Sakaguchi Focused Entirely on Last Story
Oh and building this LEGO Mech (pic). news
THQ & Sony Pictures Enter Deal
Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy licenses only. news
Namco Bandai make the most money from Wii
Details of platorm specific info here
Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing - New Tracks/Cha
Akira/Jacky, Bonanza Bros and more! media
Aussie Nintendo review Crystal Bearers
Rough around the edges, but I can't recommend this enough if you're looking for something completely different in an adventure game. impressions
Trailer for new PSN TV show, The Tester.
A reality show about becoming a Sony tester. WTF. WTF. Seriously WTF. No really WTF. Why? WTF. (I'll watch it) media
Namco, Not SEGA, Now Yuji Naka's Pub.
Sonic creator will focus on Nintendo games.
Mass Effect 2 Puchase Incentives
Price cuts, free controllers - they want you to BUY! news
No more used games for Walmart and Best Buy
If you were even aware they were in the secondary market news
Ubisoft gives No More heroes 2 the finger
With less marketing than the first game
Wow, click this now. Nintendo UK site
Does a cool web trick to make it Endless Ocean 2 specific
NSider 2 No More Heroes 2 review
Desperate Struggle is a wildly entertaining sequel to a wildly bizarre game impressions
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Recently Spotted:
Those buildings don't look very lego-y. ;(
That's half the size of a demo.
But it did show underwater ruins, fish monsters like a great white shark, you do use a pulsar gun to fight them and a sonar to detect treasure and at the end of the trailer there was a big creature boss fight. Did you miss the Humpback whale bit?
"She's going to ram us! Get out of the way!"
When I was backing up my saves for Wii repair I had a chance to see the blocks from each game. Most nintendo games are 1 to 2 blocks. Then you have 3rd party games with 60 blocks +. What, the F?
*puts on very bottom of to read list*
I see selbie is here, 9 minutes ago.
Did he post? That is the question
Updating now.
US guys:
DS Demos
* Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (distribution ends 2/7/2010)
Wow. Even on a crappy fake console Sega still can't resist filling it with games they've sold a thousand times before...or put any of their iconic arcade games on there. Then again, I guess with the controller, you'd be hard pressed to put in something like Virtua On or what not.
In other news, finally got my copy of Darksiders. Good stuff...for the 30 minutes I've played.
Updates done.
This will help Steel and Monkey reach the Ghost Ship in Endless Ocean:
The compass comes in four pieces (at M1, H1, J9, B8 on the map) - but really it isn't all that useful, as it only tells you the three possible squares for the pirate ship not where it is at a given time - so sticking your head out of the water is the easiest way by far.
Cool stuff. Akira totally looks like he doesn't want to be there. Though isn't it a time paradox that Akira and Ryo are in the same game?
How does Sega make any money on their 8 and 16 bit compilations anymore? They've been rereleasing their games as back as the Dreamcast. Seriously, the Sega Smash Pack collection was released back in 2000. They've literally been rereleasing these games now for a DECADE. Is there any man, woman, child, vegetable, or mineral who hasn't already picked up these games in one form or another??
Fine, if they're so set on releasing their old games can they at least move onto some Saturn and Dreamcast games? I actually wouldn't mind having a new copy of NiGHTS.
Huh? I don't see any red Xs.
Dear Sony,
I see that you are contemplating a relaunch of the PSPgo. I'd like to say that this is an excellent idea, but since ultimately you're still selling the same fairly useless hunk of electronics I can't really go that far. Discontinuing it completely and hiding it under the mat alongside the Virtual Boy would be an excellent idea.
However, I'm sure you don't want to admit failure and I can certainly understand that. After all there is a market, however small, that does appreciate downloadable games. I in fact am one of these people as I am a parent of a toddler and understand just how fragile DVDs and other physical media can be. So as your very small target audience I'd like to make some suggestions to you.
1. Share the fucking wealth you cheap bastards! - Moving to an all digital format puts more money in your pocket, let's not kid ourselves. That's why you're doing this. You don't pay out 20% to the retailer, you don't pay production and shipping costs, and you don't lose potential sales due to the secondary market. At the end of the day you're making mad moneys. So you better make all digital copies half the price of a retail copy.
2. Share the fucking wealth you cheap ass bastards! - I want to reiterate this point because its important. You stand to have fewer expensives and more money will be put into your pockets here. Do you want that? I'd think you would. If that's the case you better make this system dirt ass cheap. You want me to pick this up? $99 or less bitches!
3. SHARE THE GODDAMN WEALTH YOU CHEAP ASS PIECES OF CRAP! - I just wanted to throw this out there one last time. You want me to buy this? Then give me an extra incentive. Do you know one of the ways Nintendo got me to throw down for a DSi last summer? It wasn't because of the camera. It's not even because it was a technical improvement in every way over the DSLite though that was enough. What pushed me over the top was the $10 credit I got for the DSiWare. $10 isn't much, but it's nice to have. It's a free game and one that I actually got to choose. See that's important too. Bundles don't work with me because I like crap like Harvest Moon that never gets bundled in. So hook a brotha up and give me some money back.