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wow the first time VGPress is linked to Sherdog, I feel dirty
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Oh DRM, what would we do without you?
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travo (8m)
^ WOW!!!!
And it looks exactly like Dragon Warrior/Quest
EDIT: Of course... a new page. Steel post the pics again.
Oh wow, that sounds perfect to me.
Steel, that 3d dot game gives me a hard on. What is it?
Get Little Kings Story already, it looks like that too.
You lie! That looks amazing, LKS looks good.
To be honest that does sound pretty cool, but its still not Castlevania. Action first, giant maze castle second, then you can throw in platforming.
Lot of Zelda in there too though. Main character, king, and environment are very DQ, but the chickens and monsters are very Zelda. One looks like a Tectite and one looks like a Stalfos.
It's a action platformer and seriously download Castlevania 3 or Super.
Platforming plays a huge part in those two game. There is jumping from platform to platform. There is jumping while a stupid Medusa head knocks you off. There is forces scrolling sections. There is a bride that collapse under your weight sections. Heck Super Castlevania 4 had you use the whip to hang on while the room rotates and stuff.
See here a level in Castlevania where you actually use your whip to move from place to place.
Here the clock tower level, see platforming and action! And again you use your whip to move around.
3D Dot Game Heroes' background story starts off in the Kingdom of Dotnia, a world not unlike a 2D 16-bit era sprite-based RPG. Long ago, the Kingdom was protected by six wise men and six orbs which contained the power of the gods. However, the Dark Demon King, seeking their power, stole the orbs and captured the wise men. Demons began to flood the Kingdom, whose end was thought to be near. But it was at that time that a young warrior appeared from seemingly nowhere, saved the wise men and returned the orbs to their rightful place. Following a great battle, the warrior and the wise men combined the orbs into one and sealed the Demon King away.
The Kingdom prospered for some time after that. However, as time passed, and the story of the young warrior became a legend, visitors stopped coming to the Kingdom. It was then that the King made the decision: "From now on, it will be the 3D era." Under orders from the King, the Kingdom was changed from 2D to 3D, and began progressing towards a restoration of past grandeur. But just as people began to get used to their new life, something happened.
While your character is nameless, 3D Dot Game Heroes does have a full cast of characters. In addition to King Dotnia, there's also Princess Iris, who, upon learning of the dangers to the Kingdom, left the castle on her own and is now missing. Also introduced in Famitsu is the Dark Priest, the official Priest of the Kingdom who's been possessed by evil and has hidden the orbs that sealed away the Demon King.
Seems to be a full retail game. No word on who will handle a western release yet, though.
I am aware of that, I played CV4. The series shifted from that but I understand your want to go back. That style would fit a 2D Castlevania more. From what I have seen in 3D games they usually keep the platforming and the action separate, even in PoP there is a time for platforming and then a time to fight enemies, it alternates back and forth. I feel that a Castlvania game in 3D needs to be near relentless with the action, thats how Castlevania games are, there is almost never a moment when an enemy is not on the screen.
I'm not saying the game needs to be an exact clone of DMC or GoW, nor that it has to be all action all the time. I think the focus needs to be the action, they need to nail that aspect above all and DMC/GoW/NG is the template they should use. If they manage to make an area where there is spinning clock gears and medusa heads knocking you off then awesome, if not as long as the action is addictive I will be happy.
(And let me state again that new trailer shows Belmont using a whip to get around too, dont worry, the game will be amazing)
Did a Nintendo-branded truck run over his puppy when he was little or something?
Carnage's constant (and mysteriously allowed) Nintendo-bashing got old two years ago...
So the dot game, action RPG or traditional turned based RPG?
Looks like action to me.
Does this pic remind anyone of Zelda 1. Could you imagine that game remade like this. *faints*
I'd like it to be balanced so have the game like you said but allow for action in the same areas or make it so fluid that the action can and does happen whilst you are avoiding all the environmental stuff. Most enemies in CV games can be beaten with one or two slashes.
Steel, From Sofware? Platforms, now please.
I dont know the context but that post sounds okay to me there, it depends what he said before that. Weekly is harsh though, I think most people would want it to be weekly, instead of once every 3 years + per franchise. Even Mario Galaxy 2 which seems recent will release 2 and a half years after the original and the next zelda? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
IF and its a big if, it releases in 2010 that is still like 3 and a half to 4 years later from Twilight Princess.
Do you not read my posts? Am I just transparent here? There's no doubt that the monster in this picture is a Tectite, and the skeleton one is a Stalfos.
Not sure I'd want to play a Zelda game like this though. That's the concern I'd have for a title like this. We're giggling and giddy about the pics now (and for damn good reason), but if the gameplay isn't there the joke is going to get old quick.
No responses to my Zelda comparison, come on guys.
And PS3.
Yeah, in 2D games a few slashes is fine, in 3D you need to make the action more complex. Blocks, counters, combos, dodges, it needs depth to it.
I predict that you will be kicked in the nuts later today.
The fuck?
Steel did you check out this:
Cursed Mountain E3 09: Developer Walkthrough
Watch it high quality. Graphics are all right although the textures aren't great.
Finally found your post, it was in between GG and Iga sorry I missed it. It does look just like Zelda.