Ninokuni book contains hidden secrets
May use special magnifying glass
Toshidan returns to the Wii
Remember that PSX launch title that was a 3D Fighting Game?
Punk Rebel Ecks
Little Big Planet delayed/recalled.
Over some muslim thing, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Don't get me wrong guys I'm not arguing for or against anything else here. I too can't stand oppression, zealots, discrimination, etc. and those are all worthy things to fight against. I'm simply talking about this specific scenario only. The changes requested here are irrelevant to the product itself and since it doesn't alter it in any meaningful way it doesn't really affect free speech either. People temper free speech all the time because you either don't want to offend somebody, seem like a jerk, or just because sometimes it's the polite thing to do.
Morning from Melbourne all.
The Mother 3 translation patch is out. Here's hoping that the game is so good, it makes me want to hate Nintendo even more for not officially releasing it...
Hate leads to not buying the Wii, not buying the Wii leads to not playing Galaxy and Brawl, not playing these games leads to Homer suffering. Stop hating Homer, it will only consume you
Actually there may be another reason for Sony to recall LBP. As others have pointed out the game is rated E so the lyrics in question may be inappropriate for a game of that rating and since they probably want to keep it rated E this would be the best course of action.
We are talking about America here. Violence is okay, sex however........
My post on GS, reposting it here:
Which is just so wrong. Nothing against violence but damn, give sex some props.
Speaking of which. How are they going to filter the user-created content? I can only imagine some of the stuff some people will come up with.
"You underestimated the 7th Thundercat, Mumra!"
"The bravest of us all!"
at that bat-saddle!
"For example, you had those booth babes that were just distributing some stuff - and I saw they were distributing condoms too. And then they were throwing pants! When I saw that I was like, wow! That's great. One day, I want to be able to throw pants to the public. That's one of my main goals."
One of the site's forefathers.
How could you be dissatisfied with quality games like Wipeout HD?
One of the site's forefathers.
But Iga, you're an European! Nintendo hate you just as much as they hate Australia!
Guys guys guys Nintendo doesn't hate you.
All of the gaming publishers hate you. You see? All fair and equal.
One of the site's forefathers.
Anyone care for Dead Space impressions? Well to bad here they are:
Rented Dead Space, YES! Awesome first chapter, this is a cinematic atmospheric masterpiece at the moment. Within seconds I felt totally absorbed into the location and situation of this game. I love the hud system, brilliant. Sound, graphics, presentation all top notch. The only thing that did not jump out at me as pure awesome was the combat, for the moment (again one chapter) it does not feel as intense, as smooth as say RE4. Now comparing anything to RE4 is usually not fair but this game takes so many ideas from that game that the comparison has to be made. So far I have fought a maximum of three enemies at a time, all rather easy. The limb thing is not as cool as I thought it would be, so far it just seems like a weak point rather than a method to make the enemies more intersting as you take them apart piece by piece, many times I just shoot an arm and a leg off and they die, so far its always been two limbs equals death.
So the combat has not got my heart pumping at all but I am in love with the atmosphere, I don't even want to run, I want to slowly walk and soak in all in. On the controls, this is strictly a personal thing, I am now convinced to not use the two stick method for RE5, I didn't like it in my third person games before this but I dislike it even more when my guy is off center. I really like the upgrading system, far more deep than I figured it would be. I didn't even know those powers to slow down an object or move an object existed so I am pleased about that.
I love the game so far, combat might not be top tier but everything else is.
Nintendo are the worst for it. Especially if you have a Wii.
I honestly cannot believe that people are cancelling pre-orders for LBP because of this bullshit. That is fucking retarded.
Why do game developers even bother putting Muslim chants in their games when unneeded? It seems that this has happened with a fair amount of titles (Zack and Wiki being a more recent one). Well okay okay atmosphere but still.
One of the site's forefathers.
This in itself is an argument against the stance of "because Muslims (or anyone else) may find it offensive".
The existence of atheists itself is offensive to many Muslims and Christians, so avoiding offense is out the window for those of us in that category to begin with. Hell, being a woman in public is offensive to plenty of Muslims.
I can't speak for business policy, but on a societal level, there is a lot to be gained by standing up to oversensitive, and an insistence that labelling something religious gets it special rights over everything else. Britain has been getting worse and worse in appeasing these bully tactics by Muslim groups, to the point now where Sharia courts have legal juridiction providing the parties agree to use it, which will consequently result in legally justified sexism.
This treads close to a slippery slope fallacy, but give them an inch, and history has shown they'll take a mile.
BTW, if I had a PS3, I would now get LittleBigPlanet and immediately make a Mohammed level.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileTo: Sony Computer Entertainment & Media Molecule
While reading your latest news story, "Sony delays LittleBigPlanet" in the first line of the third paragraph I noticed something strange in the wording of the sentences. When I read carefully, I was surprised to read a very familiar concept about people being angry about something to do with the Quran. You can read the article here:
The words are:
1- Sony's long-awaited and much-buzzed LittleBigPlanet will be delayed worldwide.
2- According to a now-removed thread on the PlayStation Europe messageboards, the licensed LBP soundtrack song 'Tapha Niang' by Muslim artist Toumani Diabate's Symmetrical Orchestra uses voice excerpts from the Qur'an in its musical composition.
I asked many of my friends online and they read the exact same thing that I read easily when I opened that part of the article. Certain non-crazy hardcore gaming forums are already discussing this, so we decided to take action by emailing you before this spreads to mainstream attention.
We gamers consider the delaying of games due whining about the Holy Quran deeply offending. We hope you would ignore those complaints with the game immediately via an injection of sanity, and make sure that all future shipments of the game disk arrive in stores on time.
We would also like to mention that this isn't the first time something like this has happened in videogames. Nintendo's 1998 hit "Zelda: Ocarina of Time" contained a musical track with Islamic phrases, but it was removed in later shipments of the game after Nintendo was contacted by Muslim organizations. Last year, Capcom's "Zack & Wiki" and Activision's "Call of Duty 4" also contained objectionable material offensive to Muslims that was spotted before the release of the final games, and both companies thankfully removed the content.
We hope you act immediately to avoid any confusion and unnecessary controversy and we thank you for putting an end to these bully tactics.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileMUAHAHAHAHAHA! Matt C. to the rescue!! The one true honest reviewer left, he sees through all the BS, suck it Wii Music!
Considering console's sudden love for patches, why the fuck not release it without delaying it and then patch it?
Then everybody wins, though Sony are still pussys for removing it.
I finally got it!