Famitsu: 3DS sells 510,000 units in week 51
MK7 & 3D Land pass the one million mark
neogaf.com news
PC Classic Myst Coming to the 3DS
After 20 years I suppose its time I play it
sodahead.com news
New Trailer For Square-Enix 3DS RPG, Bravely Default
Spiritual Successor to FF: 4 Heroes of Light
n-europe.com media
Nintendo Announces Its First Paid DLC - Fire Emblem
Didn't Reggie say this would never happen?
techcrunch.com news
The Last Story to get British voice acting
"Its a game with great characters, an exceptional translation, and the same wonderfull british voice acting that made Xenoblade`s motley band of adventures so enjoyable to listen to."
Mediacreate sales week 51 numbers
3DS rises to heaven, Vita sink in hell
neogaf.com news
Critical Reception: Intelligent Systems' Pushmo
Which reviewers describe as "the best downloadable game Nintendo's ever offered in any format
gamasutra.com impressions
PlayStation Vita Lives... in the Media Create Top 50
PlayStation Vita did not make it into the Media Create top 20 software chart, which was released yesterday. It didn't make it into the Media Create top 30 software chart, which was released earlier
Consumers Not To Be Harmed On Anonymous' Next Attack On
They're becoming kinder gentler hackers
playstationlifestyle.net news
Nintendo To Start Offering NES Classics To All On 3DS
For the kid who still hasn't played SMB yet
kotaku.com news
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Sorry to hear that GG!
Jeez, I put in four hours of skyrimming today.
My tongue is tired.
Damn son, your wife is awesome.
Why the hell are we stuck here with you? Your wife seems so much cooler! Let's trade in Travo for his wife!
It's the same with Aspro and Steel.
Perhaps Aspro's wife could join us instead of him?
Yeah at least Aspro's wife is not incompetent when it comes to 2D Mario. Not interested in Pinky though. She played Animal Crossing with GG. Blerghhhhhhhh
Who else is playing Peace Walker right now besides me and Travo?
Anyone on PS3?
Kojima is God...Kojima is God!!!
Peace Walker has gotten alot better over the last few missions. Still not on the level of the other games IMO, but its really good. I love the base building aspect.
I guess that somewhat answers my question!
What part are you up to that you had this Kojima revelation?
I just got blocked from going into the tunnel, following the Trucks, and I am about to fight a Tank.
I will start the game soon too.
So the 3DS has had the biggest December in the history of Japan, selling 1.492 million units, the DS has never sold that much in Dec. It has sold over 4 million units in Japan so far. BOMBA... oh wait.
Crysis (PSN) AI =
I just shot about 6 guys, and destroyed a helicopter with an grenade launcher. Not 20 seconds later, I hear one of the AI enemies say, "Did you hear something?" not 10 feet away from me.
I'm playing it now just to see what the trainwreck AI will say or do next.
Its pretty comical that websites even tried to say that it was on the same level or better than the PC version. I mean wtf?
I'm a few hours past that....make sure to read all the conversations.
It's gitchy too. Later on, I had to meet up with my team, and when I approached them, they just stood there frozen for a full minute before they finally noticed I was standing right in front of them.
Crysis has the worst AI, glitches, and framerate I've seen since Farcry Vengence on Wii. Seriously.
Yeah whatever. Nintendo is still doomed.
Wait you actually played FarCry on the Wii?
My take on Peace Walker so far. There's a WHOLE lot of POSITIVES, with a few TINY Negatives:
More to come as I play!
Totally agree with you, Leo. It's amazing how deep Peace Walker is...for a portable.