MTV interviews Miyamoto: continued
Thinks Galaxy and Twilight Princess could have been even less conservative. Praises Portal
Burnout Paradise To Recieve Offline Multiplayer
8-Player Party Mode, to be specific.
Deadly Creatures Exclusive hands on
"Snap a lizard neck like King Kong"
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Just wanted to add that all Metroid Prime games are a 9 or better quality game, its just that 2 is a low 9 while the other two are very high 9s. MP2 is not broken in any way, great game.
I see Iga talking about Metroid and it reminds me of me with Zelda. So passionate.
Sure. It'll be fun.
Fallout 3 will suck. It will be about as "hardcore" as this. Truth!
(If link didn't work)
One of the site's forefathers.
Ergh...fucking Far Cry.
It's good so far, but now I can't find a fucking diamond case. WAS IT TOO HARD TO ADD A BLOODY BEEP WHENEVER YOU GOT CLOSE TO THE FUCKING THING?
I ended up downloading Wonder Boy in Monster World. Very enjoyable so far, good pick Raven
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileTo those who have played Bleach: Dark Souls: what do you think of it? I've gone through the annoying story mode and gotten all but five characters. So far... I'm not liking the combat and movesets as much (WTF, they made Byakuya's Senbonzakura a reinforced move no matter which button you press!). Oh, and the story mode stuff sucks. I actually find some of the story mode stuff overly difficult on the normal setting. Hopefully I'll warm up to this like I did to Brawl.
I dug it. The story mode sucked, but the game was pretty damned good.
Yeah, I can agree on the overly difficult for normal stuff - that line jumping mini-game in particular. That was, until I changed my entire deck to "increase mobility" and "restrict line jump" cards. The other characters are also pretty easy to unlock.
I take back what I said about Far Cry. I was being an idiot.
Also Yoda, I sent you a PM. Can you reply ASAP?
Responded. Your PM also reminded me of a last-minute updated I'll need to do on Saturday to draw more attention to the mailbox icon when you have mail.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI'm glad you are enjoying it, Yoda.
Yeah, thanks.
Replied also - can you get on that blog?
...Apparently he did.
Get on it lads!
Yes. The timing last week, however, poses obvious problems for our European brethren, as they are stuck in the middle of the night timing-wise. If we were to get interest in participation from them, either a shift has to be a made as discussed in planning of last week, or we go on without either North America or Australia.
Time zones make podcast sad
Anyway, I'm headed offline for the night. We'll work out further details tomorrow.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYou are reading it wrong Vader, it is not passionate but cold and logical.
BTW I thought you gave the first Prime a 10, did you not?
You know what game is realy broken, the original Metroid. The game is horribly broken. You can't duck, but some enemies are to small to shoot, you have to use bombs. Saving (password in the non GBA version) can only be done after you died. Causing you to start over again with only 30 health. Health must be refilled by standing next to respawning enemies and shooting, collecting, shooting for minutes. And the list goes on.
Okay guys I am going to vist two companies, so I wont be here to update the news.
But before I go, I leave you with this
See you guys later
...I need to play Ur Mr Gay...'s now 20 years since the launch of the Sega Mega Drive.
SALUTE! Play yourself some Mega Drive either today or tomorrow.
Love your avatar Higgins.
I read a review this morning. Said that you were free to approach battles how you wanted but you really start cursing the size of the environments when you have to drive 5-10 minutes in a jeep to your next location. Said it was unfocused and could have been a classic. That is one thing that really bugs me about next gen. They make things big, because they can, for scale, for scope, to make things look epic. And then you have to mindlessly trudge through huge areas just to get to a gameplay spot. It's called godamn game design and some asses need to learn that bigger isn't always better.
I agree about your ratings. I would put MP2 slightly higher than a low low nine though. It was tougher and I think that put a lot of people off.
I will do some updates in a bit.
Truth be told GG, I'm playing some more of the's reminding me a LOT of STALKER. In fact, I'd go as far to say that it's the Western designed version of the game. And that's a good thing.
There are some problems (the scale, and some AI damage issues), but otherwise, I'm liking it.
My balls are stuck together.
Oh, and a BANJO 3 demo?! *Runs to 360.....balls unstick*