Little King’s Story was originally going to be..
....about a vegetable kingdom?
Ex-Nibris staffer reveals the smoke and mirrors
behind Sadness’ existence
Famitsu scans - Infinite Space, Inazuma Eleven 2
and Soul Bubbles’ Japanese makeover
Nintendo’s Denise Kaigler discusses
her first experience with Wii Music, Iwata’s GDC speech, core games (video interview)
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Sweet mother of god! Alright already I'll buy the damn game.I just read that its only exclusive in Europe. I think Sony has the rights to the movies as Columbia right?
I just did a few updates.
except for his fingers in the last screen which look like he had some accident with a corrosive
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Talking recently to Edge as part of a wider feature on new racer Blur, Bizarre Creations’ creative director Martyn Chudley recounted the company’s increasingly strained relationship with Project Gotham Racing publisher Microsoft prior to the studio being acquired by Activision.
“I’m not going to slag [Microsoft] off in an evil way, but obviously we worked on PGR4 for them, and I think that PGR4 was the strongest Gotham game we did – the most fully rounded. But towards the end of that project they wanted us to bring it in early, to chop six weeks off development. But the way we work is really right up to the wire, so basically the game is nowhere near finished at six weeks to go, so we had to dig our heels in and say that our contract said that we’re to bring the game in on this day, and that’s what we were going to do because we cannot compromise the work that the lads have been doing, and the quality of the game,” Chudley said.
“They didn’t realise how bad a situation it would have been – we needed that extra six weeks, and it got us concerned with the future with Microsoft… We were getting disillusioned with Microsoft and they were getting corporate and cocky as well because of the shift in power between them and Sony.”
According to Chudley, Microsoft’s main focus was always on its first party developer Turn 10 Studios, the team behind the Forza Motorspot series.
“And that was at the expense of us,” he said. “They brought out the Forza [Xbox 360 console] bundle. And that was disappointing, because the guys worked so hard on [PGR4]. It just didn’t get the exposure and the marketing – it got the critical acclaim, but wasn’t as commercially successful as the other projects... Microsoft always had – I’m painting a bad picture; we had a really good relationship right up to the very end – but they always had other agendas, which were primarily about selling Xbox.”
Check out the rest of the interview here,
i think having some aspects of a multi-plat game made exclusive is preposterous and even more annoying than a timed exclusive.
for example my two buddies with ps3s both bought gtaIV and would just love to play the DLC but for no good reason that is made exclusive. it's like rockstar just agreed to screw over half (or at least a good fraction) of the people who bought their game for microsoft's money. that doesn't look good ... especially when you're trying to be the grooviest cat of all developers
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Wow! I just read an awesome bit of news. Gears of War 2 is getting a new "All Fronts" package. The new stuff will be a whopping 7 new multiplayer maps plus a some single-player campaign content. You can get it at retail which will also contain the previously released map packs, Combustible and Snowblind, for $20 or you can download just the new content for the same price. The retail package is definitely the better deal if you held off on the previous map packs. This comes out July 28th. Pretty freakin' awesome if you ask me.
 Totally agreed.  I hate this more than anything that goes on in the industry.  Fallout is the worst IMO... locking PS3 owners out of the increased level cap and all of the other goodies is really frustrating.  Granted, Bethesda seems to be having enough trouble getting it to work on the PC and 360 without trying to tackle another system, but if I had bought the PS3 version, I'd be pissed.
Why dont you post it in the updates
I completely agree, either I get to play the whole thing or not, why should I be getting pieces of a game. At least with a full game exclusive you know exactly where you stand, you either have the console to play it on or not.
As for Ghostbusters, at least for me its no issue as I have a PS3 but hearing about this game being multiplatform and then having it taken away at the end must suck for 360 and Wii owners. Especially the wii version as that probably took a specialized team to make.
But its Sony's now (isnt it their movie anyway?) so they have a right to do what they want.
Shameus starting up crap about us:
"I believe the entire VG Press is completely corrupt and/or incompetent"
Crap. Here we go again! Sounds just like that Rragner-douche...
Because I already told you guys that's not my thing.Â
 Just saw it, it it glorius.
*Leo, yet again, whips out a HUMONGOUS white flag*
*made even larger by the awesome power of BOOBIES*
*I'm feeling not quite like myself lately*
I wish, being corrupt means that I would accept bribes. Being bribed means that I would have an income. I could put that money to good use.Â
Incompentent, hey?! True!