Reggie looks up and screams "Give us Mother 3"
Iwata looks down and whispers "NO!"
Dylan Cuthbert not interested in StarFo
calls the Wii a toy, and says Miyamoto makes what he wants, not what fans want
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robio (3m)
Switching gears up I just saw the Iron Fist video for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. I really hope they put the game on the Wii without the Wii-controls or at least give the player an option of using a standard set of controls with a Classic Controller.
I never got much of a chance to play much of Ultimate Alliance. I originally picked it up on the PS2 and can honestly say I've never endured a game with worse load times (or at least not since the 2002 classic "Herdy Gerdy." Then later I tried to play it on the Wii and those stupid motion controls made it just as bad.
And dear God what is SEGA doing to Creative Assembly?
One of the site's forefathers.
Nothing could be as bad as Crash Bandicoot Warped with it's literally 1 minute or a little less load times per level.
One of the site's forefathers.
Which is a shame. Because it's a fantastic game.
What's this in relation to, Empire or Stomrise?
Hey, don't diss Gem Fighter. That game is awesome.
Nothing hence why I started a seperate paragraph for the topic.
And yeah Warped was good for its time but the load times, Jesus THE LOAD TIMES!
One of the site's forefathers.
I don't think there is a Best Buy in my city, and that game kinda freaks me out. I'm afraid if I play it for 4-5 hours straight, my whole world will turn into a black and white comic. Similar to the Guitar Hero "why are the walls melting upwards" effect.
Veronica remake for wii with RE4 controls?All woudl be forgiven...all would be forgiven.
Did you actually like Herdy Gerdy? I'm not saying that cause i didn't like it, but because you're literally the second person on the internet that I've seen that's heard of it, let alone played it!
Make that 3 of us.
No not RE4 controls, tacked on Wiimote controls to the same classic controls of old RE.
I HATE waiting!
I am not a very patient person!
Screens sooo much bigger and brighter!
Sound sooo much more full and vibrant!
The buttons now give sooo much more resistance and actually give a soft click when pressed!
Downloaded the Internet Broswer already. (No, not posting this message with it. Later maybe!)
Connected to DSi Ware and got my Free 1000 Points! With them purchased Art Style: Aquia. Interesting little puzzler!
No more hinges = No more hinge-cracks!
Front Dashboard seems very Wii-like. Tapable Windows lead to your inserted Game Card, Your Music Selection, DSi Ware Shop, Your Downloaded Apps, etc. Sooo much more going on here than the original DS!
A few things I don't like as much: No longer glossy. Top screen is veeerrry thin; almost feels fragile...!? Cameras are kinda cheesy. Low Res. Not going to use them anyway!
Will give more impressions in the morn!
Oh well. Shoudln't have hoped for anything good from Capcom atm!
ANYBODY wanting to get rid of their old and now obsolete DSs I might be interested in buying if it's cheap.
Speaking of things being blown...
Heh, heh, heh...
I'm gonna curl up in bed with my DSi and furiously play with my Pokemon!
Damn it! I just can't help myself!
The Stylus!
...OH! The stylus...
It just feels SOOO good in my hand...
I just love to roll it around in my palm and poke things with it!
Nintendo has grown up a little bit and has given every gamer-guy EXACTLY what he has always asked for:
A manly, girthy, lengthy stylus he can be proud of!
It just fits sooo snuggly into the hole on my DSi. I just can't help but pull it out and push it back in a few times, just because the fit is sooo tight and perfect!
God I love my little pokey stick!
Alrighty then!
G'night! Pleasant dreams!
No more hinge cracks!? I'M IN!!! I already sold my DS Phat. Had to get rid of it because it was giving me problems. And it was old. Can you believe I've been playing with a Phat for this whole time?
Anyway, I need to save up for the DSi. Seeing how there are no more hinge cracks to worry about, I think the DSi is a better choice than the Lite.
Anyway, what's up Leo!
And enjoy your new DSi!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns