Mississippi library adds videogames
$13,000 worth of games to be in the public library
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Gundam 30th Anniversary Collection
Wii, 360 and PS3 will include all PS2 games.
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Nintendo Power Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Full review text
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SunSoft Returning to Western Game Development!
Bringing Blaster Master Back With It!
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1up review Zelda Spirit tracks
" exceeds its predecessor in every way"
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travo (6m)
I don't believe it!
(will buy on day one...)
Football is more popular in the states than you think. You live in Miami which is 30 years behind the rest.
But the MLS was pretty popular during the 70s...well fucking new decade...80s, okay you're right!
So that means that Texas is about 200 years behind miamo then?
While Miami is pretty much behind the country in everything else, appreciation for soccer is higher there than just about anywhere else in the country.
Anyway I have to have my fellow countryman's back here. Soccer sucks. And please stop calling it football.
Association football
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIs the name of it too hard for you to say?
Yeah. I'm happy too.
I'm actually excited for ST!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I've finished all of them. This one, I may not bother.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileReally? Why?
No. There are so many hardcore collectors who impulse buy on these CEs all the time, and the developers know it!
I just hope that the developers don't take it too far with it though, like exclusive content for those who purchase the CEs. I'm not talking about a golden gun or a costume or two, but imagine if developers pulled a fast one and put in exclusive single player content or even mutiplayer access only to those who buy the more expensive version of the game.
I don't think we'll see things like that happening but with first day DLCs and held back content already on the disc, I wouldn't be surprised!
And if someone were to do that first it'd be Activision!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
anyway, i just want to see the african teams, especially ghana do well and even go all the way. not an easy draw for them or the ivory coast but hopefully they'll go through the group stages
i'll make a thread if you guys want
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Really? I'm hoping Ghana completely flop. No bias.
He would be crushed by my edge!
Make a thread. I want to trash talk. I am supporting Ghana and Serbia, I just do not like that they are in the same poule
. There is a chance that one of them will be eliminated. Screw it, Ghana and Serbia through, Australia and Germany out.
What is Bethesda thinking releasing crap like Rogue Warrior? They better stick to RPG's...
i'm with you bro. supporting ghana and ivory all the way to the final. then ghana to win 3-2 in extra time
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
What happened to the Netherlands?
They win K-1!