Hudson discusses Marble Saga: Kororinpa
did you know you can create/share levels?
Platinum explains why MadWorld is Wii-only,
sees the title as a system-seller
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gamingeek (7m)
Archie why do you want to buy Remake and Re0 Wii versions?
You do realize that they do not have motion control at all? It's basically the old version, but now with the buttons mapped on the Wiimote. You are better of buying the Gamecube version, which will work perfectly fine on your Wii.
Banjo > Oblivion
I actually played about 20-30 hours of Oblivion when I first got my 360. It's a cool game, but I'll probably enjoy Banjo more.
Better buy a DS hamster, because this is the best game ever
P.S. what happened to your Hamtaro avatar?
It was eaten by my new avatar.
yes, you could say that. he's not a bad kid and i don't suppose he wanted to gash my head but people need to think some more about what they're doing.
training tonight was great. just a handful of grown up guys. we worked on two eddy bravo techniques (apparently) called the pentagram and the electric chair, and on an awesome and very handy variation of the side arm-bar. then i rolled with a belgian guy who has been training for years and recently spent a year and a half in a training camp in brasil. he always fights from a butterfly guard and is pretty well invincible but he's very patient with me and gives me pointers so it's good. good session
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Your suckitude knows no bounds!
Oblivion is by far my favourite 360 game.
Kameo > Oblivion
Seriously Eddy Bravo needs better names for his techniques. The Electric chair, pentagram, blerghh. Do you guys train with a Gi or are you nude?
About that guy, he is being immature. I seen it many times, guys walking around with a huge ego and hurting other people so that they can feel better for themselves. My advice, only roll with the mature guys, you will learn a lot more and not get hurt in the process. Tell your sensei or teacher or whatever you call him, that you do not want to train with these immature brats. I am sure he will understand.
My turn to update
Sit back and relax.
OMG Iga. Perverted slut.
You have made me want to retake my playthrough where I left it. I wanna see where does the Dark Brotherhood plot ends.
What the FUCK?
we work both with the gi, and without, sometimes on different days, sometimes on the same day trying the same technique both ways. i'm not a fussy person, i never complained to sensei about anything even though i picked up many injuries mostly from, as you say, imature guys. not long before this recent head gash, i had to go to work with a black eye for over a week because someone cought me with his elbow whilst rolling. thing is sensei tries to get people rolling with everybody (to become more versatile) and most guys that go to my sessions are around 15-18, and as you say, not mature enough. but i might have to ask him for that if i get more stupid injuries
edit: steel, iga is misleading ... without the gi usually means shorts and t-shirt or a no-gi. we don't train naked. having said that i don't know about iga's school
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Eurogamer Blazblue Review - 8/10? That's it. Well I guess I should wait until I play it first but
NPD - Where the fuck is it? Next week instead?
Madworld has high expectations - I don't know the game still seems to scream "NICHE" for me. Then again De Blob is nearly a million seller now...
One of the site's forefathers.
De Blob was great and you're a dirty whore for expressing an opinion that differs from mine. No offense or anything.
And did anyone watch that trailer for the Adventure Island WiiWare game? Christ does that look bad. I was never the biggest fan of the series, but the whole 3-D character models on a 2-D stage just isn't working for this.