MTV interviews Miyamoto: continued
Thinks Galaxy and Twilight Princess could have been even less conservative. Praises Portal
Burnout Paradise To Recieve Offline Multiplayer
8-Player Party Mode, to be specific.
Deadly Creatures Exclusive hands on
"Snap a lizard neck like King Kong"
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It seems that the TR:Underworld demo is already up. I'll have to try it tonight. Have to see Lara wet.
Everytime I read those Edge reviews it pains me not having access to the magazine here. All I get are crappy Spain editions from 2 months ago.
And Fallout 3 is getting positive reviews all over the internets. How bizarre. We'll have to wait for the implosion of game perception in about 10 days.
Ding Dong, the witch is dead!
Ahahahahaaaaaaaa! Finally! People, rejoice on the streets because I have finally beaten badgirl from No More Heroes and I am the No.2 ranked assasin!
Really satisfying to beat this *****. Quite a tense battle too. If the game had more bits like this and less bits like coconut collectiing, it could genuinely be great.
I was just reacting to his statement that Metroid games were about Isolation. So I can use it as a rebuttal and I did use it, so there
The feeling is not a fact Beaver. I played all the Metroid and I play Metroid like I play all my games, doing everything I am not supposed to do. For instance I tried to sequence breaking Twilight Princess and I found that it is not possible, you can't go to another dungeon before you finish the one before. The Prime 1 and 2 are actually quite linear. You might not feel like it because the line is very "curly", but it is. In Prime 2 you had to visit U-mos after you had returned the energy to each controller, plus you had the language you could not decipher. So you had to find the recording of one of those luminoths.
The 2D Metroid are truly non-linear. In Zero-mission on my 15% run, the first boss I defeated was Ridley. The normal order is Kraid then Ridley. I got my super missiles before facing Kraid, killing him in 3 shots. He went down like a bitch. When the Aurora Unit told me were to go, I always went the other way. It said I should start at Bryyo and I went imediately to Elysia. Sure I could not progress far, but I could go there, enjoy the scenery and have a nice scan. Then the Valhalla, the first moment it was discovered you could go there immediately, sure I did not have enough energy cell, but I went there anyway, why? Because I could. Something not really possible in the previous Primes. So I did explore, is it truly non-linear? No, but neither are the previous Primes!
Damn is now a profanity? Jesus Christ America, your tits are flapping in the wind. Grow a dick
Actually Fusion was worse, because Adam always closed down paths, killing any sense of exploring. And not all the environments were as creepy. In Prime 3 you could explore much more freely than in Fusion.
Faces what faces?
*looks up
Hell no, what have done Beaver!
The Federation had to be in a Metroid game sooner or later. The Federation is not some culture that died hunders of years ago, so it makes sense that they would show up. I mean they are by far the galaxy's biggest power in the Metroid universe, and yet you never meet them? That is not plausible. But do not worry Beaver. I take it you finished Fusion? So we know what is going to happen next with the Fedaration. I should be interesting.
It was different, but that does not mean it is good or bad, just different. And what would the point be in having 3 identical games? My assessment is that Prime 3 is a combo of Fusion and Prime 1. It has the mission structure of Fusion and a AI that is talking to you. And it has the item collecting and exploration of Prime 1. There are some who like Prime 1 better and they are other who hated Prime 1 and prefer Prime 3.
The flying is a stroke of genius. It eliminates walking from one end to the other end. Prime is not a RPG, so walking back and forwards in the old ones did absolutly nothing but to the kill the pacing a few times. The flying would even work in a single planet level design.
I do not agree with you FPS assessment. I think Prime 3 is more Zelda like. Instead of dungeons you had multiple planet, which were as tightly designed as a Zelda dungeon. You had NPC, and even a target practise minigame in the Olympus. Instead of the Ocarina or other warp devices you had you ship. And from my understanding Phantom Hourglass had a giant dungeon you had to visit multiple times, kinda Metroid-ish.
So Beaver in conclusion you are very wrong
Just enter your name and a password at the top right corner of the home page. Glad to have you around, man.
Thanks man, I didn't even realise the 'Register' text was a link lol.
So what is this place, it feels like GG's created a website and it's running from his PC?
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wow mantorok here. awesome!
good to see you mate
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
So why is this the 'last week'? I feel late to the party!!
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You too man.
I've been on the GAF since GS, that place takes a while to get used to but nevertheless it's one of the best places to keep up to date on.
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It's actually yodariquo's coding wizardry wrapped around GG's news feature. Look! We have a counter for genital comments!
Ah, we're moving in a week or so. yoda is overhauling the whole concept with input from everyone here but me. It's going to be awesome, these guys even made a first podcast this weekend.
I lurk a lot there, too bad my register application never went through. It's been almost a year now.
No GG is only a figurehead. Yoda is the one pulling all the strings!
We have more news than GAF and we have no moderators.
Welcome! Yoda has created a new and improved site that will go live next Sunday. It'll include a more features like forums and such. You can read more about this in Yoda's blog:All Aboard the Hype Train
Oh ok, where is it moving to? Don't forget to tell me I've only just got here!
So there's a weekly view on all of the news with a forum strapped to the bottom of it? Quite neat, good job.
I've been struggling to find another substantial game on the Wii since Galaxy and Mario Kart and I'm beginning to lose faith, it seems that my main choices are VC & WiiWare games or puzzle titles, which is a shame.
What you guys playing?
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The new site will be located here:
I've heard nothing but great things about de Blob on Wii. I haven't played it yet, though.
I've been playing retro games lately, mostly the original arcade Donkey Kong (I go on retro kicks every so often), but I'm highly anticipating Animal Crossing: City Folk in a couple weeks. I'm kind of an Animal Crossing nut.
I'm also working on my second play through of Mario Galaxy; I'm trying to get all 121 Stars again.
i played Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on my friends PS3. After initial very positive impressions, I was bored to death with the same formulaic, by numbers gameplay over and over and over. OK so it's got high production values but unless it's a Ubisoft game on the Wii, that's pretty much guaranteed nowadays. This game did nothing for me to justify all the excitement and rave reviews it picked up.
You basically have a lot of jumping on ledges and pillars and through windows ala prince of persia (but without the wall running and jumping and the excitement), a bunch of insultingly easy puzzles (zelda ... this ain't), a lot of shooting (which is not much fun at all with the dual analog and a dodgy camera system), and a few vehicle sequences (army jeep and jet-ski) for variety. Rinse and repeat and repeat. It's basically Lara Croft but done a little better (at least from what i remember of TR). the story isn't anything to write home about either ... your standard indiana jones, the mummy type thing.
this game suffers from the "competend enough but nothing new or different or exciting" syndrome that i think a lot of new games suffer from. i would give it a 7.5
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Hullo Mantorok! About time boyo.
How have you been? I think I must have asked you five times to check this place out. Once I left G-spot, close to a year ago now actually, a bunch of us, like 5 hung out regularly on blogs on 1up and earlier in the year I started this feature where I would collect the weeks news in one blog and we would all chat underneath it. Sort of like a weekly uber thread focused on nothing but news.
You can see an overview here with pictures, it was pretty cool:
Then it became to much effort and 1up wasn't co-operative technically. So Yo bitch, the dariquo made this cool place for us to hang out. And then we all had ideas about how to make a cool place and contribute and had this newspaper idea and Yo has been beavering away in the background making it better. And we about to switch over next week.
I saw your list on NeoGaf and it was pretty slim. I can't remember exactly what you have and don't. There is tons of stuff to get. If you haven't already then get Bully, it's hilarious and instantly became one of my favourite games. Check out some youtube videos:
It has a great style and brand of humour that is very British in many ways, slightly twisted. I've been playing De Blob for a while now, you can get it for £18 on and it's great.
Real-Life Laws don't belong in games. Just look how bad games are that follow gravity.
It was broken by ridiculous misplacement of ammo. I mean there were many parts of the game were I had to restart because there wasn't any ammo and I needed that certain ammo to leave the room.
With the dark world to me it was just really poorly implemented to me.
As for difficulty it just was inconsistent. I mean some of the boss battles were hard others were easy as hell and some of the enemies were harder then the bosses (due to their placement).
To me Metroid (as well as most Nintendo games) try to suck you in the world by using your imagination. I don't feel like explaning but imagine if Fallout 2 had voice acting or Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. Some times words speak louder then voice.
Welcome new member! I'm playing Guilty Gear XX ^ Core, Bleach: Dark Souls, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, and The Witcher.
Earthworm Jim Review - As I've said before as someone who went back and played these old games I can 100% agree with the review. It has a great atmosphere and good graphics but Jim controls so sloppy and it just isn't as good as people say it is. If you want a "cooky" platformer I'd recomend "Dynamite Headdy". It's not the best out there and it does suffer from odd input movements and manueverablity but it is a pretty good games...for the first half of it.
One of the site's forefathers.
Yay! I finally completed No More Heroes. That's two more games off the list. All this talk about backlogs has got to me.
And then I got the normal ending, not the real ending. Travis is taking a dump in the ending and then star wars credits kick in. And then the stadium guy warbles out a tune.
Check it out here from 4:00 minutes:
OMG Brilliant! I just saw the real ending too on youtube
How do you get the good ending?
That scene was more entertaining than star wars, lightsaber wise.
Nooooooooow I'm excited for the sequel
Oh here is the fast forwarded bit in slow motion so you can understand it:
BTW guys when this new site launches I say that we co-ordinate blogs on gamespot, say do them staggered over a prolonged period to let all our old chums know what we are up to and where we are.
So yeah I've decided to start my own blog. You guys can come if you want.
One of the site's forefathers.