Sakaguchi Focused Entirely on Last Story
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Details of platorm specific info here
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Rough around the edges, but I can't recommend this enough if you're looking for something completely different in an adventure game. impressions
Trailer for new PSN TV show, The Tester.
A reality show about becoming a Sony tester. WTF. WTF. Seriously WTF. No really WTF. Why? WTF. (I'll watch it) media
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If you were even aware they were in the secondary market news
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aspro (9m)
That controller looks better than the Wii Remote. Cross a SNES D-pad/buttons with a Tivo's super comfortable peanut-shaped remote form factor and Wii's motion sensors, and you'd have a big winner. Make it so, Nintendo.
Damn straight. Sony has never been scared to sell hardware at a loss based on what they get on the software. With the downloadable model they pocket more of the software money then ever. They can take the hit here.
Yeah just like on Gamecube where most games took like 1 or 2 blocks....then you had stuff like Beyond Good & Evil taking 55 fuckin blocks on the memory card.
Some companies can't be bothered to compress memory on Nintendo systems I guess.
Dante's Inferno is the biggest God Of War ripoff I have ever seen!!! Holy shit this game looks and plays exactly like a B-level GOW game!!!
Seems decent for a demo, but my god what a ripoff....
And that SEGA console, LMFAO. I thought it was a joke! Really, what's the point of releasing this? In an age where you can put out your old games as downloads, why do this? And I agree with about some Saturn and Dreamcast collections for fuckin once!
I'm curious, is it doing ANYTHING differently? I knew that the game was obviously a GoW clone when the first videos and shots were coming out for it, but I always assumed there'd be something to make it stand out a little differently.
Either way it's still going to make some serious money for EA. They're pushing the ads for this game like it had it had the word Madden on it.
No...I mean its EXACTLY the same. Even the button combo's for combat do nearly the same things as they do in GOW. Really, they could have thrown Kratos in this game and nobody would have questioned it. Again though, even though its an exact copy, something feels off. Its definitely not as polished or as high-level as the GOW series.
Well good thing EA is getting a month head start on GoW 3. I'll be curious to hear how good of a character Dante ends up being. That was always the biggest appeal of God of War. Kratos was an absolute dick and completely unlikeable, but he was still a very compelling character and seeing how he'd react to his next set of circumstances was always great. Dante already seems to lack that.
Well Dante's Inferno does have some things of it's own. For instance you can choose to either absolve or punish your foes when you finish them off. This will affect which path you go down when evolving your character ie. good or evil. I imagine this will also affect the overall story in some way as well. I really enjoyed the demo and while the gameplay is basically a carbon copy of God of War I really dig the theme of the game and it looks to have some wickedly cool levels, enemies, and boss fights.
Yup. I assume you knowing GoW well lead to know every single combo in that demo. It was hilarious when all of Kratos moves work exactly the same way.
Sounds the same as vaders impressions.
Did moar updates.
THQ is hoping to continue narrowing its losses and achieving profitability this year, but it seems Darksiders, its latest original IP, might have ultimately dinged that goal.
Signal Hill analyst Todd Greenwald believes THQ "spent fairly heavily" on marketing for the title -- without much result, he adds.
"Darksiders didn't perform up to THQ's expectations, likely selling less than 1 million units despite heavy marketing dollars, 2-3 years of development costs, and was also subject to discounting just 2 weeks after its release," Greenwald suggests.
How do they score God of War Collection an 8.5, when it has enhanced versions of some of the best games ever made that still blow away most next-gen games? Much Like Metroid Prime Trilogy, this package is unbeatable and if you haven't played the games, should probably be the first thing you get.
Yeah it was one of those rare times when I'm playing something that's SUCH a ripoff that I'm laughing my ass off in shock. Like it almost seems criminal.
Early reviews of Dante's Inferno looking very good. Sweet. I'm really looking forward to getting it.
This game already has AAA reviews.