Hudson discusses Marble Saga: Kororinpa
did you know you can create/share levels?
Platinum explains why MadWorld is Wii-only,
sees the title as a system-seller
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Archangel3371 (2m) robio (7m)
I can see what you mean by trying to fit a 12 hour book series into a single movie. This reminds me when Miramax originally pressed Peter Jackson to have "The Lord of the Rings" be a single film in which resulted in the film being picked up by New Line. It seemed like they were trying to cram as much crap as possible by having segments that should be at least 20 minutes long to 2 minutes. Again as an example when Dr. Manhattan went over how he became into a "God" it was all told in 15 minutes. I mean seriously. Also what was his power anyway? They said "to bend matter" yet he could teleport, see into the future, see into the past, and slowdown time so that he could see things with his own will. I mean what the fuck is he exactly? I mean yeah you can bend matter, make it grow, and move, but you can't make things teleport and especially read time and control it to your perspective.
As for The Comedian, yeah as I said it made him seem like a giant dick, BUT it didn't correlate with the story. It was a 1 minute scene that was never talked about again and was so hardly relevant it barely even had a slight resemblance to the plot.
Look I can literally go on and on about the film. All in all it seemed like it could have been really good, but it failed by trying to cram too much shit into a small portapotty. In my opinion DC should have just made it into two separate 2 to 2 and a half hour films. I realize that "staying true to the story" is very important but if it requires to only fitting the important stuff in then it would be better to not do it at all.
As for the movie turning the superhero genre on it's head, well I've already read and watched some comic content that was deemed "the exception". Spawn certainly isn't like other superheroes, and I remember reading a comic about some samurai cyborg out for revenge (was pretty subpar), and also read Marvel Civil War (which was pure shit). So I guess the "it's different" thing didn't really work for me.
As for my comic book complaints, the more I think about it it makes sense. I mean manga is printed in just black ink and black ink only as well as using very small pages resulting in cutting costs. Comic books use huge pages with multi-colored ink resulting in high costs. So with comics you can't afford to be as detailed in the turn of events with manga because every little frame you add costs money. This is what always bugged me as some location scenes would consistent of 2 or even just 1 frame and events would consistent of only 1 page at times. I mean I could still understand what's going on but it's terrible storytelling as it's practically listing events and uses your mind to make up the difference of what happens next.
One of the site's forefathers.
Riddick: Dark Athena
I just downloaded and played through the demo, and this game is going to be f***ing awesome! It's a lot like the original Riddick, only better. I love the FPS action/stealth hybrid gameplay with light puzzle solving this game has, and it's wrapped in fantastic graphics and sound too. It's very cinematic and cool. I'm going to play through the demo a few more times tonight!
I can't wait for this game!
Come on, some half-arsed fan-service in a half-arsed game, or a fully-fledged awesome game with subtle fan-service for exploitation film fans?
I'm gad you said so, the player one podcast said the opposite, but I think they are forgetting how poor it looked (relative to the 7th gen) on the xb. Riddick is a great game, can't wait to buy it on the tech it was intended for.
As for Atlus..
Quality RPG producer Atlus, best known for the blockbuster Megami Tensei series, is in dire financial straits, and has forecast huge losses as a result of worsening financial performance and the disposal of one of its failing lines of business.
For the accounting period ending in July, 2009, the company has revised its forecast performance from a profit of ¥100 million ($1 million) to a loss of ¥2.400 billion ($24 million). Their last reported results were a profit of ¥500 million.
Lord have mercy. If Atlus can't make a buck then we're doomed to a future with abouut 7 game development studios.
The bad thing is that it's hate about good games. Dead Space Extraction and Darkside Chronicles will be good games. But publishers are just completely misreading what gamers want. Its a huge missed opportunity. Every site you see this story reported you see the same freaking reaction from gamers and publishers still dont get it. It's like everyone is saying "this is what we want" and publishers are saying, "well here is what you're getting, aren't we amazing!"
And then the collective sound of a million foreheads being slapped ensues.
The Brit comments were even harsher:
If you want length, then UC is the better bet. Overall though Overkill owns it in gameplay, style, humour, graphics, satisfaction, weapons et al. UC is still good though.
Not interested. Riddick on Xbox was good, but way overated and I dont need to play it again with better visuals like I dont need to play HL2 with better graphics on the Orange box. I want to hear about the extra content though.
Hell, if it helps - so was SF4.
Wait. So the movie has TWO giant dicks in it?!
Must see!
**j/k... I read the graphic novel, so I was planning on seeing it this weekend anyway.**
Good round of updates.
That Wii Harddrive would be a dream come true. Even at just 32 GB that's all I'd need. Still not going to count on it though. Harddrives aren't really Nintendo's M.O.
I'd kill to have Tatsunoko vs Capcom make it over to stateside. I'm jonesing for a fighter so freaking bad. Brawl is fun, but A - it's over a year old now and B - I want a real fighter!!!
And apparently found the secret to getting exclusive intereviews with Capcom execs. Compliment their crap games and they'll return the favor.
There's one very interesting thing in those scans. That second page shows Leon in the brown leather jacket from RE4. I didn't think they'd use that game for any of the RE: DC story lines. Could be cool.
A real fighter, what does that mean?
I haven't had time to check the updates except to say that the EDGE online MH3 online fee story is WRONG. They didn't even check the original source which plainly says that its for MHG. I'm going through about 100+ Ask Capcom comments on RE DC.
I think they just put it in there to show Leons last appearance in a RE game. i.e Leon from RE4, remember him?
A traditional fighting game where the objective is to knock out your opponent rather than knock him off a platform.
Look no further than the new turtles game. Yes it looks Smash like, but the objective is to knock out your opponent.
Wow according to your opinion the UFC game is not a real fighter either
The TMNT games does look good. As a long-time TMNT fan I've been drooling all over this game from the first scans. I'm just hoping for a nice selection of supporting characters.
UFC can go take a flying a leap as far as I'm concerned. If I want to watch a bunch of ripped guys wrap their legs around one another and roll on the ground I'll go and and watch some gay porn. I'll just go the whole way with it. I have no respect for people who only go half-way.
32 gb wii hard dive with a 64 gb option? This is nintendo so 10 gb is more likely (or 5) LOL.
Just watched the Grand Slam Tennis video. It's not all set in Wimbeldon is it? I hear its not, but I cant be playing a whole game on nothing but grass courts with white outfits. It looks good, I hate the music in the trailer though. And the gangly characters will take a little getting used to.
Check the video at the link
Shame that the title doesn't really reflect the coolness inside for the hardcore gamer – Real Heroes: Firefighters sounds like the title of one of those DVDs you buy Little Timmy because he loves those big red trucks.
The game is, essentially, a first-person shooter on the Nintendo Wii, developed by a team that consists of members who worked on the Call of Duty franchise back in the day. But in this FPS, instead of blasting Nazis, zombies or space aliens, you're dousing fires in a variety of different locations and structures.
The action is pure FPS: wander around the different environments and blast away with either the firehose or your portable fire extinguisher.
The missions themselves – nine in all -- feature a surprising amount of variety and require the use of more than just fire dousing. Some doors need to be wedged open so you'll need to switch to the jaws of life-like hydraulic spreader, and jam them into the gap with a "jab" motion on the Wii remote. Some surfaces need to be cut, and that's where the circular saw comes in. And, of course, you wouldn't be a kickass firefighter if you didn't wield an axe to cut down weak walls and doors.
Epicenter's Wii engine is pretty solid and runs at a decent framerate. According to the developers the engine can handle more than 12,000 fire "objects" at any one time and render them out on-screen. Smoke effects can pour into a room to obscure your vision, and can be vented out by shattering windows before entering the room. Real Heroes: Firefighter features a variety of control schemes to adjust for the different player preferences – in my hands-on I was content with the Metroid Prime-like sensitivity that was being used in the settings enabled.
The game's being prepped for a $30 dollar pricepoint, and according to the developers a portion of the proceeds from game sales will be donated to the Firefighter Cancer Support Network . Now that's class.
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