Renegade Kid interview
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"treads its own path with complete confidence in itself. And that is truly regal."
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Awww, c'mon!
Who loves ya Rragsy?
Lol, I just read the replies!
When I said hate, I was exaggerating a lot people. You know just to tease a little.
Sorry about that, to take away any misunderstanding I will just post everything that was said there.
Cunt Vader said:
To be honest I have been finding thevgpress to be more interesting for the moment. It fluxuates, like a stock market.
Hairy Beaverman replied (to Vader):
It's hard for me to find discussion there really interesting when some people (not you) seem to scoff at my gaming interests, or are interested mostly in games I care very little or nothing for, or make the site far too Wii-oriented (which usually entails talking about games I care nothing for).
I like the news, the personalities, and a few of the discussions (like about the industry), but if I want to find out much about non-Wii games, I can only really come here.
But as far as what I find more interesting at the moment... it seems both sites are a bit slow for me lately, with regard to interesting content.
Hired relied (to Beaverman)
Dude even gaf has been slow kinda, its just that time.
Ragnaar said
I don't have a very favorable opinion of the VG Press. I don't feel even remotely welcome there. I don't feel like I'm a Wii troll, but they are so damned defensive. It has been long enough that I can't remember the specifics of the conversation, but I feel like I shouldn't get flamed for saying I don't like the Wiimote, considering I owned the Wii for a year and a half. I feel like that is a fair amount of time to make an assessment. I also don't like that whenever I make a blog here on Gamespot, Iga shows up with a bunch of VG Press dudes to spam their stupid website in my comments section. It feels like they make a concerted effort to show up and and invade.
Guy with a huge pole relied (to Ragnaar)
C'mon now! Don't you think you are overreacting a bit? Who does things like that?
Ragnaar replied (to big pole man)
Ugh... I wouldn't write things like that if I knew they were reading it. I don't "hate" anyone over there, I just don't feel like it is somewhere I want to be. I don't like to argue with people at all, and I feel like just posting my opinions about things there are enough to start arguments... I feel at home with my ROF brethren. It isn't that those guys aren't cool, this is just the community I belong to, and I don't feel like I have to walk on eggshells to avoid getting into an argument around here.
Cunt Vader said
See, it was not that bad. I usually do not bring things over from other sites, but it has already bleeded over. So it is better to get it out in the open, especially for those who can't read the comments. I apologize for my part and Vader stop bringing stuff from other forums over here, the first time it did not end well and the second time it went just as badly.

I'm sorry. But I still fin this notion of building a Berlin Wall between both sites weird. I do talk about what GG is doing at GS, like the whole Animal Crossing craze, as I mention whats going on in the RoF here, like how rag got everyone into Demon Souls, cause we are the same group of people.
There is a difference between talking about games and starting a "war" between our factions (I am also responsible for the recent e-drama). Especially when most of us can't even see the RoF board. I mean there is already a wall, most people can't even see the RoF let alone post in it.
Thats true, i forget about that. The war was in good fun until someone started to get crazy with it, Iga... well to be fair GG got a bit defensive as well. I just wanted to poke fun at the whole LKS story thing, sorry it got out of hand.
You owe me a new fucking keyboard.
Or maybe you should take a look at the lack of road rules times you now have.
Okay, more than Half-Life 2 is understandable as that is the definition of mediocre. But Deus Ex? You crazy!Did you forget the sock? Geez....
That's all we need, guys!
Por Que?
*so that's it? the drama is over already? well, that's no fun! without drama all we are is Little Kings Story and Kitty porn*
Rag got everyone into Demons Souls?! RAGS!?
I'll have you know it was my love of King's Field and the need to kill the icky-Vagina creature that GG posted pics of HERE that made me pre-order Demons Souls!
How COULD YOU Vader?!
That's IT! I'm retreating to the Ring of Fire and N-E-V-E-R POSTING IN HERE AGAIN ! ! !
*Phantom_Leo storms away huffing and puffing with tears in his eyes*
You do realise that I'm the admin and have bashed the following games on multiple occasions:

-Phantom Hourglass
-The Wind Waker
-Majora's Mask
-Eternal Darkness
-Prince of Persia
-Every Sonic game
-Odin Sphere
And don't get us all started on the hamster.
You're a lightweight hater
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWho me?!
*hide's bottle of oil behinds his back and whistles innocently
Well GG really thought people were talking badly about us, should not have used the word hate. Sorry GG!