Valve Ambiguous About Half-Life 2: Episode 3
"Non-denial" denial when asked about game. news
Microsoft to Release Kinect SDK to Public
Software develpment kit will allow exploration for non-commercial use. news
Bethesda Offering "Something" to Crazy Parents
If your baby is born on 11/11/11 and you name it something Skyrimmy, you get something. news
Nomura Talks on Future of Dissidia Final Fantasy
Also says there are reasons for some titles not being DL on PSP. news
Capcom Seeks Your Opinion on Dead Rising 2
"If you have played the game at all, please take the time to answer a few questions" news
1Up.Com's (B-) Bulletstorm Review
"Could have been one of the most fun shooters of our generation." Written by a man named Cocke! *Giggle!* impressions
Dark Souls Developer Q & A
Bigger maps, More Scythes, And More Mind Flayers. news
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aspro (8m)
Don't make me go find the pic with you with your hand up Pluto's ass again!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile...
Except for the fact that there is no Karate in the movie at all.
You know what, lets remake Rocky. About a guy in Philadelphia that dreams to become a ballet dancer.
You talk about civilization, but yet you go to McDonalds?! Pff, barbarian!
And you call that middle of nowhere. Let me tell you about middle of nowhere son. Once I went to vacation to Bosnia. The plane we used was a Yakolev 42, yeah that's right a Yakolev. We landed on Banja Luka airport, a small airport it was. The bagage was picked up by a freaking tractor. The x-ray scanner was a bunch of guys opening the suitcases, but hey at least they had a fully autonomous lawn mower, a fucking cow. Yeah that's right a cow!
On but that is nothing compared to where my family in Serbia lives. It is in the mountains, you have to walk half an hour to reach the next house. There are roads you can take, but the weather has the habit of destroying them multiple time a year. And no autonomous lawn mowers there, not even normal lawnmovers. Grass is cut with a scythe. So you see a bunch of grim reaper look-a-likes cutting the grass. You see son, you ain't see nothing yet.
Some more Two Worlds 2 screens, I was revisiting previous areas after the end....
The horse controls aren't great but they're fast.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Its on my phone. I dont know how to get it out of the phone and onto here. And there are no pictures of me, I am holding the phone.
I know Iga but I have to start simple first, this is nowhere to me right now, later I will graduate to more exotic places.
And come on Karate Kid is still about martial arts, its the same movie. Its nothing like Rocky being a ballet dancer its like Rocky being an MMA fighter instead.
Yeah, I figured as much, but I didn't want that to be a reason for you to NOT post pictures, IF you happened to be in them. Still, I'd love to see the places you are describing. Eh, if not now, maybe you can blog your travels when you get home!
ARCHIE! Check your PM's! I wanted to discuss the Lords of Shadow ending with you!
I finished Bioshock 2 before the weekend. Excellent game. 8.5/10.
Picked up Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Bulletstorm for the 360 and Killzone 3 for PS3 yesterday. I'm totally loving all three games. MvsC3 is awesome fan service and looks and plays fantastically. Bulletstorm looks great, is pretty funny, and is a total rush. Killzone 3 which I've probably played the most so far has gorgeous graphics, really cool action, and I'm liking the story so far. Online multiplayer is loads of fun of course.I played the Gemini Rue demo. It's too short to really know if the game's good, there aren't any real puzzles or challenges included, but it seems cool so far. It's like a new Beneath a Steel Sky or Gabriel Knight style adventure (especially if you disable the Broken Sword Director's Cut style portraits to make it even more old school), complete with low resolution pixel art. It's actually made with AGS, I didn't know it's used for commercial projects too (I love 6 Days a Sacrifice which is a freebie made with it). I'll buy it on a sale I guess.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
So this weekend I pretty much split my time up between the same two games I played last week, Marvel v Capcom 3 and Dragon Quest 6. MvC3 I'm really happy with but returned (it was just a rental) today. It;s a good fast paced fighter that caters a bit more to the casual gamer who doesn't want to learn a bunch of long drawn out combos. Totally works for me. Plus it's fantastic fan service. The Marvel fanboy in mean only had a few minor quibbles about quotes and moves that the characters pulled off.
Dragon Quest 6 is another story. At this point in time I'm really to go ahead and say it.... I don't like this game. This may end up being the first DQ game that I don't finish. At this point I just don't see investing another 30+ hours in it. I know it's not entirely fair to say this, given the chronology of the games, but this just feels like a second rate DQ7 (which wasn't all that great either). Kind of kicking myself right now that I bought this instead of Phantom Trick.
Are you ever planning on purchasing MvC3 or are you done with it?
...and it's GHOST Trick.
Oh whoops... Started writing Phantom Detective and switched to Ghost Trick mid way. Oh well, it doesn't matter. No one is playing it anyway.
And yes I will buy MvC3 at some point. I may even rent it again if I can get a group of friends together to play, as I really did enjoy it. However, I made a pledge not to buy any full priced games for the PS3 and I will stick to it. Unlimited game rentals for $24 at Blockuster though provides a nice loop hole.
Oh and I forgot to mention I did rent Mario Sports Mix for the kids today. I can't vouch for the game's quality yet, but the two of them have been glued to it.