Peter Moore talks about EA MMA game and Dana
wow the first time VGPress is linked to Sherdog, I feel dirty
Starcraft 2 to require online registration
Oh DRM, what would we do without you?
Metroid Prime 3 was almost a sandbox game
Holy crap, live the bounty hunter life
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SupremeAC (7m)
Probably. It's not unprecedented, though. Lost Odyssey is on 4 discs too.
Me too. Threesome.
I think you wanted to reply to GG? Because your answer does not make sense when answering mine quote!
Or you could rent a good movie and not having to deal with the QTEs at all! Playing a game for its story is like watching porn for the dialogue!
about that new 3D castlevania game. if it's a good action game i'll be happy and just take it at face value. i don't expect them to do the kind of true to character 2D to 3D transition that was achieved in franchises like Metroid, Mario, Zelda, or GTA
about turnips. i haven't logged in to animal crossing for over a week and my wii is disconnected. right now my godchild is running amok and she won't let me work let alone set up the wii. i have to take her to the beach. promise to check as soon as i can but nook closes in less than 4 hours here
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
You described PoP as an action platformer and as a suggestion to make Castlevania like that. I say no cause that is far from what Castlevania is like. Its like DMC, its like GoW, thats the 3D equivalent of Castlevania. They just need to make have a more open world, keep the Metroid style progression.
i agree with you for the most part but there is a lot more jumping and fighting (not necessarily jumping to avoid gaps as was suggested) to dodge attacks and to put in hits etc as GG has said, so it needs to be different to DMC and GoW in that respect as they are largely ground based combat affairs.
make that a 4 some. no wait, raven wants in as well, so better make that orgy!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
It's time for "Words of wisdom from Carnageheart"
You're misinterpretting what I said. I stated that the Wii and the PS3/X360 are chasing different dollars, not that all of the Wii's fans sprang up this generation, lured in by minigame collections and a simplified controller. That is true of the vast majority of Wii fans, but there are hardcore gamers who bought the Wii for the same reason they bought the GC and the N64, to enjoy Nintendo's weekly release of Mario/Zelda/Metroid games.
Ugh. I guess if it were your call, or the call from people like you, the only thing games would offer now would be mindless jumping from platform to platform, without any chance for them for developing as a storytelling medium as well. Do you like only one movie or music genre? Because your tunnel vision suggests so. Fortunately, not all game developers are as narrow minded as you.
There is a hell of a lot of jumping in DMC. GoW not so much, but DMC you are constantly in the air. DMC has always been that model, the first game even had an evil Castle.
I cant find any (I only checked GS and IGN)
You are not making sense anymore. Why would a game that used to be an action platformer not work if you make a 3D version of a action platformer? Or are you saying that Prince of Persia is not an action platformer?
Oh the original Castlevania are action platformers. If they are so because reasons you mentioned before, well guess what, that still makes them Action Platformers.
P.S. I will withhold judgement from the new Castlevania for now, because I do not know what the platforming/exploring/fighting ratio will be.
But the old Castlevania's are still ACTION PLATFORMERS.
Yes, more platformers please.
And 99% of stories in games suck compared to other media. And yes I only like one movie and one music genre! And my point of view is the only correct point of view. I am not narrow minded, I am right. Which would make you wrong.
Keep fighting the good fight, then.
Firstly I dont care for the use of action platformer, its an action game, it fits under the action/adventure genre, all these subgenres are a pain. Anyway PoP can be described as an action platformer, but again its the type of game where I dont see Castlevania working. Platforming in Castlevania was always just there to be there, it was never the focus of the game. In Castlevania you fight tons and tons of enemies as you travel to the next area. Since SOTN the world has become open, but you are still basically fighting tons of enemies and moving to the next room. Almost everything in the game serves to augment the action, a few are relics that allow better movement around the world, which that should stay.
Having a 3D Castlevania game where you enter a bunch of rooms that have moving platforms, giant buzz saws in the walls, spiked floors rising up and down, where you have to swing around with a whip and giant holes of death, does not sound right to me. It's fine if there are a few rooms like that but not 50/50 in the way PoP did it. Castlevania needs to be about the action first and everything else second. They need to nail the combat system, its not 2D anymore, simply slashing an enemy until its dead doesnt work in 3D. It's the reason why every Castlevania game has failed in 3D, cause the combat has sucked.
What confused me the most is that when we finally have a Castlevania game that looks like it matches the very best 3D action games, you start to complain that it not Castlevania. That is what I find crazy, this is what it should be. And its not like its Bayonetta, that trailer showed plenty of aspects that was not action oriented like climbing the side of the castle, going up a large tunnel and using the whip to swing over objects. It is definetly more GoW than DMC from that trailer, I just hope that when I get a good look at the combat system its as fluid as DMC.
3D Dot Game Heroes is set in the Kingdom of Dotnia. This world was once made up of 2D sprite art like something out of an old school game. However, wanting to attract more people to the kingdom, the king decided to use technology to make everything 3D. This is where something goes horribly wrong, although just what that is has yet to be specified.