does their sales disprove the fact that the Wii was a fad? If so, why haven't those franchises done the same numbers on the Wii U? And why hasn't the Wii U itself at least come close to matching Wii's sales? Or even Gamecube's?


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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 08:44:31
robio said:

Okay.... so today I learned there was a Porky's video gamee on the Atari 2600.

It should have been Al Lowe's magnum opus.

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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 10:21:19

Latest Game Under Podcast is up. This Show:


0:00:17 A continuation...

Trademark Banter

0:01:24 Australian Culture Minute

0:03:35 Gaban Welcomed to

E3 Wrap

0:04:26 Yazuza 5 Dated for West

0:06:49 Tom's Reaction to Guerilla Games' Action RPG, Horizon: Zero Dawn

0:11:18 Arkham Knight's PC Port Problems (and WB Reputation)

0:15:41 IGN GOTE3 to Battlefront

0:16:39 Uncharted 4, Tom and Phil's impressions

0:18:59 Tom's Tomb Raider Impressions

0:20:01 Schill for Endless Backlog and Our Impressions of E3 in General

0:20:50 Cuphead

0:24:30 Xbox One Backward Compatibility

0:28:45 The Last Guardian

0:31:10 Tom's Impressions of PSN+

0:34:01 Final Fantasy 7 - Tom Towers Gets Real. REAL!

Tom Towers on Witcher 3 (minor *gameplay* spoilers which are audibly sign-posted)

0:39:00 Final Pre-Review Witcher 3 Comments (Seriously I have not heard this stuff anywhere else)

0:44:20 Tom Towers, "Witcher 3 is Baroquen"

Phil Fogg's Splatoon Update

0:53:32 Episodic Gaming Disguised as AAA?

0:59:20 Single Player Explained

E3 Wrap-Up Continued

1:01:47 Tom's Perversion: Devil's Third

Digression: "So Bad it's Good"

1:03:00 Fogg's Problem with the Term

Back to E3 and Devil's Third

1:05:40 Itagaki, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden and Soul Calibur (DOA Extreme)

1:10:38 Metrolling

1:14:02 Super Mario Maker Vs. Little Big Planet

1:16:41 Apology to Stephen Frye

1:19:10 Nomansky

1:22:09 Need for Speed

1:27:32 VR

Digression II

1:38:04 Tom Provides an Example of "So Bad it's Good"

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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 10:28:34
edgecrusher said:

I guess you can go either way on this one...hell I remember having arguments on the old Gamespot boards over this topic, over 10 years ago.

Where have the years gone...  wink  Good to see that at least some things remain the same.

edgecrusher said:

Personally, I think Nintendo would be amazing as a 3rd-party and really can't even be compared to SEGA.

#1: They're smarter than SEGA. They know how to make AAA software and their games have a ton more appeal than SEGA's games ever have. That's basically why they're still able to make consoles in the first place. Any new game from Nintendo's franchises on another console would instantly be one of the biggest games of the year on that console...and then of course you'd have Sony or Microsoft helping them out by doing some actual REAL marketing. Their games would just be opend up to a bigger userbase, and probably a lot of people who would like to play their stuff but just didn't want to buy a Nintendo console to do it.

I'm not so sure if their games would sell better on the competitions hardware.  Face it, Nintendo sells to 2 kinds of people.  Long time fans and kids.  Most long time fans will buy their consoles regardless, and kids will get their grubby little hands on them as well because they're kids and get spoiled by their parents.  Do you really think that the people playing COD will buy the next Zelda game, or even a Mario platformer?

Also, having their own console also gives extra importance to each game they release.  They're the top dog in their own ecosystem.  Throw them out in the jungle of Sony and MS's consoles, and they're just some other developer vying for your money and attention.  Their games won't have the same impact.  They better also sell a lot more, because development will be much more costly on more expensive hardware.

edgecrusher said:

#2: They have a shitload more money than SEGA. Let's face it, this matters. And they wouldn't have to invest tons of money into hardware anymore.

Money they earned not only with Mario and Pokémon, but by making profit of off every piece of hardware sold and from other publishers paying them a royalty for every game sold on their system.

edgecrusher said:

#3: Other studios would be much more open to working with Nintendo and having Nintendo publish THEIR games, or develop games jointly...knowing they had the PS or Xbox userbase to work with. It would be pretty awesome to see some of the guys at Nintendo able to work with any studio in the world on various projects.

That's about the only good thing that could come from them going 3rd party.  They could become a large publisher.  But upturning the table on everything Nintendo does today, in hopes for being able to become a leading 3rd party publisher?  Doesn't sound like a good business plan to me.

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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 10:30:39
aspro said:

1:16:41 Apology to Stephen Frye

That's not a typo in Stephen Fry's name there is it Aspro?  Bastard, you're just piling on the insults  Nyaa

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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 13:22:12
I just ran through a Google search for the game lengths of every 360 & PS3 Game that I still need to finish. And I'm pretty happy that at least half of my games shouldn't take more than 10 hours each. Hell, a handful are only 5 hours long.

Just knowing I have so many games that can be burned through quickly makes me feel better.


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Mon, 29 Jun 2015 14:28:59

Game Under Podcast Ep. 67 Foolz and Aspro redefine podcasting excellence. E3, Witcher 3 and a stolen mp3 to end it all.

I've been listening to Ep.67, and so far I am not, I repeat, NOT liking it.  I'm 4 minutes in and not only did nobody bring up the worldwide superiority of Belgian Chocolat (very intently so with a capital C) while on the topic, but I have also discovered a huge bias towards certain new forumites.  I myself, as part of the rather new generation forumite union, feel that this discrimination, in which certain new forum members are explicitly welcomed into a certain cummunity on certain podcasts, whilst others are not, is in itself a disgrace.  It is a blemmish on the sincerity and credibility of podcasts.  Not only this certain podcast that I speak of now, but podcasts worldwide.  This is podcastgate material right here!

I shall now go back to older recordings of a certain podcast from 2 years ago to verify this vile behaviour, as to make sure I'm not making an utter and pompeous ass out of myself, ranting on without having double checked my facts.

I hold little hope for the remaining 94 minutes.

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