Hudson discusses Marble Saga: Kororinpa
did you know you can create/share levels?
Platinum explains why MadWorld is Wii-only,
sees the title as a system-seller
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You do realize that Riddick: Dark Athena is a completely new campaign consisting of about 10 hours of new content, right? It is a direct continuation of the original Xbox Riddick, and takes place right after the ending of first game. The original Riddick is also included (w/ improved graphics, of course), but is more of a bonus game now. It also has a new multiplayer component too.
BTW, I got this info from articles written about the game that were posted here in GGWeekly.
EDIT: Here's an article about the new content: Riddick: Dark Athena is Remake No More
"That's right--Dark Athena is not a remake of 2004's brilliant Escape from Butcher Bay. And when Universal Interactive's Bill Kispert called Athena's new campaign "robust," he wasn't kidding. Joystiq is reporting that while Starbreeze went through the trials of having their game thrown from Sierra to Atari, they never stopped working, and a new 10-hour campaign with "new game mechanics" and "full-game production values" was the result."
Everybody read the Tiger Woods Preview and watch the movies.
Anyone who says the Wii is a Gamecube after seeing that is full of shit.
P.S. Oh and do not try to make a smartass respons by saying the Gamecube > Wii, Hamster
Well, I actually do believe the GC was greater than Wii. GC had better third party support, and more classic Nintendo games.
I know what you believe, but without my last sentence your reply would be:
"You are right Iga, the Wii is not a Gamecube, the Gamecube is better"
Am I right?
No. If we are talking about hardware specs, then obviously the Wii is the superior console. It's just too bad that most devs don't care about that fact.
I am not talking about hardware specs, I am talking about your smartass hamster brain. You always make smartass comments followed by
. But not now, because I have beaten you to the punch. Which would make me the even smarterass. Take that!
After seeing the paperwork that 44-year-old Scott Allan Witmer filed with the court claiming sovereignty, a Northampton County judge said Tuesday he cannot be released from jail until he gets a mental exam. ( . . . ) Witmer, who represented himself, said he believes police lack jurisdiction to pull him over. As he said in court: "I live inside myself, not in Pennsylvania."
Yeah man I know all that. I do read the occasional article I post.
Just not interested. I'm getting my dose of Riddick like gameplay in the Darkness and I have mixed feelings about Riddick on Xbox 1 in the first place. I'm just not interested at all.
Hoi, I posted that article
I think
P.S. updates done, got to train, see you guys later!
Sorry, man. I didn't mean to insult you or anything. Your previous post sounded like you thought it was just a remake of the original game with some added content rather than a new game. If you're not interested in it, then that's perfectly fine with me.
Yeah I played the Dark Athena demo and really enjoyed it as well. I only got around to trying very little of Riddick on Xbox but loved it so DA is a sure-fire pickup for me.
Sweet rumour on the Wii HDD. I sure hope it turns out to be true. I'll go for the 64 GB one myself just to play it safe because if they do bring this out then I'm really hoping that they'll also let some content that is suited for this flow. Content such as demos, videos, game dlc, bigger Wii-ware games, perhaps VC support for some systems like Saturn, etc.
Smartass hamster's brain > Iga's brain
Hopefully, it's true. Nintendo really needs to release one ASAP. They clearly underestimated the popularity of VC and WiiWare games.
Demos and full-screen gameplay videos is one of my favorite features in the Xbox 360; Nintendo would do well to include somethin like that as well.
I forgot the smiley. No offence meant or taken. In fact it was your enthusiastic posting a couple of months back that alerted me to the new stuff.
There is no way this rumour is true. Even if it is cheap to do 32 gb hard drives these days. Nintendo is stuck in the past in some cases so I refuse to believe they would do a drive over 10gb. Okay 15 gb, I will be generous.
They probably aren't even thinking about DLC, just how to store all those N64 games.
Some companies are doing direct to SD card downloads already, that's more than I expect of nintendo.
LOL reverse snobbery with the Tiger woods update. That's almost satire.
Beehive, lycra suit, teachers glasses, high heels with guns. Kamiya's perversion is hard to look at.
They still haven't revealed the supporting characters for that Turtles game. I wont be getting it though. For some reason I can't even muster up the will to play Brawl. I've only played 3 hours. I have games rotting away on my shelf not being played and the only games I can muster up the will to play are Phoenix Wright on the crapper and ACrossing. I used to play games in bed but now that time is dedicated to watching classic toons.
In the RE DC pics I noticed in the bottom pic.... they rendered the dogs wang. Are there extra points for hitting that spot?
Updating again:
Trailer too in the updates in a moment.
Dang, we had the whole RE5 racism kerfuffle and now we have some beast lover at Cavia rendering dog wang. Lets see if someone finds VGPress through the words "dog wang" in next months stats.
Fix the floor!
Fix the wall!
So they've gone back to FMV? This is step back from RE4.
MY GOD LOOK AT THAT!!! Its one of the best looking Wii games I have ever seen. Its RE2 remade as I always dream. The trailer is amazing.