Metroid Other M 1up Interview
Takes place between Super and Fusion, will have Adam in it, action and exploration are in
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travo (3m)
Even though I already finished Portrait of Ruin, I keep playing it. I'm now trying to master a good chunk of the subweapons and completing as much of Wind's quests as I can (dunno if I'm going to be able to finish them all because I sold my fucking thick glasses and now I can't get the second INT upgrade fuuuuck), and I unlocked today Evil's Nest. This game just keeps on giving (like Leo).
I keep playing FNR4 demo as well, slowly getting the hang of it, finally managed to sneak a 3 round KO to Ricky Fatton. I now win all my bouts, but almost all of them are by decision. The game is incredibly deep.
What the hell? So I need to add 7 hrs. Okay. So, yeah that's okay I can make the good ones. I hope. The one thing I hate about E3 is being in a different timezone, I have to wait around all day just for these conferences to start. Its torture.
I've just played a little Animal Crossing. And even after I thought I was all done on Rhythm Heaven, I find myself going for impossible perfects, getting them and grinning and loving the game even more. It rocks. And its so good I think once (if) I manage to perfect everything I will start a new file and do it all over again. There is so much content here.
Posted June 1, 2009 by James Brightman
IndustryGamers recently sat down with THQ's SVP of Creative Development Danny Bilson who shared with us his vision for the "new THQ". We'll be bringing you the full interview in the near future, but we thought we'd share Bilson's interesting comments on Nintendo's Wii to start.
When we asked Bilson about how THQ is adapting to the overall console landscape, he responded: "Well the first thing you have to do is break out of the old model of, 'I'm going to port this game to seven SKUs.' The same game on PS3, Wii, PSP, DS, 360, PS2 and all that crap. That doesn't work anymore, and the reason is, in my opinion, that these platforms are now different cultures – they're almost different gamers. I'm almost starting to see a split in PS3 and 360, which you thought you could lump them together, but there's actually a slight cultural difference there in Europe and America, and a difference between who's got the Blu-ray and why they buy it, Xbox Live fans versus PSN users, etc. And then the nightmare of all for third parties, frankly, is the Wii. The Wii is a Monopoly box in a closet! I've got my Wii Sports and I'm good! I take it out, get the family around, we flail around for a couple hours, and we're happy until next month when we take it out, or maybe for junior's birthday, I'm going to buy him a Mario game."
We pointed out that Nintendo has been trying to counter that perception of late, but Bilson stuck to his guns. "Here's the deal: there is so much junk on the Wii that if you add up all the numbers of those hundreds of SKUs, I'm sure you can cough up some number that's impressive. If you go to GameStop, and you look at the Wii wall... I went in on Wednesday before Thanksgiving, when everything should be fully stocked, I wanted to see what retail looked like. I wasn't even in this state; I was in Florida... you look at the Wii wall and you can't find anything. It's a big conglomeration of junk and the Nintendo stuff pops, and a couple of other things pop, and that's it. On PS3 and 360, same day, there was a nice neat little 25 SKUs that they were showing for each one on the rack, and it was easy to see what's there and to see a general level of quality. The Wii is just flooded with junk and all kinds of stuff."
Bilson stressed that THQ is "supporting the Wii" and is planning to "greenlight more Wii games: family, casual, get everyone on the couch games. I'm a big believer in that." He continued, " Right now, we're not moving hardcore stuff to the Wii. We were; we stopped it, just because we're a little risk averse. I want to be with the culture of the Monopoly box in the closet – I've got to feed them. I've got to get them to want to buy another game, because they're not the gamers that are looking forward to the next thing next week in putting in the pre-orders and all that."
The only hardcore game they put out was Deadly Failures?
They're big contributers to all the junk on the system themselves and are now making more? And complaining about it? Damn, just make the De Blob sequel and then shut the hell up
All the Wii games listed on THQ's website-
All Star Cheerleader
All Star Cheerleader 2
Avatar - The Legend Of Aang: Into the Inferno
Avatar: The Legend Of Aang
Avatar: The Legend Of Aang - Burning Earth
Battle of the Bands
Big Beach Sports
Big Family Games
Bratz Girlz Really Rock
Bratz: The Movie
Cars (Disney Pixar)
Cars: Mater-National
de Blob
Deadly Creatures
Destroy All Humans: Big Willy Unleashed
Drawn to Life™: The Next Chapter
Marvel® Super Hero Squad
MX vs ATV Untamed
Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots
SpongeBob Squarepants: Creature from the Krusty Krab
SpongeBob SquarePants: Globs of Doom
Tak and the Guardians of Gross
Worms: A Space Oddity
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009
There's a pretty exhaustive article up on Destructoid on how a Wii RE5 could justify its existance and how it should be changed. Since I haven't played the game I have no opinion other than on spearchuckers. I skimmed it.
It seems like a good read for those interested though, suggestions included ditching Sheva and setting the game at night.
I image that for a lot of people, these changes may seem like downgrades. I can hear some of you now, saying stuff like "If you take Sheeva out of RE5, then it wont be RE5 anymore" or "RE5 without the high res graphics would be so ugly that just looking at it would cause my face to turn to stone and make me want to kill myself". There is a videogame already out there for people who share this opinion. It is called Resident Evil 5, and I hope they all have played it, because it's pretty good.
What about the rest of us? There are at least a million or so Wii owning, hardcore RE fans who bought RE:Umbrella Chronicles and RE4:Wii Edition, but due to financial reasons, wont be able to play RE5 on the PS3/360. There are even more people who did buy RE5 and were mildly disappointed with the experience, who just may buy the game again on the Wii if it's remade to be more true to the series' roots. Sure, the graphics would be less impressive, but diehard RE fans care less about visual polish, and more about the how much a game gives you that unique RE feeling.
That's the feeling that many say that RE5 lost, and I hope that these proposed changes could help bring that feeling back.
GAF rocks
THQ makes almost exclusively crap for Wii.
THQ's crap fails to sell.
THQ complains others are making crap too, limiting THQ's sales.
THQ pledges an increase in crap.
I want De Blob 2!
Their cancelled Saints Row and Red Faction had a bigger chance to sell than the silent insect game. These execs are so........ uh.
How can companies like Take Two and THQ who are making shovelware for the system, then complain about it? You get these third parties who have dug their own hole, then turning around and complaining about it. Where were they in years 1 and 2 of the system building the market for high quality games? They were there, shovelling crap games onto an unsuspecting public.
And now complaining about it?
I got to wonder if that THQ interview was edited in a way to make him look like an idiot. I mean, anyone trained in the art of corporate spin can identify a dozen mistakes he made particularly in regards to the wall of crap comments he makes. It just seems like some things he said were taken out of context and then rearranged for this article.
Then again it's probably more likely that he's a douchebag.
You can't re-arrange those quotes. They are bad and sound bad.
I see it!
Bratz Girlz Really Rock
No. My lower threshold is Horsez.
E3 sucks!
Look at this...
In my entire life, I have never encountered anything labelled as zany that was even remotely fun or entertaining.
First day purchase.
Retro Studio's official twitter account
"Welcome everybody to Retro Studio's official twitter account. Here you will find information and some tidbits about our upcoming games."
"We think you guys will be pleasantly surprised in just a few hours
Fucking teases. Just come out and say it? Does 3 hours of anticipation on an announcement really make the game any better?