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SupremeAC (7m)
Whoa, nice Dead Rising 2 trailer
I miss Frank though. They certainly bumped up the visuals. If they get rid of the annoying bits and save system this could be a buy.
IGN AU went hands on with Virtua Tennis 09 Wii
Backing up all this MotionPlus goodness, Virtua Tennis 2009 on Wii is as fully featured as its PS3 and 360 counterparts. Online play has made it in (with everything from the online World Tour mode, which crowns a new world number one every week, to more party game functionality like the ability to play mini-games online with friends… should you want to, not to mention matchmaking by ping, as well as skill), as has character creation and the World Tour mode. The visuals are also very reasonable – sure, it's a much lower resolution and has much lower polygon characters, but it still looks excellent and importantly, has the full animation sets so player movement is top notch. For more information, check out the recent UK impressions.
Virtua Tennis definitely has the pedigree no question about that, but i like everything i am reading about EA Grand Slam ... and this latest news about not needing to do the calibration after each point may be a bigger factor than it sounds.
i think whoever is getting one or the other from here at the vgpress should make a joint decision so we have a better chance of playing together online
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Well this will be the grudge match of the year. Even more than Infamous vs Prototype (grudge match between superhero sandbox games)
The differences are:
So close will wait for reviews.
I think someone will have to do a thread and then we lump all the reviews in there and see which is better.
There are a couple of things that put me off Grand Slam Tennis, the sound effect when the ball hits racket sounds off to me. Even using a modern racket it has that horrible wooden racket sound. And in some screens the deformity of the characters looks slightly off.
You bring up great comparison points. Pointing at the screen and clicking between points isnt exactly a huge burden though. The official tourneys are a plus in Grand Slam.
Funny thing is that nobody is paying attention to the HD versions
i'd love to see someone argue they'd prefer playing this with a traditional gamepad. mind you there are the "wiimote makes you tired" haters but it would be funny to see this for this particular game
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Well in the case of motionplus they might be right. Some previews have already said that you have to make the full motion as everything is detected, including follow through. You can't cheap out like on Wii Tennis and just flick. Well, to be fair you can, without motionplus and even without it the previews say that it plays better than Wii Tennis, without it plugged in. My own argument defeated.
Still, Raven, Beaver, Darth et al may be interested in the other versions if they love tennis games. They may even do some extra features in the other versions of Grand Slam Tennis seeing how its coming later than the Wii version.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Okay my turn to do the updates.
Ooooh I see awesome news.
I had Guardian Heroes on Saturn back in the day. Awesome game! That game needs to come to XBLA.
Gunstar Heroes coming to XBLA is also awesome news. One of my Top 10 favorite Sega Genesis games.
Updates done!
Oh and Spyborg looks boring!
thanks for the updates iga
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
It looks a whole lot better than it did last year, though!
Yes and No.
Yes graphics are better, they cut the crappy characters.
And No, because I miss the singing fish
Because I love you guys!
Nice updates Iggy, going through now.
Not bad looking.
Bionic's ambitious plans to combine fast-paced fighting with commercial-break-style mini-games and on-rails shooting have been ditched almost completely, with the game now focussed on its core co-op combat component. It's a move that's repositioned the title closer to the hardcore gamer on the demographic spectrum and that's reflected in the overhauled visual style too. Rather than the kid's cartoon look first witnessed in the game's original trailer, Spyborgs now features a beefy, yet stylised aesthetic, reminiscent of games like Ratchet & Clank - which shouldn't be surprising given the developer's pedigree.
In fact, Spyborgs is an undoubtedly good looking game, with strong character design, vibrant colours, solid 60 FPS action, fancy bloom effects, detailed models and impressive depth to environments. Despite it's stylised edge though, Bionic is keen to tout Spyborgs as a "real game for real gamers" and it even features an achievement-style reward system, tied directly to the game's unlockable roster. Design-wise, Bionic says it owes a debt to classic Capcom action titles of the past, singling-out Devil May Cry with its frantic action and massive epic boss battles.
Okay, I got to give credit where it's due.
Capcom are at least pushing the visuals on Wii and doing a pretty decent job with it too.
Not sure I'm interested in this fixed camera brawler though. In gameplay terms it looks very retro like an arcade game you would throw down some coins for, for 40 minutes.
Yeah, it looks like a scifi Final Fight.
It looks a little too much like button mashing and like it could be over very quickly. Great visuals though, you know the gap between systems doesn't seem so hideously bad when they do stuff like Darkside Chronicles or this:
I can only imagine what games would look like if everyone had pushed for this in years one and two.
Eurogamers Darkside Chronicles preview says:
"In fact, the visuals are among the best the Wii has even seen, thanks in large part to game director Yasuhiro Seto and his team at developer Cavia, who have concocted scaled-down shaders and lens filters based on principles adopted from Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 groundwork elsewhere. There's more environmental detail spread across the game's claustrophobic corridors than we saw in House of the Dead: Overkill, to use an obvious comparison, as well as a comparably diverse range of atmospheric effects, giving the zombies, dogs, giant spiders, wolfy things and man-size claw interruptions a solid foundation to strut their dramatic stuff."
IGN says the same:
"First things first, it is a very pretty game and, although some way short of the glitz of current-gen visuals, it features all manner of graphical trickery - from HDR and SH lighting to global illumination and other specialised filters - that do raise the title above the typical technical finesse of other Wii games. For instance, in the opening moments of our demonstration, impressive fire effects cast shifting red highlights across the environment, while glowing embers danced in the air. Elsewhere, characters display a significant increase in definition and detail - particularly your on-screen companion - and cast real-time shadows which, in a nice touch, disappear completely in the blinding flash of your muzzle."
It's just a damned shame its all for an on rails game and retro looking brawler. *sigh* Sorry if I seem down, but it does sort of seem like wasted potential (Hello Dead Space extraction)