Capcom bringing MT framework to wii
More multiplatform games hitting Wii? news
Dad kills son over videogame at birthday party
Unsurprisingly, alcohol and guns don't mix news
GameStop To Hire 15K Seasonal Part-time Advisors
Ensuring that 15,000 idiots will have jobs this winter news
Gamepro review Lost Winds 2
"Wonderful use of Nunchuk and Wiimote, stunning graphics" impressions
Spector explains Epic Micky Steampunk art
Sounds like it was too far for Disney impressions
Iwata: "Wii has stalled"
"We were unable to continually release strong software, and let the nice mood cool" news
Bioshock 2 1up preview
"Everything gets twisted here in good ol' Rapture, and even ideas that start with the best of intentions can go astray." impressions
Bayonetta 360 vs PS3 a 1up feature
"12 hours split between the two versions, and I've ended up very disappointed the PS3 game"
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I'd be all for that! Spector could make an amazing Zelda game with a touch of Thief feel to it.
It will have uber graphics I think like Bionic Commando or this new Rocket Knight game so no it wont be on Wii.
The Wii could easily handle both of those games in SD. The only thing holding them back from being released on Wii is the 40MB WiiWare limit, and stupid publishers.
That's a pretty big hurdle to cross and if Nintendo wont ease their filesize limits it would be almost impossible to overcome.
If this is true, then Nintendo better release it soon!
The rumour, well its not a rumour its fact, when F5 went kaput they moved over assets to a new company called Blue Harvest and continued working on the Wii rogue squadron. But the ex-employees are suing them so the game is in limbo.
Halloween was AWEEEEEEESOME.
Yeah, that's true. Probably not going to happen then.
Something weird seems to going on here. It's like posts are disappearing or something. Yesterday I was sure there were over 260 here. Earlier today it was 251 and now it's 250.
GG Weekly is now a rolling feature (consistently shows today, then the previous 6 days rather than Monday to the end of the week). Honestly, I should remove the comment count because it's meaningless.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileA few concerns:
-Rabbids Go Home was released today (11/1) to NO reviews and NO hype. This can't be a good sign.
-It looks as if Dragon Age: Origins is going to get the "Borderlands" treatment and be a sub-par port of a decent PC/360 game. Reports of horrible frame-rates and people begging for a patch have begun before the game has even been released! It looks as if the PS3 is the GameCube of this generation and will never have third-party games developed from the ground up for it specifically. (This coming from a man who has more PS3 games than anything else right now.)
-The imminent trade-in of my less-than-a-week-old Tekken 6 is approaching. Stiff as ever and unplayable online (the reason I bought it, really) equates to me not seeing any reason to keep it.
-Much like my "Spider-senses" were tingling a few days before the news of the partnership between Nintendo and Nvidia on the next DS hit, my senses are tingling concerning the release of the Wii HD and Mario Galaxy 2. Call it a hunch.
-I'm still not convinced the single-player of New Super Mario Bros. Wii will be as good as the traditional Mario Bros.
I finally got to play the game in a non work related setting.
9 hours later I need to take a shower and I don't really know where I am.
I thought Uncharted 2 was going to be this year's thrillride game to play, but man, I was wrong. I was way wrong. Sin and Punishment 2 grabs a hold of your dick and won't let go until it's done with you. Every level is just jam fucking packed with the coolest shit you will see in a game this year, maybe even this decade (lol, sure why not?). Just when you thought Treasure has run out of ideas, they totally fucking flip the switch and say "oh yeah, now you've gotta do THIS crazy shit!" and you're like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!" but somehow you make it through and you are left for only a brief moment thanking your lucky stars until shit goes absolutely nuts again.
Every encounter in this game, EVERY SINGLE ONE, is just so fucking clever. Fuck, I mean levels 3 4 and 5 may be my favorite levels in any game ever. 1 and 2 are awesome, but they are like the appetizer to the biggest, juiciest prime rib you will ever eat.
I just put the controller down, I can't really form a complete sentence, I wish I could spoil it all butttt ffuuuuuuck this game is soooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.
What say you Vader?
That's right, it won't be. It'll be even better!
That boss was awesome, though! Best so far in the game. Too bad he was easy as cake to defeat.
That kind of sums up the game right there.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileArbiters ground, you can warp there directly.
That's goes for all the bosses in TP. Awesome but easy. The next one is even better!
That is a bit unsettling. This game was gearing up to be huge back at E3. And it just sort of limped into retail without so much as a word....
Have you seen "Tricks" video for NSMB Wii on the Nintendo Channel (I assume it's available in other places now too). If not take a look. After watching those videos I'm actually getting a very strong SMB3 vibe from the game. Now admittedly that means it won't be as good Super Mario World, but it's a strong sign all the same.
One quick note about Rabbids Go Home that may be worth mentioning, as to why there's no reviews or anything for it on its launch day. For whatever reason Ubisoft apparently launched it prior to the original launch date, that just one week ago was supposed to be November 5th. Ubi has a habit of doing this with the franchise. Not sure if it's a strategy to get the game into people's hands before bad reviews come out or if they think it's some way to garner extra press for it. TV Party ended up launching almost a week before it was scheduled to go last year, so I'm hoping it's just that kind of scenario again, and not a way to quietly release a game that's going to suck.
A pair of review scores for the Wii version of the game, and one DS review. It looks like the review scores on this game are going to vary wildly.
German magazine MANIAC: 47 % [DS: 55 %]
Consol.AT: 72% / 60%
Hopefully we can get some text from these reviews to understand where the reviewers were coming from.