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[] Man Stabbed With a Replica Master Sword in Domestic Fight They're such hardcore fans, even a flower pot was smashed news robio
[] Second Son Will Have 26 GB DL Size Would take me two months to download. news aspro
Naughty Dog Amazed No-One Has Found Their Hints Petville Pets? What could it mean? news aspro
[] Cortana on Windows Phone She's Siri-ess. news aspro
[] Game Under Podcast Ep. 42 EDF! EDF! EDF! editorial impressions media news aspro
[] Broderbund Private Collection Donated to Library 1,500 pieces of software, including almost the entire Broderbund library and large collections of software from its competitors. news aspro
[] Newell Doing Reddit AMA Today Starting soon. news aspro
[] Xbox Games for Gold March Games Are... Dungeon Defenders (?) and Civ Rev. news aspro
Fez Dated for Sony Platforms March 25 news aspro
Titanfall Leaks Maps, game modes, and more news aspro
[] Big Layoffs hit Eidos Montreal gamingeek
[] US Retailer RadioShack to Close 1,100 Stores Sales dropped 19% last year. news aspro
[] Editorial: Valve has just started the PC games race to zero By lettign developers set their own prices. editorial news aspro
[] PC Gamer Reviews Walking Dead 2.2 88/100 "characters worth caring about again, and real repercussions for the rest of its season" impressions aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews Stick of Truth 8/10 "finicky combat system, a lack of challenge and few reasons to remain in South Park once the story is done" impressions aspro
[] Steamworld Dig Hits PS4/ Vita in 2 Weeks "a game with substance, challenge and no little charm" news aspro
[] Ginatbomb Reviews Stick of Truth 5/5 "a licensed game done exactly right" impressions aspro
[] Hatsune Miku on Vita in North America Today $30. news aspro
[] South Park: The Stick of Truth (7.0) Good Review Blame Canada! impressions phantom_leo
[] Renegade Kid could bring Moon Chronicles to Wii U "if the 3DS version is a runaway hit so we could afford to invest in a complete visual upgrade to take advantage of the increased graphical power offered by the Wii U." gamingeek
[] Explore the Seinfeld apartment in Oculus Rift Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! gamingeek
[] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 studio boss: "One must be blind or stupid to give it a 4/10" gamingeek
[] Platinum defends making Bayonetta 2 on Wii U "Bayonetta 2 would not exist without Nintendo white knighting that project" gamingeek
[] Japanese prime minister says Japan can learn from Nintendo Japan to be governed by smartphones? gamingeek
[] Retro on DKC:TF difficulty, returning to Metroid "There's a lot of people in the studio left over from Metroid Prime that are very passionate about Metroid... If the fans keep asking, then maybe we'll answer" gamingeek
[] RUMOR - Info on Sledgehammer's Call of Duty project Futuristic like Titanfall gamingeek
[]  Family Tennis SP hitting Wii U on March 12th Japan - Family Fishing 3D hitting 3DS gamingeek
[] PS4 Hits 6 Million Sold news aspro
[] Newell Fails to Show Up for AMA on 3/3 Trolling. news aspro
[] Guacamelee Super Turbo Edition for PS4, One, and... Wii U!!!! Wii U got a game! news Dvader
[] Onlive returns with new service pay £9.99 a month to play games you own! SupremeAC
WOW! MGS GZ direct feed gameplay video! That lighting!!! That Snake ass! :P media news Dvader
[] Destructoid MGS GZ preview. Super replayable. impressions Dvader
[] Eurogamer MGS Ground Zeros preview. More love. impressions Dvader
[] Japan: PS4 sales drop, but still leads gamingeek
[] Gamespot MGS GZ preview, 9 hours 30% complete. Tons of stuff to do in the base. impressions Dvader
[] Eurogamer awards first perfect score to iOS game 'Threes!' It is flawed and broken and perfect and you must start playing it today. impressions SupremeAC
[] Retro doesn't think about hardware "Watching this whole debate going on right now...I don't give it a whole lot of thought just because I'm concentrating on making a fun, great game" gamingeek
[] Amy Henning has left Naughty Dog?! Was directing Uncharted 4, no change to the games schedule. news Dvader
[] Watch Dogs coming May 27 to EVERYTHING. Except Wii U. news Dvader
[] Jack Tretton steps down as SCEA CEO. HOLY SHIT. news Dvader
Watch_Dogs engine wasn't initially running on Wii U "We have our studio in Bucharest working on it, and we wanted that team to have the time to explore the GamePad and be able to have fun with it and see how far they could push it." gamingeek
Amazon Sells Out of Mario Kart 8 Preorders in 2 Days That's got to be some welcome news for Nintendo robio
[] Gigantic Army rekindles memories of Cybernator All over my face gamingeek
[] Dragon Age 3 trailer!! WOW!!! DA3 vs Witcher 3, who will win? media Dvader
[] Watch Dogs to have 8 player open world multiplayer. Revealed on twitter?! news Dvader
[] Why Watch Dogs was delayed. To polish it up. And Wii U version on pause, probably forever. news Dvader
[] Bloomberg: MS Hopes Titanfall Robots Can Save the Xbox One "Xbox One, started strong with some 3 million sold around the world from its Nov. 22 launch to the new year. Since then, though, the consoles have piled up on store shelves" gamingeek
[] Watch Dogs Only 960p On Xbox One, 4K On PC Graphics Heavily Downgraded gamingeek
[] Azure Striker: Gunvolt -- Hands On -- Must see for Mega Man fans!! Keiji Inafune's new 3DS side-scroller. impressions phantom_leo
Twitch Broadcasting for PS Vita Recently the current Twitch “viewing” app crossed the mark of  mobile devices. This shows the popularity of the service among mobile users, even more so because the current app doesn’t allow editorial news italkgame
The final years of Irrational.  How it all went down. news Dvader
[] The Denpa Men 3 Promo Video It is the Promo video for the 3rd Denpa Men game media Nintyfan17
[] Last of Us Movie to be Produced by Sam Raimi No word if Bruce Campbell will cameo news robio
[] 200 people made DKC TP Including 25 Monster games staff gamingeek
Bomba: UK Xbox One price in freefall Down from £430 to £350 gamingeek
[] The 20 JRPGs you Must Play Good List 'til you get to Ni No Pooni! editorial phantom_leo
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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 04:41:21
robio said:

Arkham is the new Assassin's Creed!

AC taking place in Gotham City would be pretty sweet. At least the assassin would kill the villains and be done with them. Nyaa

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 04:46:20

Newell is just like HL3, never shows up.

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:41:56
robio said:
aspro said:

About an hour ago I got to the part of being home sick where you are too sick to play games or read etc... Sad

4 out of 5 doctors agree, a whiskey enema would fix you up in no time.

The 5th doctor recommended tequila.


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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:33:42
Dvader said:

Newell is just like HL3, never shows up.

"This is honestly just Valve time we're talking about... he said 1 pm PST which means 5 pm in fourteen years." - Reddit user

Edited: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:34:02

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:36:26
Archangel3371 said:
robio said:
aspro said:

About an hour ago I got to the part of being home sick where you are too sick to play games or read etc... Sad

4 out of 5 doctors agree, a whiskey enema would fix you up in no time.

The 5th doctor recommended tequila.

Dr. Steel.

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 07:51:01

Been thinking about this a lot lately:

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 07:54:24

^He was so full of horse shit.

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 07:55:12

Now I want tequila. A lot of tequila.

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 08:51:18

Cortana on Windows Phone article:

"I'm absorbing the entire internet.  Won't take long... "


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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 10:48:06

argh, y am i updating?!


If you've ever wanted to explore one of the most iconic sets in television history, now you can with Jerry's Place VR, a fan-made mod that details the home base from Seinfeld.

The project was developed by Seinfeld superfan Greg Miller, who developed Jerry's Place VR as a way to become familiar with Unity. "I've been a fan of Seinfeld for a long time. After purchasing the Oculus rift I started imagining what my first project might be. I decided to pick a project that would gradually introduce me to Unity without being overly complex," Miller explained on Jerry's Place VR's official site.

"Television is virtual reality in some ways," Miller postulated. "We make believe that Jerry's place is actually a Manhattan studio and Monks Cafe is just down the street. We suspend the reality that his apartment is just a set in Hollywood, with tons of cameras and lighting dangling overhead. I thought it would be a novel virtual reality experience to take a place that only exists in Hollywood magic, and make it for the Oculus Rift as if it were real. Virtual Reality Virtual Reality."

While there are no specific objectives in Jerry's Place VR, Miller noted that there are about 11 references to various episodes hidden throughout the apartment. "See if you can find them all!" Miller urged players.

Of course Miller has to use some creative license, since not all of Jerry's apartment is revealed in the show. The wall behind where the camera is placed is the most notable blindspot, and the dimensions of the bedroom portrayed in "The Chicken Roaster" don't fit with the rest of the set, but Miller has done about as good a job as possible given the visual data provided by the show. Now all it needs is some more specific goals and bingo! A Seinfeld game is made.

Miller noted that he's not affiliated with Castle Rock Entertainment, Columbia Pictures, Columbia TriStar or Sony Pictures Television, but since this is a free release he's hoping none of the Seinfeld copyright holders will take issue with it.

Oculus Rift users can download Jerry's Place VR for PC and Mac from its official site. Giddy up!

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 10:58:35

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 11:10:32

NLand still holds up nicely:

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 12:34:09
aspro said:

Now I want tequila. A lot of tequila.

Tequila is always a good decision. That's something you young folk should learn from me if nothing else.

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 12:39:39

Gunman Clive 3DS eShop sales besting Steam sales

This reminds me of the one "Nintendo is Doomed and Here's How to Fix it" article I read that I actually agreed with to some extent. The author referenced Gunman Clive Sales on the 3DS and how they were beating sales on Steam, iOS, and Android. It was suggested that if Nintendo offered a line of good games around the $2 level it would be in a much better position to compete with smart phones and tablets that have games at the same price or cheaper. It makes sense and Gunman Clive shows that it can be done.

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 14:03:14
robio said:

Gunman Clive 3DS eShop sales besting Steam sales

This reminds me of the one "Nintendo is Doomed and Here's How to Fix it" article I read that I actually agreed with to some extent. The author referenced Gunman Clive Sales on the 3DS and how they were beating sales on Steam, iOS, and Android. It was suggested that if Nintendo offered a line of good games around the $2 level it would be in a much better position to compete with smart phones and tablets that have games at the same price or cheaper. It makes sense and Gunman Clive shows that it can be done.

Also Mutant Mudds sold best on 3DS, followed by Wii U, beat Steam too.

“We’ve seen a phenomenon around the world,” says Kojima as we sit down with him, fresh from our play-through of Ground Zeroes. “Young people are losing interest in high-end games and focusing on mobile and social titles, especially in Japan. I wanted to show people that Japanese high-end games are still worth playing and that big Japanese games still have a future”. It’s an admirable vision, and one that we think informs the game’s curious pace – the main thing that caught us off-guard about Ground Zeroes was its length.

Think of Ground Zeroes as the Tanker mission from Metal Gear Solid 2 – it’s an elaborate preamble, a tutorial-cum-prologue that teaches you exactly how this new, open world Metal Gear Solid works. If Kojima was concerned about waning concentration spans of gamers, it shows – this is a game that suits the mobile generation; if you want to complete the main story in 90 minutes, you can. Before we played the game through, we were cynical – we thought that Konami was just keen to extract as much cash from its audience as possible, but Kojima assured us the game’s partitioning was done with no one but the end-user in mind.

“I’ll be honest, [splitting MGSV up] wasn’t necessarily a strategic move. The Phantom Pain is roughly 200 times bigger than Ground Zeroes. A game that big wouldn’t be ready for next-gen launch windows, and we didn’t have any Japanese titles that would be available. At that time, the Ground Zeroes portion was almost complete and a lot of fans were asking for a prologue, so that’s the decision we came to. That was the reasoning behind the move.”

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 14:06:30

Alpha on Sega not making Shenmue 3.....i love this rant:


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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 14:57:51

Batman Arkham Knight confirmé + infos

Edited: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 15:05:45

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 16:09:02

Batman all CG trailer up. Can't believe it's still all CG. Fun trailer though.

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 16:24:41

Batman Arkham Knight confirmé + infos [UP : couvertures de Game Informer]

Batman Arkham Knight confirmé + infos [UP : couvertures de Game Informer]

"As you've probably guessed from the cover imagery, the Batmobile is finally a core element of the gameplay," reads the Game Informer reveal.

"An entirely new area of Gotham City, far larger than Arkham City, has much wider streets to accommodate the new driving gameplay that is designed to integrate smoothly with Batman's gliding and grappling traversal. Batman chases down super villains Scarecrow, Penguin, Two-Face, Harley Quinn, and more."

"Arkham Knight takes place one year after the events of Arkham City," explains Rocksteady's Sefton Hill, "and Batman is at the very peak of his powers"."It's a lot more difficult this time because he's got all the super-villains teaming up to take him down. It's all on," added another dev.

"The Arkham games have always been about providing that power fantasy, about being and feeling like Batman, we're going to take it further with the addition of the Batmobile and the bigger city."

Hill continued: "We've known it's what people want. When you're Batman you do think Batmobile, It's the one key thing we felt we really always wanted to do. And also that refreshes the whole experience, which I really think it does. What we're always trying to do is [make] every game feel like a new game rather than another episode of the last one".

The earlier retailer listing stated that Rocksteady's third entry in the series will be the "explosive finale", and Sefton Hill has indicated this may indeed be the case.

"We kind of feel this is the natural end to the story," he said. "We really want to go out in style."

Edited: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 16:31:59

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Tue, 04 Mar 2014 16:56:46

That screenshot looks just like any other arkham game .

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