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Dragon Quest IX, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and more scans
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i know, i personally loved them though. especially rodriguez's film. people have such bad taste
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
One of the site's forefathers.
My Haul for the Last Week:
Demon Souls
Resident Evil 5
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure
Suikoden Tierkreis
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Avalon Code
Rune Factory: Frontier
Demon Souls (PS3): Really scratches the itch I have had for a Champions of Norrath/Baldur's Gate game for the PS3. From the makers of King's Field (read that twice; that last line makes sense in more ways than one!), so you know it's serious, moody and hard as hell... but that's just the way I like it! I don't really get your comparisons to Symphony of the Night, Rags, but it's a seriously solid game in its own right! I need to try this online!
Avalon Code (NDS): Why isn't anyone discussing this game?! This is one of the most unique Action-RPGs I have played in a long, long while. Your world is ending and you are the one chosen by prophecy to record people, places and things in the Book of Prophecy. (You basically smack things with the book to capture their essence to be brought into the new world.) You get a Memory Map for people, weapons and items, and can add concepts to the 9X9 memory map grid to alter their attributes. You got a sword? Add a Fire Concept to it to make it burst into flames! Is your enemy too tough? Take away the Stone concept from their memory map and lower their defense! Better yet, add an illness concept to weaken their HP down to One! Think Zeda meets Dark Cloud 2 (minus the town building) with some Alundra puzzles in there and you kinda start to get the idea. Grind to make your attacks stronger, cause the nearly overwhelming depth of this game makes it one you'll be playing for the long haul. Incredibly unique!
Rune Factory: Frontier (Wii): Marvelous and XSeed have made a commitment to bring more RPGs to the Wii and DS (yeah, they made Avalon Code too!) so owners of both systems REALLY need to be grateful and take notice! Just because it hasn't been too long since Rune Factory 2 hit the DS, doesn't mean this is some kind of half-baked game. Think Animal Crossing with Swords and Dungeons with a Harvest Moon sensibilty to it. If that picques your interest, you HAVE TO try this game! It's also a lot more open ended than the past RF's AND Harvest Moons; farming doesn't HAVE TO be your primary source of income! Be a blacksmith, an artisan or an alchemist, if you want. Marry or don't. Make friends or enemies! In this full fledged, open ended RPG (can I stress that more?) for the Wii, it's up to YOU! Can't wait to see what they do with Little King's Story!
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (NDS): Okay. Someone explain this to me. There's a 2D platformer on the DS that is half Tetris Attack and Half a Treasure-inspired Platformer... and Ask_Story hasn't made a topic in the GGD about it yet!? I know you are wrapped up in your PSP right about now but... WTH?! (Impressions coming once I actually open it!)
Resident Evil 5 (PS3): Vader will kill me, but I have played the first 5 minutes of it and have not had the time to go back!
**Suikoden and Valkyrie are sure to be amazing for me, but I have to clear out some backlog before even thinking about starting them! If I do, I'll post some impressions, though!**______________________________________
***Yes. I admit it. This is copied from a blog of mine elsewhere. I need to save some time, but I wanted to give a quick impression or two here, just for those who may be interested!***
What?! Not true, me and GG have been posting..
Damm you Leo!!
Actually he did make a thread about it. More surprised that no one has made a GTA thread over there. The GGD has become 360/PS3 discussion board, almost no Nintendo news there!
As it is, right now, I am waiting for a driver to arrive, so I am jumping between both sites, posting frantically, before I am off for nearly the rest of the weekend!
I need to get a... thingee... so I can get online when I am in transit...
Fucking pussy.
My sister loved.
iPhone? Android? USB Modem?
I just finished The Demon Haunted World today.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileAmazing book. I read that one and Broca's Brain back to back about a year ago or something.
Such awesome games, such low price.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Fuck, I'm up in that like Iga's penis in a sauna.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I <3 Excitebots!
Did you notice I also posted the Path news? I always try to get some of the lesser known PC games on too. Battleforge sounds awesome, you have the Juggernaut there!!! Awesome.
Gametrailers is a good source for more 'smaller' PC news
Wow, screw the haters, Exitebots is awesome!
it is spelled EXITEEEEEEEEEbots
Yeah I figured it was like that.