Naughty Dog Amazed No-One Has Found Their Hints
Petville Pets? What could it mean? news
WOW! MGS GZ direct feed gameplay video!
That lighting!!! That Snake ass! :P media news
Watch_Dogs engine wasn't initially running on Wii U
"We have our studio in Bucharest working on it, and we wanted that team to have the time to explore the GamePad and be able to have fun with it and see how far they could push it."
Amazon Sells Out of Mario Kart 8 Preorders in 2 Days
That's got to be some welcome news for Nintendo
Twitch Broadcasting for PS Vita
Recently the current Twitch “viewing” app crossed the mark of mobile devices. This shows the popularity of the service among mobile users, even more so because the current app doesn’t allow editorial news
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travo (3m)
The digital issue comes out in an hour. Il have all the details for you guys.
WTF is the point of origins now that there was another batman game ready, WB messed this up
Might as well be a 360 game.
Holy shit! The trailer for the new Batman game looked freakin' amazing. Batman on PS4 and Xbox One made by Rocksteady? Shut up and take my money already! So glad to hear that Scarecrow is back as well.
The company that makes Wario Ware should be more than capable of getting out cheap $2 games that are fun for the 3DS. I know you are not suggesting this, but for everyone else, this obviosuly would not mean that they woudl stop making full retail games for the 3DS, it would be an augmentation to appease parents of kids (No adult who exclusively games on a smart phone/tablet would ever get a dedicated gaming device -- just as they wouldn't get a dedicated calculator, dedicated camera or dedicated mp3 player. All those things are for specialists.
Thanks for all the details Vader. To answer your question from yesterday, I have no interest in the open world direction Arkham took with the second game. I preferred the tighter linerar levels with the hub world that was found in the first game.
I'm playing FarCry 3 just now, and there is open world and there is open world. Games like the second Arkham and FarCry 3 are so directionless I feel like I am reading two magazines simultaneously whlie suspended upside down. GTAV did it right, as did Red Dead, but these truly directionless open-world games are too much for me when I am looking to gaming to relax.
This is not to say I am not enjoying FarCry 3, but I'll likely drop it today and start on RE6 instead and go back to it when I am not sick.
Few more things:
Some more on the story and the demo GI played. Don't read if you dont want spoilers
sounds meh, but city was meh.
Lets keep these here guys, took some screenshots for you.
Right click open link new page to see the image in full screen.
Got the results of the MRI for my shoulder. It was a dislocation. There's a tear in my anterior labrum. I have tendonisis and something called a Hill-Sachs deformity humeral head with bone marrow edema.
Translation = Ouchies.
Jesus Leo, WTF? You're either jumping off of mountains or engaging in the most violent group sex I've ever read about, outside of Roman times.
SteamWorld Dig has also outsold it's counterpart on Steam. Granted that situation is a little different since it launched on the 3DS first, but the developers said that after the initial launch on Steam their sales have flatlined on it while 3DS sales continue to roll steadily on. There's no question that those smaller games sell well on the 3DS.
That is actually kind of the direction I was going with it, though that's a better idea than the ones I had. Game & Wario is full of neat little games and things that I'd guess you call apps that would be perfectly at home being sold on mobile devices for $1 to $5. Hell I've said from the beginning that the Gamer game that they included needs to be a stand-alone game because it's one of the very best things I've ever played on the Wii U. Those guys could crank out plenty of games. And if Nintendo handled it right, it'd be a great way to give your kids something to do while you keep your phone to yourself.
Gang Bang on the top of Mount Everest!!
You know if that's really the answer I'd just lie and say "gang bang on top of Mount Everest."
You know, I sometimes refer to my wang as Everest.
**Would you like to mount Everest?**
Continuing my no alert no kill max difficulty MGS3 run, I got stuck on The Fear. Took me over an hour. The bastard refills his stamina meter. I had no rotten food to give him so I had to chase down poison frogs. When he goes for food I had to chase him around the level hitting him with the slow tranq gun which is slow to aim, he is jumping around and I ran out of bullets so many times. So many times he would refill his stamina right before i can finish him. Took forever...
and I LOVED IT!!! What other game is like this! I had to find poison food so that he would throw up and give me a moment to attack him. I was thinking of saving the game and starting the game up tomorrow so some of my food would be rotten. The Fear is such an easy fight if you just want to kill him, you just mow him down. But try to stun him and its totally different. This game!
Amy Henning kicked out of Naughty Dog! WOAH! She was directing Uncharted 4 and today she was "forced out" of Naughty Dog.
WTF happened? She MADE Naughty Dog, before Uncharted they were just the Jak guys, no one cared about them.
Make a new Legacy of Kain!
thx 4 bat screens vader. seems new buttman is normal buttman with more pixels.
wow, it uses UE3 too
Mario Kart 8 Wii U Pre-Orders Are Sold Out On Amazon