Interview: 5TH CELL Talks ScribbleIGN talks shop with creator Jeremiah Slaczka, and chat about the Warner Bros. deal, the current state of the game, and Iga_Bobovic
Scribblenauts Gets a PublisherBalance your DS budget now. It's officially "on" for one of the most innovative and ambitious games on the Iga_Bobovic
Resident Evil Darkside wins the fucking world. That trailer feels like it was taking from all the dreams of RE fans everywhere and put together into two minutes of win. And to think that was just the first area of the game.
Resident Evil Darkside wins the fucking world. That trailer feels like it was taking from all the dreams of RE fans everywhere and put together into two minutes of win. And to think that was just the first area of the game.
When I read your first sentence, I thought you were referring to Red Steel 2. I should've known better.
Resident Evil Darkside wins the fucking world. That trailer feels like it was taking from all the dreams of RE fans everywhere and put together into two minutes of win. And to think that was just the first area of the game.
When I read your first sentence, I thought you were referring to Red Steel 2. I should've known better.
Going through Captivate, Dead Rising 2 looks awesome but I think the Wii version ruined the series for me, when I hear that music from the first game I feel like punching something. That trailer made me feel hatred cause of that sewage I played.
Lost Plant 2 is OMG worthy. That was like crazy action SOTC.
Yay for Ace Attorney.
I already mentioned how amazing REDSC is.
Spyborgs looks like any random PS2 action game, so meh.
Tekken 6 also coming to the PSP!!!! Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!
Anyway, this is good news. I love Tekken DR so seeing Tekken 6 coming also is awesome!!!
April 28, 2009 - We already knew that Tekken 6
would be storming the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 this fall, but today
we've learned that the storied fighting franchise is also headed for
the PSP.
Namco Bandai
didn't release many specifics, but we do know that the portable version
of the game is set to release alongside the other console iterations
and will pack additional stages, content, items, and an ad-hoc
multiplayer mode using "original" and "fan favorite characters." The
PSP version will also have "Ghost" Infrastructure mode so that a player
can upload his or her character data as well as download others' to see
how everyone's skills stack up.
"A must-have for Tekken aficionados, Tekken 6 sees the return of many
familiar faces as well as new characters to create the largest line-up
the series has ever seen," a Namco Bandai release reads. "With a
growing roster of fighters, each equipped with their own deadly
techniques, martial art moves, and attack combinations, Tekken 6 will
be the best 'King of Iron Fist Tournament' yet. Adding to the already
rich gaming experience, a deeper character customization feature will
only enhance the incredible fighting intensity as players go
If Red Steel 2 ends up being a Steampunk themed game, I may just have to pick that one up. Either way taking it out of a contemporary setting was probably a good thing.
Those Red Steel pictures are baffling... maybe I'd actually consider buying it now as well. And I've never used the term Steampunk without having whoever I was talking to look at me with a blank, puzzled face. I thought only one other person knew what it was, but I guess now there are two.
Speaking of steampunk, there are two other steampunk setting games coming out. One is Damnation for the 360/PS3, and the other is a newly announced DS JRPG called Nostalgia created by the team that made Grandia and the FFIII/IV remakes!
Weapons-based fighting-game fans should be en garde: Soulcalibur
is making its first strike in the world of handheld gaming. Namco
Bandai Games America announced today that Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny
will be released exclusively on the PlayStation Portable this summer.
Using many of the fundamental mechanics of last year's Soulcalibur IV,
Broken Destiny will feature a roster of more than 20 fighters. Although
gamers won't be able to play as Star Wars stand-ins Darth Vader, Yoda, or the Apprentice, the game will attempt to offset those losses with the addition of at least one new character, Dampierre.
Other additions include an expanded version of the
character-customization feature that let Soulcalibur IV players make a
menagerie of unique-looking fighters to go along with the standard
cast. Namco Bandai is also bolstering the series' staple Arcade,
Versus, and Survival options with a new single-player mode to ease
beginners into the higher levels of play. Part gameplay, part tutorial,
the new mode will feature more than 80 missions designed to teach
players the ropes and hone their skills.
Those Red Steel pictures are baffling... maybe I'd actually consider buying it now as well. And I've never used the term Steampunk without having whoever I was talking to look at me with a blank, puzzled face. I thought only one other person knew what it was, but I guess now there are two.
In the "real world' when you say Steampunk most people have no clue and the ones who do sorta know immediately bring up Wild Wild West. I however, come from the land of comic book and sci-fi/fantasy conventions and there's huge Steampunk parties where everyone dresses up in elaborate costumes. Really picked up in popularity over the last year though no one can tell me why.
Those Spyborg pics look great technically. I love the colour and lightning, but the character models I still think look worse. They're like a crappier version of The Incredibles or something. Yawn.
Red Steel 2 a western?
Hmm, that could be really cool. I love western movies, and that setting hasn't been used much in games.
Or perhaps an eastern
According to neogaf the game is cell shaded. The only drawback I see so far is that Ubi is making it.
Did they wear cowboy hats in the east? Either way, it could be really cool.
Resident Evil Darkside wins the fucking world. That trailer feels like it was taking from all the dreams of RE fans everywhere and put together into two minutes of win. And to think that was just the first area of the game.
When I read your first sentence, I thought you were referring to Red Steel 2.
I should've known better.
Red Steel 2...
(I'm sure it will be good.)
Going through Captivate, Dead Rising 2 looks awesome but I think the Wii version ruined the series for me, when I hear that music from the first game I feel like punching something. That trailer made me feel hatred cause of that sewage I played.
Lost Plant 2 is OMG worthy. That was like crazy action SOTC.
Yay for Ace Attorney.
I already mentioned how amazing REDSC is.
Spyborgs looks like any random PS2 action game, so meh.
Tekken 6 also coming to the PSP!!!! Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!
Anyway, this is good news. I love Tekken DR so seeing Tekken 6 coming also is awesome!!!
April 28, 2009 - We already knew that Tekken 6 would be storming the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 this fall, but today we've learned that the storied fighting franchise is also headed for the PSP.
Namco Bandai didn't release many specifics, but we do know that the portable version of the game is set to release alongside the other console iterations and will pack additional stages, content, items, and an ad-hoc multiplayer mode using "original" and "fan favorite characters." The PSP version will also have "Ghost" Infrastructure mode so that a player can upload his or her character data as well as download others' to see how everyone's skills stack up.
"A must-have for Tekken aficionados, Tekken 6 sees the return of many familiar faces as well as new characters to create the largest line-up the series has ever seen," a Namco Bandai release reads. "With a growing roster of fighters, each equipped with their own deadly techniques, martial art moves, and attack combinations, Tekken 6 will be the best 'King of Iron Fist Tournament' yet. Adding to the already rich gaming experience, a deeper character customization feature will only enhance the incredible fighting intensity as players go mano-y-mano."
Some screens:
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Interesting. I guess it's good for the Wii since the 360/PS3 is getting Red Dead Revolver 2.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Here's the article to the DS RPG:
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns;title;1
Weapons-based fighting-game fans should be en garde: Soulcalibur is making its first strike in the world of handheld gaming. Namco Bandai Games America announced today that Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny will be released exclusively on the PlayStation Portable this summer.
Using many of the fundamental mechanics of last year's Soulcalibur IV, Broken Destiny will feature a roster of more than 20 fighters. Although gamers won't be able to play as Star Wars stand-ins Darth Vader, Yoda, or the Apprentice, the game will attempt to offset those losses with the addition of at least one new character, Dampierre.
Other additions include an expanded version of the character-customization feature that let Soulcalibur IV players make a menagerie of unique-looking fighters to go along with the standard cast. Namco Bandai is also bolstering the series' staple Arcade, Versus, and Survival options with a new single-player mode to ease beginners into the higher levels of play. Part gameplay, part tutorial, the new mode will feature more than 80 missions designed to teach players the ropes and hone their skills.
For more on the game, check out GameSpot's first impressions of Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny.
I LOOOOVE the PSP!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Scrub the floor, BITCH!
In the "real world' when you say Steampunk most people have no clue and the ones who do sorta know immediately bring up Wild Wild West. I however, come from the land of comic book and sci-fi/fantasy conventions and there's huge Steampunk parties where everyone dresses up in elaborate costumes. Really picked up in popularity over the last year though no one can tell me why.
Those Spyborg pics look great technically. I love the colour and lightning, but the character models I still think look worse. They're like a crappier version of The Incredibles or something. Yawn.
I'm much more interested in it now, though.
Red Steel II? WTF! Awesome.
Most of them revolve around Robotnik saying "penis" to music, over and over.