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Do I have to play the previous Metroid Primes to get the third one? Only one I could find is the second, and that one seems to stink a bit.
^^^Not really. The story isn't that big of a deal (especially in 3).
Also Metroid Prime 2 is to the Prime series as Devil May Cry 2 is to the Devil May Cry series.
EDIT - The voice acting in Prime 3 was unnessary. The Metroid series should never have voice acting. Truth!
One of the site's forefathers.
I agree.
LBP is a disaster at the moment, servers suck.
So whats going, MP3 talk, its 2008 guys. Fantastic game, but I went over that last year.
It was LUCKY to get an 8.5, or whatever I gave it.
No you don't but you should play them instead because they're so much better.
Watch that Clone Wars trailer.
From what I can tell, the low point in the DMC series is far lower, relative to the other games in that series, than MP2 is to either of the other two Primes, if you consider MP2 to be the least of the three.
Personally, I thought everything was great except for the inconsistent difficulty and the short, looping track that played whenever you interacted with a Luminoth or a Luminoth hologram. Oh, and of course the fetch quest at the end, but MP1 also had one of those (albeit not as bad).
Steel, for an answer to your question, I don't think you need MP2 to understand the story. If MP1 and MP3 lay out the structure of the series' story, MP2 provides substance that fills things in in between and provides a better perspective on the story. But seriously, you need to get it if you're going to play the other two. It has some really awesome fights, better graphics than MP1, more challenge, and some abilities not present in the other two games. It elaborates on the series' antagonist and on the effects of the particular substance that plays a key role in the series.
It doesn't stink. It's just very similar to MP1, has a longer fetch quest at the end, and has inconsistent difficulty. I don't think any of these things alone or together break it, though. As a game, I love it. As a Metroid Prime game, I love it.
Metroid talk huh? Shame I can't contribute.
Sucks to hear about LBP - give 'em a few days Vader.
Also, what could possibly be so bad about that Star Wars trailer?
Sorry Beaver but I just have to disagree. To me Prime 2 was horrid. Very broken, very confusing level design, inconsistent difficulty, and a ridiculously executed gimmick.
I mean air kills you...AIR!
One of the site's forefathers.
Yeah Steel, people on the boards have an tedency to exagerate games. About Prime 2 it is Prime 1 plus. The good points are better, but the weak points are also weaker. But the Quadraxis boss alone is worth $60,-.
My advice, buy the first Prime. If you really like it, then buy the second and the third one. All are great games, 2 is the weakest but great still. And if you can't stand Prime, just download Super Metroid and buy Zero Missions.
Have you ever heard of Anti-matter?
I wouldn't say it was horrid, but I agree with everything else you just wrote, Punk.
i agree with beaver and iga on MP2. it's a great game ... and reviews (for what they're worth) seem to testify to that also as it got mostly 9s and over so it's no DMC2. sure it has it's issues like bad placement of saving stations and uneven difficulty. but it's very good.
all three prime games are well worth playing. there were few times i was as engrossed into a game as much as i was in the first prime. if it hadn't been for RE4, prime would have been the last game i pulled an all-nighter because i couldn't stop playing.
the only thing to consider is that the first 2 games might be released as part of the 'play it on wii' series ... but meh why wait? and it's probably best to play them with the controller they were meant to be played with.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Lol check this out
From left to right: Anderson Silva, Lyoto Machida, Tito Ortiz, Big Nog, Sokoudjou, Nick Diaz, Fedor Emelianenko, BJ Penn
I disagree.
The voice work wasn't the best in Corruption, but it still added a bit more believability to the world. Its foolish going to talk to someone and having them not talk back. Or like in Echoes...that part where you find the video of the soldiers being killed by the aliens and all you hear is gunfire...the guys don't say a fucking word. Its like a retarded version of the scene in Halo 1 where the flood first show up, done without voice. If that part in Halo had no voice, it wouldn't have had anywhere near the impact it had. Just like the Echoes scene it inspired.
I'm cool with Samus being mute, as well as Link in Zelda (in fact I wish he didn't even make those dumb grunts) but its 2008 here people....give the characters in the world a voice.
Actually the did talk in Prime 2. Yep you can clearly hear one of them say "Boogey something" and "call for back-up"
See here
Prime 1 has some additional voice work in the European version. And let's not forget: "The Last Metroid is in captivity, the Galaxy is at peace"
I don't mind a little speach samples here and there in Metroid games, I just don't like the fully spoken dialogue; I even turned off the voice acting in the options menu of MP3. But that's not even my main problem, though. I didn't like that people were talking to Samus at all, either by text or by voice acting. MP3 just doesn't feel like a Metroid game with that added dialogue. Metroid games are all about isolation. In the original Metroid, Super Metroid, and Metroid Prime, that isolation was evident throughout the entire game. That's a big part of playing a Metroid game to me. Having characters conversing with or giving orders to Samus just felt very off to me; it felt like they were trying to make the game more like Halo storywise which I simply don't agree with.
Metroid Prime 2, 3 and Fusion disagree with you. And even in Super Metroid you had those teddy bears and that ostrich friends of yours. Prime 3 had to happen, would it not be strange if the Fedaration would not be involved in any of the storyline? The war between the Fedaration and Space Pirates was hinted in the very first Prime. Metroid is about Samus and Samus is a federation hired bounty hunter. And BTW there are some section in Prime 3 that are more scary than anything Prime 1 can muster, so there!
How was it broken?
Level design was more confusing than in Prime 1, to be sure, but it's not bad enough for me to give it flak over.
Inconsistent difficulty? Yeah, I agree, as I've stated. The energy controller boss is a bit too dangerous in the beginning, and the Boost Ball boss is ridiculous, since the air is killing you the whole time and the boss is extremely hard to avoid.
I thought the air was a nice feature, however annoying. The only bad part is that you might end up standing in a beacon's light for a long time to replenish health. But the air problem goes away close to the end of the game, anyway.
If Steel not buy, Beaver am cry. Don't listen to the rebel.
He was criticizing Prime 3, so you can't use that in your rebuttal.
I also think that Prime 3 didn't feel enough like a Metroid game. To me, it felt like it strayed too close to an FPS from what the first two games were, and it also felt more linear, even with item collection! It seems like you can pick up most of the power-ups without going out of your way, unlike in the first two Primes, and this downplays exploration. Heck, as far as exploration goes, the environments felt too linear, as well. Is it just me, or do others agree on these points?
Now as far as the voice acting goes... I'd rather they hadn't included that much. The Federation guys sound really cheesey, and the captain/commander/whatever uses the word "damn" at the beginning, with there not being any additional profanities in the entire game before or after (or at most one more, but I don't remember). It's like they just wanted to use one because they could. How many game series previously ok for kids to play contain only one instance of profanity? "Hey, our game's going to be rated T anyway, so let's throw in one of these words just 'cuz!"
Regarding isolation... in no other Metroid game do we come anywhere close to having as much interpersonal interaction and such happen. The ship and Norion at the beginning and the deployment of soldiers on a planet later on just make it seem very unlike any Metroid game prior. MP2 had "people", but they just stood there and their only function was to point you in the right direction. In Fusion, it was a ship's computer--not even a person--and the environment made me feel extremely isolated and in tons of danger. The dialogue with the other hunters in Prime 3 was also a little overkill for a Metroid game, IMO.
Note to Retro: Never, ever put people in your games if they're going to have faces like they did in Prime 3!
Prime 3 didn't have to involve the Federation at all, IMO.
My assessment of Prime 3 as I was playing it for the first time was that it was too different from what the first two games were, and I hoped--and still hope--that future 3D Metroid titles are more like the first two than the third. The third had way too many changes to the formula from the last game in the series, and it just didn't feel like Metroid to me (the PED suit was WAAAAAAAAY too useful, for example, and just flying from place to place was quite different). I like the game, and I suppose I'd go back to it sooner than to either of the first two, but that's not because I think it's a better Metroid game. I don't think that.
Quiet, you. This is the premiere vintage game discussion site. What do you want us to talk about, the LBP servers that are down?
Thanks all for the input, guys. I'll hunt down a copy of the first Metroid Prime. See if I can manage to play it long enough. Are puzzles hard? Is the game hard, overall?
The spiky melons were ridiculous. It wasn't so much not liking Bryyo, as it feeling too much like worlds in past games. It was like, I've played this, I want to see what's new.
Well that's weird. Unless your HDTV has uber fuck scaling it wont look nearly as good. It could be the component picture through your socket at the back of the CRT. For instance you can get a different quality picture through different sockets on a TV, whether they are the same type of connection or not. Weird that it has components yet no progressive. Have you tried fiddling about with the picture settings on your TV and Wii, tuning everything, trying the picture modes etc?
Damn I hate S-video, it's crap. I feel bad that you guys don't have RGB Scart. It's like componenet without the progressive scan but on a great TV you don't see the difference. Component with progressive is smoother though, but an HDTV still makes everything look worse.
Here is a great test, play Wii on both TVs using a cube game that you know for a fact doesn't have progressive scan. There should be a pretty big difference. Oh yeah and No More Heroes is a good test, sure its overworld looks like ASS whatever TV you put it on but some of the individual levels look good on an SD set and like ass on an HD set. You can clearly see how an HDTV magnified and duplicated imperfections and drops the sharpness and makes everything blurry and jaggy.
I agree. Punk sounds like he found it too hard like a cry baby.
It was a challenge for sure and the key quests could have had more motive. But it was satisfying, deep and challenging. In some ways I found it better than the first which was a pussified version. Now I'm sounding like Iga
I'm just kidding Punko!