GTA4: The Ballad of Gay Tony
Rockstar announces the FABULOUS new GTA4 expansion...
New website teasing Kojima Pro's other game.
Code named "MASK", probably Lords of Shadow
Uncharted 2 Beta
IGN is getting ready to give away a fortune in Beta Keys.
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robio (8m) Archangel3371 (9m)
I hopes so. I want more Snatcher.
But I guess a Big Boss game is good enough.
To sum it up:
- Dual Wielding Beam Katana's
- Way more fleshed out and detailed overworld
- Way better graphics
- Silvia and Travis are back
One of the site's forefathers.
Please be an MGS game that's also on the 360. Really that's all I'm asking for.
One of the site's forefathers.
One of the site's forefathers.
One of the site's forefathers.
The Grinder sounds pretty cool! 4 player Online shooter on the Wii inspired by Left 4 Dead? Why isn't there more developers putting this kind of effort onto the Wii?
If there was, then there would be a bigger audience for these kinds of games, duh.
Sounds top notch. Not sure about dual wiedling though. No motionplus support? It doesn't really need it though. I wonder if the Euro version will be censored again?
The hell? The Grinder looks more appealing in one screen than the entirety of the Conduit? Hang on though, 4 player online? Conduit is 12 player. I better not go read this article and find out it has no single player.
So since Infamous is the game of the hour I thought you PS3 guys might want to argue over this review.
I found it weird given just about every other review liking the game.
inFamous (PS3)
Review by David Jenkins - "With great power comes great responsibility" might be generally sound advice for a superhero, but in a game all you really want is the freedom to abuse that power in as entertaining a way as possible.
Although they've gotten better lately, superhero games have a poor record as they struggle to balance incredible powers with a satisfying challenge.
It's a balance this game still misses.
Curiously, and it does seem to be a genuine coincidence, this has a near identical premise to Prototype.
You play an ordinary Joe who is suddenly given superpowers by a mysterious virus, as you battle an unsympathetic government and an internal battle between doing good and only looking out for yourself.
The story's told in fits though and only comes together right at the end.
The superpower in question here is electricity. We're not comic book experts, but we think the closest analogy is Spider-Man baddy Electro.
As such you absorb electricity to power your abilities (and fall any distance).
However, this never really works quite how you'd imagine with all of the individual powers behaving exactly like pistols, sniper rifles, grenades and rocket launchers despite how they look.
The only time your electricity powers work in an Emperor Palpatine manner, with a continuous discharge of energy, is if you unlock an extra evil power.
Your karma is judged on a sliding scale, with one unique power for each extreme and a few special upgrades.
You can unlock almost everything after barely completing half of the game and yet none of them feels particularly unique or imaginative.
Set in an especially bland looking open world city, the game is heavily reminiscent of Crackdown - in that the main pleasure is simply clambering up buildings and jumping off them.
Your platforming abilities are never as extreme as Crackdown though and the controls far less reliable - sticking you to surfaces when you don't want to and managing the reverse when you do.
Just one in a litany of basic flaws.
Since the electricity powers make such little real difference to the gameplay, and since that gameplay is better implemented in other similar games, this proves disappointingly mundane.
Add in some unimaginative, linear missions and bewilderingly bad boss battles and it's almost a disaster.
Some better missions in the final third of the game save it, but there's little that's super about this title.
IN SHORT: Disappointing superhero sim, whose meagre set of powers prove to be far less exotic than you'd hope.
PROS: Jumping around an open world is always fun and the final hours finally start to hit the right notes.
CONS: Unimaginative powers, unreliable controls and bland design. Unremarkable graphics and repetitive enemies.
SCORE: 6/10 Out: Now (UK)
Oh a High Voltage game I actually really want? Wut?
It's called The Grinder and it's a blood-drenched first-person shooter designed to accommodate four-player online cooperative action.
Eric: Right now we're pushing many highly detailed characters at once; better looking than almost anything else you'll see on the Wii right now.
Kerry: We call the technology our Imposter and Instancing system. We are able to take a single enemy and replicate him over and over again. Along with the replication, we can also scale, color, and otherwise modify each instance. This allows us to get an unprecedented number of unique enemies on screen at once at a fraction of the cost to do it otherwise. During our in-house testing, we have been able to see up-to 65 enemies on screen at once. These were initial tests… [Smiles]
It seems like we should be able to pull off even more on-screen enemies at some point. It's pretty incredible to see so many monsters rushing after you in The Grinder. Each one is moving independently and doing its own thing. But all of them are trying to kill you. We're right up around the framerate that we are currently at with The Conduit.
Kerry: Miko specializes in killing. She is a master of just about any kind of weapon, so it would be safe to assume that swords would be a specialty.
Matt: This question has got me smiling ear to ear. Of course, we all love the Wii MotionPlus. And what self respecting Wii sword fighting/action game would be complete without it?
Eric: MotionPlus support and swords certainly seem appropriate for an assassin.
Matt: I believe that WiiSpeak is a no-brainer, considering the fact that it already work for The Conduit's multiplayer modes. We can definitely expect to see it working in The Grinder. And more details regarding Leaderboards, Achievements, and other online gaming awesomeness will be coming soon.
IGN: Can you play through the game in single-player mode? How does it change?
Eric: We haven't ironed out all of the details, but the simple answer is "yes." Players will be able to play through the entire game in single-player and have an awesome experience, but much of our focus will be on crafting the game for cooperative play.
IGN: When are you hoping to release the game?

Eric: The goal is holiday 2010 and our projects tend to ship on time more often than not!
Oh awesome, some news on what Itagaki is up to. A new team and a new game for the 360 already in the works. Freakin' sweet! I can't wait to see what it is.
Do you think it will be a ninja game or fighter?
Namco's Muscle March gameplay video
No More Heroes 2
Development 50% complete
Travis again the main characterSince Travis is the number one ranking for three years. SANTA Destroy has becopme a tourist hotspot.
One day, Travis appears again before the beautiful Sylvia agents.
It was the beginning of a new war.
Add a new action as a two-sword style.
Other characters
50 national ranking killers fan of Travis and Nathan's? A daughter of the mysterious world.
There will be a video in 3 days time on the website.
Wow, got to admit The Grinder looks great. I'm shocked. This is actually a shooter I'd give a second look at. Really hope the gameplay holds up to the look of the game.
No More Heroes 2 should be quite good. The only thing that really needed to be worked on was the sandbox element. Frankly I didn't think it was horrible, just kind of empty. But it sounds like that's getting corrected. I think that once I get a lull in my gaming again I'm going to go back to NMH and play through the game again. When that game was new, I was stuck on it like nothing else in years. First game since EverQuest that I took a day off of work to play.
And I guess it's official now, MGS is now Konami's Madden.