Red Steel 2 has power assesment mode
Also, Yuji Naka was too stupid to work at Namco
Red Steel 2 building a destructible gameworld
"We’re also building a gameplay mechanic around destructible objects…..but I can’t say more than that at the moment.”
Gamepro Punchout review
"Little Mac has stepped out of retirement and is ready to rumble in this fantastic reboot of the beloved boxing series!"
Extensive Madden NFL10 Wii preview
What is better about this version than the rest?
Punch Out Gamespy review
"I’m calling it right here: Punch-Out!! is destined to become one of this generation’s top classics, right up there with Super Mario Galaxy."
independent studios will always be more creative
So says Johan Kristiansson of Starbreeze
Boom Blox Bash Party 1up review
A: "Even if you already own the original, you should buy this game "
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Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWorst. Comparison. Ever.
Oh wow. OH WOW.
No, I literally had no clue about that. I was just talking shit to be funny. You proved me wrong good sir.
That is now what I imagine he looks like.
Consider yourself lucky in regards to the sig Darth.
Damn right!
Why not just give her my code and I'll play with someone more considerate and less hairy!
Uh oh, hang on that means that all the rude letters I send to you are being read by a woman. Oooooops!
Updates done. U suck
Heavy Rain thoughts anyone?
I watched the whole GTTV show last night. My first thoughts were how the graphics look worse than the demo video they put out a year ago. The voice acting in that dectective scene was pretty bad. It all looked like an interactive movie but the producer kept saying there is a lot more to the game. I loved what they were saying about the game, on paper it sounds very interesting I hope its executed well in game.
They mention there are 4 main characters but I noticed that when asked about what happens when a character dies and the game goes on they said over and over again that you will not get to see that characters storyline cause its over. Now here is the issue with that, it sounds like when a character dies the story doesn't really change, they made it seem like you just lose one side of the story completely. Thats not what I expected from this game, I want a game that when a character dies the entire story changes direction. From what they described it just seems like to see the full story you need to keep all four alive an if you dont your game is just shorter.
The club scene was the highlight, the crowds looked amazing. I like that they are not backing down with the mature themes, we should not be freaking out that there is a boob or sex in a mature title, its mature for a damn reason. If rated R movies can cover those topics, games should be able to as well. I need to really see the GAME portion of this before having a solid opinion.
Oh shit, prime trilogy august 24th, one disc, wii control. see ign.
That could be relevant to my interests, considering I haven't played any Metroid Prime (or ANY Metroid game, ever). Of course, that would would be assuming that I have interest in playing those games in the first place. Big "if".
The first game was and is one of the highest rated games of all time.
Don't say Nintendo didn't do anything for you: on August 24th, the publisher will release Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Wii. Metroid Prime Trilogy, releasing almost to the day of Metroid Prime 3 Corruption's two year anniversary, is a jammed to the brim package that combines all of Retro's first-person adventure games for the GameCube and Wii, on a single disc. And the two GameCube games – Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2 Echoes -- have been reworked with full widescreen, 480p support and feature the same awesome Wii Remote/Nunchuk control that made Metroid Prime 3 Corruption so tight.
This is a far superior strategy than what Nintendo is doing in Japan with the Metroid Prime games, since in that territory Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2 have been released separately with the "New Play Control" branding. North American gamers get all three for $49.99, an absolute bargain when you consider 2006's Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is still one of the top titles on the Wii and you're getting three great games for the price of a standard Wii release.
Earlier this month we had an opportunity to take a look at pretty much the final version of the compilation package. In our hands-on we could take a look at the brand new front end produced by Retro Studios that ties all three games together in a single menu. Players will set up a profile using one of the system Miis, and all progress in each game will be stored to this profile. You'll be able to pull up how far you are, in percentage, in each of the games and the location of your save file. The front end also has an option menu that affects all three games, so if you've tweaked the controls or lock-on abilities, your settings will carry over into each of the products instead of requiring you to change it up every time.
The front end has been designed with a bit of visual flair that matches the Metroid theme. As you work your way through the menus you're digging through a mechanical tube, and when you select the game to load it's obvious that you're inside Samus' cannon…and the camera pulls out to reveal Samus in the specific form/model of the game you'll be playing. When you select the Metroid Prime 2 Echoes Multiplayer mode from this new front end, the camera pulls out to reveal four Samus characters before it jumps into the action.
We've already experienced the original Metroid Prime on the Wii with its new play controls, and it is awesome. The version that's in Metroid Prime Trilogy is identical to the version released in Japan a few months ago. The voice over narration that was added to the Japanese version during the introduction fly-over is not in the US version; instead, it plays out exactly as the GameCube version did in North America: quiet and haunting. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes is equally fantastic with Wii remote controls and the updated widescreen, 480p visuals, but the GameCube game used a bit more FMV – on the Wii, the compression is a little, shall we say, bleah during these cutscenes. But when it jumps back to realtime in-engine, everything flows sharp and smooth. Though nothing's really changed beyond the new widescreen option, it's not farfetched to say that these two GameCube games are some of the best looking Wii visuals to date.
The multiplayer mode in Metroid Prime 2 wasn't all that special on the GameCube, mostly due to the lock-on controls making it feel like a very rigid deathmatch experience. On the Wii, however, this four player splitscreen mode really opens up, and in our short hands-on we had an absolute blast trying to see who the best Samus is. It's a shame this mode isn't available online, but we certainly can understand why it's remained a single system, split-screen mode.
Along with the new control and display options, Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2 Echoes has also been given the same medal system that's already in Metroid Prime 3 Corruption. As you complete missions you'll be given medals specific to the task completed – each medal has a specific color, and you spend these tokens in the new front-end's option menu for unlockables. Each unlockable has a specific value: you can buy concept art, music, or special options like a screen grabbing utility so you can save screenshots to the internal storage and send them to friends. Some of the more coveted unlockables are far more expensive: we saw a few items that required three red, one blue, three yellow, two green, one orange, and two purple medals. You can also score medals by linking friends over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and earn friend vouchers.
The key things to remember: three full games, one disc, $49.99, releasing on August 24th, 2009. If you're a late Wii adopter you have no excuse to not put the 50 bucks down – Metroid Prime 3 Corruption is still considered a fantastic Wii title more than two years later, and the two updated GameCube games make for excellent Wii experiences as well. All this for the price of one game? Yes please.
How do they play? Too much backtracking? Are they noob friendly? Bosses hard?
I had a few pre-written letters for you and Dvader. I had yet to attach gifts. After you said your wife was reading them I went back and re-wrote the one that said PENIS BREATH in capital letters.
Also, why is no one interested in Modern warfare 2? I haven't even played COD4 yet (f-ing price!) and I'm interested. It was a huge game right and I keep posting stories or videos and no one seems to care?
As someone who will never get the chance to play it, I still post the updates but can't muster the interest to read more, like many PS3 exclusives
From the pics I've seen, it seems a lot worse than the previous media they've put out, graphically at least. Quite mundane even. I'm glad they they take a mature approach, I mean why should extreme violence be so easy to accept and yet not sexuality? Because people who don't understand games think that its just boys playing shoot em ups.
There is backtracking but that is what the Metroid games are about, like Castlevania. You come back to old sections of the map, but with new abilities you can unlock new areas or do different things. They are noob friendly if you play from the first game, the third in particular has been made a lot more user friendly. Some bosses are hard, some are easy. Most are just right. Prime 2 had some hard bosses. Most of the time the bosses are pitched just right, easy at the beggining and progressively getting harder.
Prime 1 is perfectly balanced in difficulty. Prime 2 is the Majora's mask of Prime games. It's harder, deeper and more complex but very satisfying if you persevere. Prime 3 is the perfect evolution for me, instinctive controls, beautiful visuals and great pacing.
Reading the 1up preview, it looks like they added some bloom? Nice, I like the lighting in Prime 3.
While neither Prime nor its sequel, Echoes, sport any significant graphical improvements beyond a touch of newly added bloom lighting, both games now play in 16:9 widescreen. More significantly, each boasts the refined motion controls that debuted in Corruption. The heads-up display and on-screen interface elements have been completely overhauled to work more effectively with the standard Wii control setup of remote and nunchuck; swapping visors is a quick point-and-click command, and toggling weapons is similarly easy. Although the control interface isn't perfect -- pressing down on the D-pad to fire missiles still grates -- it makes the GameCube titles feel much faster and more fluid overall. Developer Retro Studio has always positioned Prime as a "first-person adventure" rather than an FPS, but with the revised control scheme, the games can be approached as either. Accelerating the pace in a small but effective way is the fact that many interface elements (particularly scanning objects and waiting for doors to open) takes half the time it did on GameCube.
And the fact of the matter is that the GameCube Prime titles still look damn good and play even better. If nothing else, it's the excuse for everyone who missed out on Echoes (which is, apparently, everyone) to finally catch up with it, and in a considerably more playable form at that.
Having widescreen progressive scan will help on HDTVs in particular. I still dont think I will get them though, I just can't bring myself to get versions of games I already own. But the controls, ah I want to play prime 1 and 2 with prime 3s controls.
They are classic games too and hold up really well.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah Dvader I watched GTTV last night as well and Heavy Rain isn't totally wowing me either. I mean it does look very good just not mind-meltingly awesome as I would be led to believe. I wasn't sure if it was because this video isn't as good as previous stuff or that there has just been so many other great looking games released since they first showed HR that it just isn't having the same impact. He kept saying that there will be lots of gameplay but honestly this really seems like it will mostly be an interactive movie to me. Also saying that the whole knife fight sequence shown isn't in the game but was just to show what they could do kind of really made me skeptical. While it might ultimately be something I could enjoy I doubt this will be anything close to being some blockbuster of a seller.
Of course I'm interested in Modern Warfare 2 GG, I'm sure I posted my interest in it here or maybe it was at Gamespot.
Metroid Trilogy sounds awesome and seeing how I have only played the first one this would be a great deal for me to get.
One of the site's forefathers.