Wii U to 3DS VC play comes with a price, some restrictions
RUMOR - transfer your U VC games to 3DS
Illumiroom just a 'research project' at this time
Doesn't explicitly link to next-gen Xbox
COD Wii U statement: We aren’t dating next gen platforms yet
"We don’t have any news for the Wii U at this time, as we aren’t dating next generation platforms yet. Stay tuned."
SEGA and Gearbox Being Sued Over Aliens
False advertising claims, suggest the plaintiffs.
polygon.com news
Analyst says Wii U feels like Dreamcast revisited
Believes in Nintendo, company won't die
Ubisoft says AC IV's content will stave off franchise fatigue
from yearly installments
Tom Towers Reviews Dyad
3/5 "Of course it’s reductive to try and analyse Dyad..."
laserlemming.com impressions
Mighty Switch Force: U update complete, date coming soon
Rebalanced audio levels Improved headphone support New file compression; now 40% smaller..."you're welcome, hard drive!" ....and a playable bonus character: PIXEL PATTY!
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gamingeek (34s)
One of the kriss kross dudes died. wow.
I grabbed these avatars for you guys to use.
I can't pull up the friends list on PC Miiverse, did I miss anybody? Nintyfan already has his.
Just save them to your computer and here, go to profiled and upload it as your avatar if you want.
Her post wasn't even the best one! My favourite post was the sociological evolution and fertility post.
Didn't read the whole thing. I may be posting about the "controversy" but I think the whole thing is ridiculous. Her post is worse than Schreier's. At first it seems she is going to say something relevant, then she just devolves into a typical internet troll. The irony is, she works for GearBox, makers of such great tits as Duke Nukem Forever and the creator of Mad Moxxi in Borderlands...
...two games that don't exactly advance the argument for the betterment of women in the game industry...
The post she's replying to was replying to the post I mentioned I think. Anyway, even her interesting part devolved into boring bullshit that to me only helps to perpetuate sexism. The rest of her post is absurd. Real recognise real and all that. She ain't real, yo.
Nope, don't see mine
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
No, but I did give it some thought.
Some impressions. Blood Dragon is the exact same game with a new coat of paint. But that coat of paint is so incredibly awesome. The only real change is the addition of blood dragons which you can use to your advantage to take down enemies. Fighting them is pretty epic as well, think Skyrim.
Luigi's Mansion starts off slow cause the non stop tutorials but now it seems they are adding a new gameplay element with every mission. It keeps getting better and better. I love Luigi's reactions and how the house is basically beating the crap out of him. Oh and a cool thing to note, I always play on 3D but yesterday I was running low on power so I turned 3D off. I was having trouble figuring out where the ghosts were, in front or behind, my aim was a mess. I couldn't figure out why, I had no problem earlier... then it dawned on me that I could tell where they are in relation to luigi because of the depth. Amazing, I love 3D.
At noon EST (10 min) we get all new hands on impressions of GTAV. Trailers show us stuff but we really don't know much about the game, the real info is coming soon.
I want this more than I want the real Far Cry 3. Sounds awesome.
So what; all this abuot Rockstar and GTA5? new infos?
All new impressions coming soon.
Also, reminder, if you want me to follow you on twitter, I am now there.
Mike Bithell, the Thomas Was Alone devloper hadled a PS4 today. I asked him about the controller, if it was the same size as the current one he said "ish".
I am hoping it is slightly larger.
USA this week.
Without 3D it looks like crap. It really helps with the depth perception too, like a pop up book being flattened in 2D.
No Madden Wii U for vader. Shame, the pad would have been great for diagramming plays (or selecting them). Or demonstrating stats. Is FIFA on the U? Those are the top best selling EA games.
1 hour and 30 minutes of impressions!
No, but I used to bust the balls of the kids that did endlessly....lol
Actually there was this group of like 4 or 5 kids in my school who all lived in the part of town where all the kids thought they were "gangsta"...every town probably had one. They used to dress this way & try to bully everybody and shit. This was like 7th grade I think. Anyway, one day at lunch they were sitting like 3 tables away from me & whoever I was sitting with & I glanced over at one of them who was stairing at me & he yells "hey headhanger kid...watch yourself before I bust your lip"....sorry buddy, you picked the WRONG person to fuck with. Apparently, he thought I was going to back down like all the alternative kids they used to harass.
So I calmly took my unopened can of soda and blazed it full speed at the top of his head...then stood up and laughed while his friends tried to see if he was ok. So I yelled "Cmon motherfuckers lets go! I'll tie all your fuckin' legs together & beat the shit out of each one of you!"
They just sat back down....and somehow nobody got in trouble, I don't know where the teachers were.
After that day, they looked at me with a newfound respect. LMAO
Looks like universal praise of GTAV. Obviously it can;t compete graphically these days, but that hardly matters.