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[] Former Gearbox dev: We only worked on the mp portion of Aliens. Development was a total train wreck :( news travo
[] Giantbomb Reviews Antichamber 4/5 "...exciting and thought-provoking..." impressions aspro
[] Codemaster's Gets Out of Retail Distribution Namco will handle it for them. news aspro
[] Awesome List of XBL Arcade Sales Numbers UNO remains a strong seller. news aspro
[] Ubisoft Offer Wii-U Exclusive Demo for Rayman "We understand your frustration..." news aspro
[] Games Without Demos Sell Better on 360 ' I've tried that game. That was cool. I'm done.' news aspro
[] Oculus Rift Update Video shows it working with Black Mesa and H-L2. news aspro
[] Peer-IGN's Most Wanted Games of 2013 List A damn fine list. editorial edgecrusher
[] Former Microsoft Exec Claims MS Needs to Refocus on PC Making Xbox the priority is a mistake. news edgecrusher
[] Crysis 3 Preview Cloak & Clobber. impressions edgecrusher
[] Do Console Exclusives Still Matter? Or are Services the modern day killer app? editorial edgecrusher
[] Devs only talking about the Wii U games they are canceling Doom and gloom!!! news Dvader
[] GungHo wants Grasshopper to keep making games in their usual style I’d like Suda-san to remain focussed on Grasshopper rather than GungHo as a whole. news Nintyfan17
[] Michel Ancel and other Rayman devs protest Wii U delay They are holding signs asking Ubi to release the game! news Dvader
Bungie Will "Reveal" Destiny on Feb 17 "..we’re going to give you your first glimpse..." news aspro
[] MS Opens New LA Area Xbox Division To create “interactive content” for its Xbox game platform. news aspro
Dragon Quest VII Ships Over a Million In less than a week. news aspro
[] PCGamer Reviews Aliens 48/100 "...deeply underwhelming..." impressions aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews Aliens 3/10 " many grindingly obvious mechanical issues..." impressions aspro
[] "Wii U Fatal Flaw, is not its next generation graphics" Another writer unhappy With Wii U editorial _Bear
[] More Bad news for Wii U Developers @ Dice discuss the woes of Wii U _Bear
[] Study in NYT: Violent Games Can Make You Violent "Or the two trends may be entirely unrelated. " news aspro
[] Gearbox: Brothers in Arms Game Still a Thing "...they were like ‘what the f--- is that? That is not what I want. I hate that..." news aspro
Bungie Begins Marketing "Destiny" With an ARG website. news aspro
[] Last of Us Delayed Until June 14th Is anything good not getting delayed these days? news robio
[] Need For Speed Most Wanted (Wii U) Developers Commentary Criterion comments on the Wii U version of Most Wanted news Nintyfan17
Dragon Quest X Selling Below Expectations But continues to make "steady progress" news robio
[] Gears of War, But with RTS and Kinect Remember how you felt when Bioware made a Sonic RPG for the DS? That. news aspro
[] SEGA: Aliens Wii U Not Cancelled "It's not true," a Sega UK representative told Eurogamer. news aspro
[] PS4 Controller Leaked Looks fairly legit. news aspro
[] Club3D Radeon Video Card Review 93/100 " the latest titles even at 2560 x 1600 resolutions with post processing effects switched on..." impressions aspro
[] Nintendo Direct Summary Someone had to post it. news aspro
[] Rumor: Aliens Wii U prosponed indefinetly No games for Wii U, not that anyone would want this one. news Dvader
[] WWE License Now Officially With Take-Two $7.5 million per year through 2017 news aspro
Last Guardian Creator Teases Existence of Game But says it's all up to Sony to talk about it from now on. news aspro
[] EA Says Next Consoles Not Backward Compatible They are betting that their legacy titles will continue to sell on current gen. news aspro
[] Valve Thins The Herd Fires around 25 people. news aspro
[] No-one Will Admit To Making Aliens "Sega: Gearbox developed Aliens" news aspro
[] GameStop to close about 250 "unprofitable" stores. But open 60 locations in 2013. news travo
[] Star Wars: Episode VII - Han Solo is Back! Harrison Ford Will Indeed Return as Han Solo news Ravenprose
[] NPD January - RIP Wii U? Wii U 55k confirmed. Historic low number news Dvader
[] First Details on Bungie's Destiny Described as "Borderlands meets Journey." Automatic Best Game of All Time! news phantom_leo
[] New US Retail Releases, Week of Feb. 17, 2013 Crysis 3, Metal Gear Revengeance, that's about all. news aspro
[] Doom Co-creator Cutting a Deal With Square-Enix? John Romero tweets he is at Square in California. news aspro
[] Bioshock Infinite Hands-on " vivid and rich that you know you’ll never be able to fully describe what it felt like..." impressions aspro
[] Rumor - Nobuo Uematsu confirms Fantasy Life for localizations in 2013 Did you know that Anime Milwaukee is going on right now? Did you know that Nobuo Uematsu was attending the event? news Nintyfan17
[] Ouya's Got About 500 Games Confirmed Unfortunately 373 of them are Majong. :P news aspro
Final Fantasy XIV Reboot Gets a Beta Date On February 25 we'll see if it's a phoenix or just more ash. news aspro
Pokemon Rumble U Screens All 649 Pokemon will appear. media news aspro
[] Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Trailer Gates To Infinity is set to release March 24 on 3DS. media news aspro
[] What Could Make Aliens Worse? How about a bug that deletes your saves? news aspro
Last Guardian Now A PS4 Game? Fired Sony employee says so. news aspro
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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 13:38:17
robio said:

Sorry, I opted to go old school with my Level 5 game this month and bought Rogue Galaxy instead.

By the way Bugs did you end up getting Anarchy Reigns? If so.... I'm very sorry. If you're not a collector, sell the damned thing now. The multiplayer is really the only good part of it, but the online community for it is so small it's too hard to get into a really good battle.

Quite funny.  For some reason zavvi the online retailer I pre-ordered Anarchy  Reigns from kept sending me messages saying "sorry we haven't sent it to you yet, we're working on it etc etc" for weeks now.  In fact I got the most recent one today when I thought that was too much like fate telling me not to bother with the game, so I just went into my account and cancelled my order for it.  Your impressions and disappointment in the game have been instrumental in my choosing to do that.  I'm not really an online gamer, so even if the community was still active, I wouldn't benefit from it.  I'm sad for the game, but I'm pleased I at least saved 20 euro by not getting it


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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 13:52:50
bugsonglass said:

Quite funny.  For some reason zavvi the online retailer I pre-ordered Anarchy  Reigns from kept sending me messages saying "sorry we haven't sent it to you yet, we're working on it etc etc" for weeks now.  In fact I got the most recent one today when I thought that was too much like fate telling me not to bother with the game, so I just went into my account and cancelled my order for it.  Your impressions and disappointment in the game have been instrumental in my choosing to do that.  I'm not really an online gamer, so even if the community was still active, I wouldn't benefit from it.  I'm sad for the game, but I'm pleased I at least saved 20 euro by not getting it

Glad that worked out for you then. I think the best way to sum it up was "MadWorld without the fun or charm or creative violence."  It was really just a mess, and I can't believe Platinum made it. There were a few moments where you see how brilliant the game could hae been. For instance there was one battle where you team up with 2 other NPCs to fight this giant squid/Kraken monster that actually plays out like a good God of War battle without all the QTE's, and that was just fun from the second it started until it ended. Unfortunately most of the campaigns focus around a more mundane goal like "kill 100 enemies in 5 minutes."  Worst of all was the story. I still can't figure out who said, "hey let's take Jack Cayman, all around bad ass, and show him crying so we can humanize him."  

God people are stupid...

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 14:52:53

It's snowing!  A lot!

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 15:07:46

Blech. My motivation to play ANYTHING for more than a few minutes at a time has up and went. (The only exception being Fire Emblem, but mostly mid-day when I am having lunch somewhere, or when I am snuggled up under the covers before going to sleep at night.) I have played a good way into the campaigns of Halo 4 and BlOps 2, the first chapter of Walking Dead, a good ways into Last Story and La Mulana... Nothing's holding my interest. I even have 1 and a half Borderlands 2 DLC expansions to play and... nada!

I have no work to do for the next 4 days, yet I am not playing anything at the moment. Blah.

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 15:11:38

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 15:15:51
bugsonglass said:

Leo that makes it sound like a good time for me to get into Fire Emblem when it gets released in Europe.  I loved the GBA ones a lot but skipped the NGC, Wii and DS ones (even though perhaps I shouldn't have).  Feels like the 3DS one is really great.


Guys, those of you playing Ni No Kuni (Archie and possibly Robio?), have you been able to make a familiar of the green banana guy in the desert?  I need to do that to complete a side quest but he never seems to "fall in love" even if I make the battle last very long.  It's pissing me off.

Yeah it took me a bunch of tries to capture one as well. I wouldn't worry about trying to make the battle last long. I think it's random so just fight like normal and it'll just happen when it happens which can sometimes take an annoyingly large number of battles to get.


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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 15:22:12
phantom_leo said:

Blech. My motivation to play ANYTHING for more than a few minutes at a time has up and went. (The only exception being Fire Emblem, but mostly mid-day when I am having lunch somewhere, or when I am snuggled up under the covers before going to sleep at night.) I have played a good way into the campaigns of Halo 4 and BlOps 2, the first chapter of Walking Dead, a good ways into Last Story and La Mulana... Nothing's holding my interest. I even have 1 and a half Borderlands 2 DLC expansions to play and... nada!

I have no work to do for the next 4 days, yet I am not playing anything at the moment. Blah.



Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 15:47:57

I haven't had a PS3 for many, many months. I have the game, now I just need to hook up the system.

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 15:55:23

Just finished The Walking Dead. That ending: Sad

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 16:02:25

Yeah, I had forgotten.  It figures why you haven't shown up on my psn list for months


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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 18:49:42

Rumor - Nobuo Uematsu confirms Fantasy Life for localizations in 2013

Oh dear... this might really be happening. Crap. If this really happens, along with "Project Happiness" I'm afraid I may have to get a 3DS again. Oh well, I can get the XL this time. And maybe I'll find a way to pretend it's a present for the kids.

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 18:56:41
phantom_leo said:

Blech. My motivation to play ANYTHING for more than a few minutes at a time has up and went. (The only exception being Fire Emblem, but mostly mid-day when I am having lunch somewhere, or when I am snuggled up under the covers before going to sleep at night.) I have played a good way into the campaigns of Halo 4 and BlOps 2, the first chapter of Walking Dead, a good ways into Last Story and La Mulana... Nothing's holding my interest. I even have 1 and a half Borderlands 2 DLC expansions to play and... nada!

I have no work to do for the next 4 days, yet I am not playing anything at the moment. Blah.

These dry spells suck. In time you will get back to playing.

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 20:37:00

I've moved from one zombie game to another.  I started Re6 this morning and so far,  I am really enjoying it.  I started Leon's campaign because that is the only one I played in the demo. I didn't care for the demo, but something about my playthrough just clicked with me.  It was a lot of fun.  The survival horror aspect is completely gone, but for an action game, it's pretty good.

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 20:38:42
travo said:

I've moved from one zombie game to another.  I started Re6 this morning and so far,  I am really enjoying it.  I started Leon's campaign because that is the only one I played in the demo. I didn't care for the demo, but something about my playthrough just clicked with me.  It was a lot of fun.  The survival horror aspect is completely gone, but for an action game, it's pretty good.

Enjoy. Its good.

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 21:45:34
robio said:

I think the best way to sum it up was "MadWorld without the fun"

So, Madworld


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 22:27:16
Yodariquo said:

So, Madworld

Don't you have some Starcraft to be playing or something?

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 22:31:42
robio said:
Yodariquo said:

So, Madworld

Don't you have some Starcraft to be playing or something?


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Sun, 17 Feb 2013 00:41:27
phantom_leo said:

Blech. My motivation to play ANYTHING for more than a few minutes at a time has up and went. (The only exception being Fire Emblem, but mostly mid-day when I am having lunch somewhere, or when I am snuggled up under the covers before going to sleep at night.) I have played a good way into the campaigns of Halo 4 and BlOps 2, the first chapter of Walking Dead, a good ways into Last Story and La Mulana... Nothing's holding my interest. I even have 1 and a half Borderlands 2 DLC expansions to play and... nada!

I have no work to do for the next 4 days, yet I am not playing anything at the moment. Blah.

Bummer.  That's where I was in January.

I am on the final level of Crackdown 2 and there appears to be some glitching.  It is a relatively easy level compared to what came before it, but ... well it is glitching. I want to beat it today, this morning more specifically.

I started playing El Shaddai again.  Still dieing over and over and getting the shaft with checkpointing.  I want to finish that one too.  We'll see today if it goes back on the shelf forever or if I break through.

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Sun, 17 Feb 2013 00:43:22

OK  so I finally ordered my computer from a reputable place this time it should be awsome! Got the best price with free sign for UPS1 B&H photo  in NYC is an amazing store!

Tell what you think of my new laptop gaming monster!

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Sun, 17 Feb 2013 00:46:51

I have avoided opening this door for a long time.

But last night, I checked out the PS classics available for DL to PS3, Vita and PSP... and I'm screwed.  There are so many RPGs available from the PS1 era that I have put off playing because they would be so much better on a portable.  And now I can get them for $5-$10 each.

My Vita will once again have a reason to be charged.  Except... well, the DL sizes and my broadband cap.

My next area for exploration is what Nintendo has to offer for Dl on the 3DS.  I have also avoided that for years now, just through willful ignorance.

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