GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
Time's running out to claim a free Wii U game In the Mario Kart 8 Bonus Game Promotion gamingeek
[] Axiom Verge: Playstation's Very Own Metroid impressions media phantom_leo
[] Captain Toad: is the best Nintendo spin-off in years Says Eurogamer impressions gamingeek
[] New characters playable in Super Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS Trailer Fire Emblem and more media gamingeek
[] Vita IS a triple-A machine in Japan but Western future remain unclear, Sony says gamingeek
[] History Lesson: How Halo started an FPS revolution Discuss gamingeek
[] Euro downloads - July 17 Kirby: Earthbound  sales And more gamingeek
[] Mario Kart GP DX - English trailer gamingeek
Latest Hyrule Wariors Trailer Semper Fi media news aspro
[] Tekken 7 reveal trailer. The Final Battle, again! media Dvader
[] CB: The Best Wii U Games... So Far gamingeek
[] Microsoft planning major job cuts - including Xbox division Lay-offs could be 'biggest in Microsoft history', Bloomberg says. gamingeek
[] Fatal Frame live-stream event airing on NicoNico this week Will discuss Wii U game, film etc gamingeek
[] Ori and the Blind Forest sings in your hands gamingeek
[] YouTube star TotalBiscuit pledges 'full disclosure' amid ethics debate gamingeek
[] Ex-Panama dictator suing Activision over likeness in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 gamingeek
[] The Last of Us Remastered details leak: 30fps toggle, additional DLC planned gamingeek
[] Dragon Quest X - streaming 3DS version info play alongside Wii, Wii U, PC and Android players gamingeek
[] Sega Clarifies 'No Plans for Virtual Console' Statement It's like EA's Wii U statement gamingeek
[] Divinity: Original Sin (9.0) AMAZING! Review Outstanding tactical combat and engaging quests make Divinity: Original Sin one of the most rewarding RPGs in years. impressions phantom_leo
[] Microsoft shutting down Xbox Entertainment Studios 200 employees gamingeek
[] Sonic Boom Comic Book Series to Accompany Games and Animated Show news gamingeek
[] What's going on at Criterion? gamingeek
[] Microsoft suffer 18,000 job cuts, biggest ever ut Xbox will suffer "limited change" gamingeek
[] DICE aiming for SW Battlefront to be 'the best SW game ever' Also aiming to never make a game on a Nintendo console gamingeek
[] Fatal Frame U: More Details on Plot & Controls Use the Gamepad as the "Projection Machine" gamingeek
[] A Number of Job Openings at Nintendo of America & Retro Studios gamingeek
[] Wii U Software Sales Increase by 479% In the UK in June Time to step up, 3rd parties gamingeek
[] Best Buy buy one 1st party 3DS title, get one free.  Starts Sunday! news travo
[] HQ Fatal Frame Wii U trailer gamingeek
[] Miyamoto: Fatal Frame can show the power of the Wii U GamePad And also bring new players to the machine by offering new genres to enjoy. gamingeek
[] Fatal Frame Wii U the biggest game released to date More details here gamingeek
[] Last of Us 30 FPS lock offered for purists Not because it struggles at 60 gamingeek
[] The Last of Us Remastered trophies 'identical to PS3' but save files won't carry over gamingeek
[] Killzone: Shadow Fall gets fart DLC & I can't believe I'm typing this... gamingeek
[] NHL 15: True Hockey Physics Trailer gamingeek
[] Playing The Last of Us at 30fps feels 'broken' after trying PS4 remaster, says Naughty Dog gamingeek
[] Nintendo issue download codes for Tomodachi Life Welcome Version impressions gamingeek
Destiny: beta won't be 1080p for Xbox One But Bungie claims it will be for launch gamingeek
[] Tales of Zestiria scans + infos gamingeek
[] Japanese Weekly Hardware & Software Sales - 7/7-7/13 Wii U outsells PS4 and PS3, 3DS outsells Vita yada yada gamingeek
[] Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley Developer Diary #1 The Tool System gamingeek
[] Bayonetta 2 - more scans gamingeek
[] Batman: Assault on Arkham - opening scene Movie acts as prequel to Arkham games gamingeek
[] GameStop: Smash Bros U includes Amiibo figure RUMOR gamingeek
[] Nintendo stock on a steady rise Since Mid-may to now gamingeek
[] Sakurai talks Lucina's inclusion in Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS why Chrom didn't make the cut impressions gamingeek
[] Fatal Frame: Wii U - debut trailer, screens and details - due out September 27th in Japan media gamingeek
[] Fatal Frame - Hollywood and Japanese movie updates Resident evil producer involved gamingeek
[] Destiny XB1 Beta Isn't 1080p WTF? news aspro
[] Hands On With Last of Us Re-Run " the campaign is looking mighty promising" editorial aspro
[] Kottick Almost Fired Over Stock Grab He should have been. news aspro
[] EA Dumps Sim 2 Support Seems fair. news aspro
Fatal Frame Wii U Trailer If done well, shoudl fit the hardware to perfection. media news aspro
[] XB1 Sales Double In June (Price Drop) No real numbers before NPDay though. news aspro
[] The Last of Us' actress angry over lack of female characters in Assassin's Creed: Unity gamingeek
[] Midtown Crazy Race coming to EU Wii U eShop on July 31 The greatest Wii U visuals thus far gamingeek
[] Microsoft burns bridges with developers and fans "Trust no One" says VG24/7 gamingeek
Koei Tecmo announces Bladestorm: The Hundred Years’ War & Nightmare news gamingeek
[] Destiny: PS3 vs PS4 Comparison gamingeek
[] European Xbox team 'hit hard' by Microsoft cuts Over 70% of staff fired from EMEA (Europe Middle East and Africa) team based in Reading, UK gamingeek
[] Microsoft Devices Division (including Xbox) May Lose it's $3.4 billion Android Safety Net - Patent Warz China gamingeek
[] Mario Kart 8 is Top-Selling Game in June Has Sold More than 885,000 Units in the U.S. in First Five Weeks gamingeek
[] DOTA 2 Hitting ESPN ESPN 3 pretty cool. media news aspro
[] MS laying off 18,000 Employees "Having a clear focus is the start of the journey, not the end." news aspro
Disgea 4 Revistied Screens (Vita) NIS America has released a new set of Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited screenshots. media aspro
[] Destiny Hands-On (PS4) "this post is by no means comprehensive" editorial impressions aspro
[] Doom  Announced!!!!! Super fast, gory gameplay! XB1/PS4/PC, id tech 6, 1080p 60FPS. news Dvader
[] NPD June - Wii U lives Mario Kart #2 news Dvader
[] Game Under Podcast Ep 50 Big Show 7 editorial impressions media news aspro
[] Blesinski Interview "Magazines are still using years-old pictures of Bleszinski enthusiastically hefting a replica Lancer" editorial news aspro
[] Google: Game With In-App Purchases Are Not "Free" "In particular, children must be better protected when playing online." aspro
[] XB1 Update Adds Automatic Download of Purchased Games 3D Blu-Ray support too. news aspro
[] Without Memory: PS4 pics gamingeek
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Sun, 20 Jul 2014 21:43:48

I couldn't care less about Wolfenstein. Yeah. I just spent $65 dollars to skip a line.  Hrm

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Sun, 20 Jul 2014 21:54:05

They would have let you buy the card alone at the electronics counter. I've done it. BTW, you have 90 days to return Wolfenstein for a full refund if it's unopened.

I hope you feel better soon, Leo.

Edited: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 22:01:47

The VG Press

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Sun, 20 Jul 2014 22:22:37

So, I haven't spent much time gaming this weekend, but thanks to a discussion in the forums today, I decided to play some of this:

Tetris DS

What about you, Tetriminos?

Edited: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 22:23:50

The VG Press

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Sun, 20 Jul 2014 22:40:54

I've been playing Inazuma Eleven almost exclusively this weekend. I'm 10 hours in (a little over half done) and I still can't decide if I like it. The soccer matches are pretty fun, but everything you have to do to get to them is such a fucking grind.

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Sun, 20 Jul 2014 22:49:49

This weekend I played a handful of levels of New Luigi U and I started playing MK8 a little bit.  Finished 4 cups in 50cc


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Sun, 20 Jul 2014 22:51:55

Really just two games this weekend:

Can't wait 'til more of us discover this game! It's going to be sitting on many people's All Time lists, yet no one is talking about it here!

...and some other unknown game which I'm sure none of you have played... At the Spirit Dungeon; Getting close to being my first completed 3D Zelda!

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Sun, 20 Jul 2014 22:53:50

I've been sitting around alllll weekend, but haven't been able to muster up the energy to play anything too long... other than Divinity. Yeah, it's --THAT-- good.  GASP

Wake up, People!!

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Sun, 20 Jul 2014 22:59:08

I have been playing Animal Crossing still.

I also played Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the 3DS my nephew purchased it and he only played a couple of levels so I figured I would atleast try it.


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Sun, 20 Jul 2014 23:25:20

I've been working on Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2.  Hopefully, the second time is the charm.  I've also spent some time on Dragon Age Origins.  Hopefully, the third time is the charm.

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Sun, 20 Jul 2014 23:27:28
Nintyfan17 said:

I have been playing Animal Crossing still.

I also played Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the 3DS my nephew purchased it and he only played a couple of levels so I figured I would atleast try it.

How is it?  I bought that for my nephew last month since he got a 2DS for his birthday. Tbh, I don't think he really cares about gaming ANSI thought I would ask to borrow it.

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Sun, 20 Jul 2014 23:48:25

Two really cool things about Divinity: Original Sin you might not know:

(1) It has an incredibly well designed elemental effect system built into it. Fire melts ice into Water, Water turns into Steam to lower enemy accuracy. Ice will cool down your parties if they are burning. Rain will wash away Poison. Oil can be spilled on the Battlefield, then set alight. Water can be electrified to Stun enemies, clouds of Steam can be charged to do the same. Wet enemies can be frozen. Rain can be called down to weaken Fire Demons... it goes on and on and on. The way everything interacts makes the battes utterly ingenious and all unique. There are plenty of Magic user characters you can make to take advantage of these, but there's also Thieves, Archers, Knights, Witches, etc, etc, etc. One of the best designed battle systems E-V-E-R ! ! !

(2) The game is ONLINE, CO-OP enabled! How you and the other player agree, disagree, answer questions or argue affects the story or the outcomes of the varying quests. You also gain stat bonuses on how Loyal or Bold, Charismatic or Pragmatic, Romantic or Initimidating your conversation choices turn out to be. This is one of the most fluid and diverse RPGs I've EVER played!!

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