GTA4: The Ballad of Gay Tony
Rockstar announces the FABULOUS new GTA4 expansion...
New website teasing Kojima Pro's other game.
Code named "MASK", probably Lords of Shadow
Uncharted 2 Beta
IGN is getting ready to give away a fortune in Beta Keys.
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robio (4m)
I'm rather excited by the announcement, though, and I believe I will be even more excited by the time I finish MGS3.
OMG Afrika is coming! I'm so getting that one.
I wonder what that new Itagaki game will be.
While I don't really give a crap about the series I don't really care if they keep making sequel after sequel. They've kept up the game's quality over the years so it's not like they're pulling a Tomb Raider or anything.
Rumor is it's going to feature girls in bikinkis swinging around ninja weapons.
NOES! I heard it was going to be a sexual harassment simulator.
That's actually how the game starts off, but you end up losing the case (because the main character is a complete whore) and then the revenge portion of the game starts. . . with swords and bikinis.
In full HD Jiggl-O-Motion, with realistic boob physics.
Trauma Center Staff Delivers Hospital
New ways to use the Wiimote for wannabe doctors.The makers of the Trauma Center series aren't straying too far from what they know for their newest title. In development over at Atlus for Wii, Hospital promises to bring more Wiimote-based operations and a dramatic storyline to Wii owners.
Director Daisuke Kanada explained some of the differences between Hospital and Trauma Center via a short commentary in this week's Famitsu, the place where word first broke about the game. Hospital is not a "surgical action" game like previous hospital-themed titles from the developers, he said. Instead, it attempts to make into a game all areas of a hospital.
Players will be able to select from six doctors: Hank, Maria, Tomoe, Mira, Gabriel, and CR-S01 (that last one is a prisoner number -- yes, one of the doctors is a convict). All characters have their own specialties. Mira actually appeared in Trauma Center: Second Opinion.
The dramatic areas of the game promise a fusion of manga and anime, with full voice for all the characters.
Despite Kanada's words, the game will have surgical actions as well, although we're not sure of the details just yet. The surgical action areas of the game do appear to make use of Wiimote motion controls. Two player simultaneous play support is also in the works.
Hospital is currently 30% done. A release date has yet to be finalized.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I think they're underestimating Sims 3. Then again maybe not. Sims games are always incredibly buggy at first so I know a large number of the audience is already taking a wait and see attitude. Most of them agree that they'll get it, but they'll wait a while before doing so. Probably after the first expansion pack is released.
On the other hand I don't think Brutal Legend will even crack 400K. I suppose a big ad campaign can change that, but I still say BL is going to tank in sales.
EA feels to me like a publisher who cant work out what they should be doing to be successful. They used to be able to bank on licence upon licence. Now they want to hang with the big boys and make epic games and on the other hand they want to make casual games on Wii.
I haven't seen enough of Brutal Legend to even know if its a quality game or not. Its a cool concept, that's all I know. And I like the graphic style.
As far as gameplay goes? I have no idea.
Anyway, the best game this year is going to be Metroid Prime Trilogy. How can you deny the power of one of the best games ever made, paired up with its AAA sequels, in one slick package with enhanced controls? You can't.
Did the updates.
Ubi making Shaun White 2 exclusive? Figures given sales. No More Heroes stuff, cool, must read.
Wonder how far the Hospital game will veer outside trauma centre?
I feel like ebaying all the prime games right now and getting the complilation because of the controls. But its not announced for europe. I'm trying to sell a few games so I can buy Fallout 3.
WTH is Quantum Theory?
Tecmo Japanese PS3 Gears of War?
Travis Touchdown is, in the end, Travis Touchdown -- no more, no less. The last time we saw him (in No More Heroes), he had advanced to ranking number one in the United Assassins Association, making him the biggest big-shot hitman in the entire continental US. In the three years that've passed, though, he's apparently lazed out a little -- his ranking's gone down to 51, and he's still living in his cheap motel room surrounded by anime and pro-wrestling figures.
In the meantime, Travis's hometown of Santa Destroy's been spruced up a bit. It's receiving huge investments from huger corporations intent on making it into a resort hotspot, and the town looks completely different nowadays. Things aren't so rosy for our hero, though: his friend Bishop has just been accosted by gunmen, and Sylvia, the beautiful agent that drove the last game's plot, has just returned to his life, giving him an invitation to return to the assassin business...
No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle, a Wii sequel detailed for the first time in this week's issue of Famitsu magazine, seems to stick to its guns pretty well. The brunt of gameplay still involves waggling the Wiimote around for kicks, running Travis around town and using his beam katana (and innate knowledge of pro wrestling) to dispatch his enemies. A couple screenshots show Travis dual-wielding beam katanas, but otherwise not much has been revealed about what's new gameplaywise.
There's plenty of time left for Goichi Suda and the developers at Grasshopper Manufacture to leak out details, though. The game doesn't have an official release date in Japan or the US yet, although XSEED has already signed a deal for American distribution.
When Tecmo announced Family Fun Football for Wii last Friday, one question ran through my head: what happened to Tecmo Bowl Wii? Gamers (including myself) loved the old school DS update released last year, but we haven't heard anything about the Wii version since it was announced by Tecmo back in 2007.
The bad news? Tecmo has confirmed to me that Tecmo Bowl Wii is on hold, replaced by Family Fun Football. The good (better!) news? Tecmo Bowl is coming to Xbox Live Arcade early next year.
"As much as we’d like to say this [Family Fun Football] is a completely different game, it did start out as the 'Tecmo Bowl Wii' project," a Tecmo spokesperson told me this morning. "However, given the recent trend on the Wii and its target audience, Tecmo made a business decision to switch the project into a family oriented football game. So then what happens to Tecmo Bowl? For now, we're focusing on bringing Tecmo Bowl to the Xbox LIVE Arcade [in] early 2010."
No details are available on Tecmo Bowl for Xbox Live Arcade, but we expect more to be revealed at E3. For gamers looking forward to Wiimote-enabled Tecmo Bowl, however, you'll have to keep waiting.
"The Tecmo Bowl Wii [project] is indefinitely on hold," said the same spokesperson.
Even though Tecmo Bowl on Wii sounded like it had potential, downloadable Tecmo Bowl (hopefully with online multiplayer) sounds much, much cooler. Good move, Tecmo!
We have a thread here but I still cant get a handle on the game. Are you looking forward to Saboteur?
I don't think any real gameplay has been shown yet. I'm only calling it a bomb now just because it's a Tim Schafer game. He's got a great sense of humor and has made some really good adventure games, but he hasn't had a real success in a decade or so. His sense of humor and game design has kind of crossed the line from "weird but cool mass appeal" to "weird niche appeal."
Plus I completely loathe Jack Black and wish failure upon all of his future ventures. . . but that's just me.
Duke Nukem Forever zero punctuation Review
NMH2, I will not trust that game at all, it will take mega reviews to get me to buy that one.
That Grinder game sounds cool, I just wonder if there is an audience on the wii that wants what is basically a multiplayer online only game, yeah you can play alone but thats not the point of the game.