Time's running out to claim a free Wii U game
In the Mario Kart 8 Bonus Game Promotion
Destiny: beta won't be 1080p for Xbox One
But Bungie claims it will be for launch
Fatal Frame Wii U Trailer
If done well, shoudl fit the hardware to perfection.
press-start.com.au media news
Disgea 4 Revistied Screens (Vita)
NIS America has released a new set of Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited screenshots.
gematsu.com media
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I couldn't care less about Wolfenstein. Yeah. I just spent $65 dollars to skip a line.
They would have let you buy the card alone at the electronics counter. I've done it. BTW, you have 90 days to return Wolfenstein for a full refund if it's unopened.
I hope you feel better soon, Leo.
So, I haven't spent much time gaming this weekend, but thanks to a discussion in the forums today, I decided to play some of this:
What about you, Tetriminos?
I've been playing Inazuma Eleven almost exclusively this weekend. I'm 10 hours in (a little over half done) and I still can't decide if I like it. The soccer matches are pretty fun, but everything you have to do to get to them is such a fucking grind.
This weekend I played a handful of levels of New Luigi U and I started playing MK8 a little bit. Finished 4 cups in 50cc
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Really just two games this weekend:
Can't wait 'til more of us discover this game! It's going to be sitting on many people's All Time lists, yet no one is talking about it here!
...and some other unknown game which I'm sure none of you have played... At the Spirit Dungeon; Getting close to being my first completed 3D Zelda!
I've been sitting around alllll weekend, but haven't been able to muster up the energy to play anything too long... other than Divinity. Yeah, it's --THAT-- good.
Wake up, People!!
I have been playing Animal Crossing still.
I also played Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the 3DS my nephew purchased it and he only played a couple of levels so I figured I would atleast try it.
I've been working on Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. Hopefully, the second time is the charm. I've also spent some time on Dragon Age Origins. Hopefully, the third time is the charm.
How is it? I bought that for my nephew last month since he got a 2DS for his birthday. Tbh, I don't think he really cares about gaming ANSI thought I would ask to borrow it.
Two really cool things about Divinity: Original Sin you might not know:
(1) It has an incredibly well designed elemental effect system built into it. Fire melts ice into Water, Water turns into Steam to lower enemy accuracy. Ice will cool down your parties if they are burning. Rain will wash away Poison. Oil can be spilled on the Battlefield, then set alight. Water can be electrified to Stun enemies, clouds of Steam can be charged to do the same. Wet enemies can be frozen. Rain can be called down to weaken Fire Demons... it goes on and on and on. The way everything interacts makes the battes utterly ingenious and all unique. There are plenty of Magic user characters you can make to take advantage of these, but there's also Thieves, Archers, Knights, Witches, etc, etc, etc. One of the best designed battle systems E-V-E-R ! ! !
(2) The game is ONLINE, CO-OP enabled! How you and the other player agree, disagree, answer questions or argue affects the story or the outcomes of the varying quests. You also gain stat bonuses on how Loyal or Bold, Charismatic or Pragmatic, Romantic or Initimidating your conversation choices turn out to be. This is one of the most fluid and diverse RPGs I've EVER played!!