Hudson discusses Marble Saga: Kororinpa
did you know you can create/share levels?
Platinum explains why MadWorld is Wii-only,
sees the title as a system-seller
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robio (9m)
Okay did the updates just now.
McEnroe in Grand Slam Tennis
Missed pic from Darkside
Look at the full sized pics here. Ignore the pretty characters and you'll see the environment textures are PS1 quality. I hope is because its 35% complete. I don't see how they are going to finish this for Christmas without rushing it out.
It is not the same, a rollercoaster is like the Juggernaut. Once set in motion it cannot be stopped. Once you put your arse in the seat, it does not matter how scared you are, there is nothing more you can do.
This is different, you can stop any time. The only thing pushing me forward was my mind and my partners encouragement. My body wanted to quit, I thought about quiting. I could have quit, but I pushed through.
No it many words, but once he picked me up and slammed me on the floor, I knew that he loved me. Actions do speak louder than words.
Then I fooled around with two other guys. I am too awesome to be limited by one person. Need to spread the love, people. We ninjas are not creature of hate. We do not kill out of hate, but out of love. You can only accuse us of too much loving.
OLY SHYTE EUROPEANS is selling GTA Chinatown Wars for £18 with free delivery. It's out March 20th so pre-order now.
HOTD Overkill £19.99 at Amazon:
Also, American'as, Animal Crossing City Folk $30 on Amazon for 24 hours ONLY!!!
"we were locking down the first game and realised that there were still a load of ideas we'd not had time to include. Both the team and Spielberg himself during his weekly visits to the offices, wanted to carry on working on the project. In fact, it was more a case of could we not do another Boom Blox game. It was all I could do to get them to wait until the next project was lined up."
"Another interesting addition to the player's arsenal is the virus ball and blocks", said Rahimi. Here, these new blocks introduce a new way to quickly infect levels with explosive charges. Simply hit them with the virus ball projectile and they explode and infect any surrounding blocks with the virus - ready for the next throw.
Levels are now grouped into themed areas. One such area in the wet world is the underwater environment. This effects not just the look and feel, but the physics of how each block interacts. Landing a hit here, results in blocks floating off rather than falling to the floor - something that introduces new ways to solve each level.
The final aspect of the new game that Rahimi wanted to cover was the level designer. As he outlined, "If you like the sound of these new tools and environments, then the new level designer should also be exciting. We took the decision at the start of development for Boom Blox Bash Party to provide our developer level design tools to the user."
In a nutshell, Boom Blox Bash Party is a proper sequel in the best sense of the word. It takes the best bits of the first game and extends them. With impressive claims alongside these features, that "Boom Blox Bash Party can now easily be up there visually with the best games on the system".
we were going to spar, stand-up to floor ... he thought it wise to rugby tackle me before we even got rolling. i ended up in the wall with a bloody head. wasn't concussed or anything though ... i drove myself to A & E.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
In San Francisco, a Wii MotionPlus-ready build of Grand Slam Tennis was on display and fully playable. And play it I did. So what's the verdict? Well, frankly, it's incredible, which makes EA two for two now because Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 equipped with MotionPlus is spectacular, too.
I can't wait to play a lot more of the game, but even now two truths are rapidly becoming evident. First, EA Grand Slam Tennis is better than Wii Sports Tennis even without MotionPlus support. But with it, the game is in another league entirely.
Ownage, motion controls fully realised. No excuses anymore. Make the proper lightsable game a reality bitches.
Aaah stand-up to floor sparring, they always end with me doing a crazy flying scissor takedown or a rolling takedown. We even have a judo guy, damn once he grabs you, you are going down. And it takes him little effort to do that.
So the guy started before you were ready, so he sucker tackled you?
EA is on a roll, first they make all the other Golf games irrelevant, now they do it again with Tennis games. Seriously who would want to play golf with an analog stick now?
Wii Sports Tennis made other tennis games irrelevant to me as I used to play tennis. And it's just far more satisfying, intuitive, accurate and fun doing it with motion IMO. All it was waiting for was a proper championship mode and some expanded options/multiplayer online etc. Now someone is finally doing it.
BUT Virtua Tennis 09 Wii edition is using motionplus too, so I want to see how that works out before going with either one as those guys are really great.
No and there is no date for it. June 16th is when EA's motionplus games ship with or without motionplus.
When it comes out you can then just plug it in to use the feature. Bizaare but nintendo has gone quiet on its release. I think that Sports Resort must be delayed and they wanted to push it together with the peripheral.
Being Capcom it's a fetid, rotting flacid.... zombie penii.
That's right, more than one, plural.
EDIT: You know I just realised that not one Capcom employee has posted a response in any of the threads about Darkside Chronicles except for a deleted post that said it was started directly after UC released.
The whole point of that forum is that you Ask Capcom a question and get an answer directly from their western operations. Now they are just ignoring criticism. I'm not suprised as their PR mouthing off has repeatedly got them into hot water with gamers.
And they love you too....
..untill you kill them, by crushing them with empty Capcom boxes.
I just ordered Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts from Amazon. It only cost me $27.99 (free shipping; no sales tax). I'm happy.
I almost bought Oblivion GOTY Edition for the same price too, but decided that Forza 2 and Banjo Kazooie will tide me over plenty until Riddick comes out early next month.
Edge used to say that Nuts and Bolts looked awesome. That was when Edge was still with us. *sad*
Well you can add one more Capcom box to the pile, I just picked up my copy of RE5. Woo hoo! Poor puppy too. I'll miss the little fellow.
WTF? How can you passover Oblivion for Banjo? Damn you Hamster.
He really needs to stop spending so much time with his mom.