1up review Tales of Monkey Island pt 1
"this is a great opportunity to explore the reemerging world of adventure gaming."
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travo (5m)
Did the updates but there's nothing going on this morning
Sometimes GAF is just awesome. People are still wondering if COD MW2 is going to have a Wii version for the million + people who enjoyed World at War on the system.
Retailers are still selling pre-orders for a suppossedly non-existent game. Then for some reason you get these gamers who for some reason hate the idea of having a version on the system, which wouldn't impact a jot on the main version.
And then someone digs up this old post of Bioshock and how it's scaled on PC. Very funny stuff.
And I am here to ask you a question.
Is a waggler not entitled to games for his console?
"No," says the man in Microsoft, "They require LIVE."
"No!" says the man with the PlayStation, "They require True HD."
"No!" say the devs and publishers, "It can only have non-games for everyone!"
I... rejected those answers.
I chose something different.
I chose the impossible.
I... CHOSE... WII!
A console where the non-gamer need not fear the hardcore, where gamers are not constrained by petty "unified online services," or "next-gen graphics," where the elderly and alpha moms are not held back by traditional games.
And by the bitter tears of GAF's eyes... Wii, can be your console as well.
I liek Roddick, but I was glad to see Federer really.
He's far from boring as well. If I wanted to see players merely endlessly go for the biggest shot I'd watch women's tennis.
Yes please, with a squirt of sauce on top. Send me one.
The full chart of UK best-selling software for the first half of 2009 follows.
I'm playing Perfect Dark Zero again. Probably the game with the most replay value of this generation.
Also still playing Infamous and GTA4: Lost & Damned. And I started Prince Of Persia which I gotta say I'm not liking as much as the last-gen games.
The controls feel sloppy instead of ultra tight like the trilogy. And there's no fear of dying whatsoever....in a Persia game?!
The main character also seems like more of a lighthearted goofball than the trilogy prince. We'll see how it is as I play more.
And BTW.....Nintendo really need to release Eternal Darkness as a New Control title on Wii with true widescreen.
The game is a real gem and didn't sell anywhere near what it should have on Gamecube. Always been one of my absolute favorite games I ever fired up on the Cube, and one of the most memorable games of the generation for me. Every time I think about it I remember hanging out having an incredible time playing it like 2002 was yesterday.
Probably the best sound of any game on the Gamecube also.....incredible sound. They used Pro Logic 2 to perfection.
You should have waited for me before playing PD0 again
I dont it would even do well on New Play Control. I love the game for its story and pacing and the few tricks it has up its sleeve though.
More replay value than MILF?!
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Damn! Those LP2 screens look freakin' amazing. I want this game sooooooo badly.
I'm really digging The Last Remnant, really glad I got it especially for only $35. It took a bit to get into the mechanics of the game but once I did I really enjoyed what it has to offer. It's a somewhat complex and a fairly challenging game. I've gotten a fair share of 'Game Over' screens which doesn't happen often for me in JRPG's and I must say I'm welcoming the challenge. Fantastic music in the game. Really good monster designs. The battle system leads to some very epic confrontations when you get into battle with numerous foes and/or the really tough rare and boss monsters.
Is that canadian money?
I think if the influx of horror games on the Wii generates halfway decent sales then Eternal Darkness should show back up, but it needs to be done as a remake, not a NPC title. The graphics just look too rough for today's standards. Besides a full remake could open up the door to a lot more "screw with the player" moments. I mean, can you imagine the things they could pull with a "non responsive Wiimote"? Sometimes it would start moving on its on, other times it just stops completely. Plus, as crappy as it is, even the speaker in the Wiimote could pull off some potentially good tricks.
BTW does anyone else remember this Eternal Darkness story from the GGD? I wish I could remember who it was, but someone was playing it very very very late at night and causing themselves some seriously frightening moments. Then out of nowhere someone starts banging on the door to his apartment. And now he doesn't know if it's the game still screwing with him or if there's someone really there but he's confused and panicked.
Turned out it was a friend of his roommates coming over for their early morning pre-dawn jog (it was around 5:30 AM or so at the time.). Again I wish I could remember who wrote it because it was a damned riot to read.
I never received one. I did get a billiard table for Father's Day.